Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 60 98 61.2

line true false branch
1282 0 82 if ${^TAINT}
1288 0 82 if ${^TAINT}
1293 0 82 length $ENV{'PERL_ANYEVENT_VERBOSE'} ? :
1309 0 0 defined wantarray ? :
1337 0 66 if ($_[0] <= ($VERBOSE || 1))
1384 39 0 $_[1] ? :
1427 2 13 if grep(($_ && $_->[1]), @isa_hook)
1435 1 0 $pkg ? :
1445 0 12 if $MODEL
1453 0 12 if exists $INC{'IO/Async/Loop/'}
1468 0 12 if ($ENV{'PERL_ANYEVENT_MODEL'} =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9:]+)$/)
1470 0 0 unless $model =~ s/::$//
1471 0 0 if (eval "require $model") { }
1480 12 0 unless ($MODEL)
1483 10 40 if (${"${package}::VERSION";} > 0)
1484 10 0 if (eval "require $model") { }
1494 2 10 unless ($MODEL)
1498 2 0 if (eval "require $package" and ${"${package}::VERSION";} > 0 and eval "require $model")
1510 0 2 unless $MODEL
1524 18 30 if defined &{"${MODEL}::$_";}
1531 0 12 if ($ENV{'PERL_ANYEVENT_STRICT'})
1540 0 12 if (length $ENV{'PERL_ANYEVENT_DEBUG_SHELL'})
1583 0 0 $poll eq 'r' ? :
1585 0 0 unless open my $fh2, $mode, $fh
1608 0 2 @_ ? :
1651 0 84 if $@
1676 0 0 if $@
1692 12 27 @_ == 3 ? :
14 58 @_ ? :
1701 0 12 if $@
1712 3 3 unless defined $HAVE_ASYNC_INTERRUPT
1725 0 0 unless ($SIG_COUNT++)
1738 0 9 unless --$SIG_COUNT
1874 8 3 if $@
1890 12 8 unless $PID_CB{$rpid}
1891 18 5 unless $PID_CB{'0'}
1929 1 13 if $@
1972 0 0 if $@
2012 11 77 if $cv->{'_ae_cb'}
2026 43 41 unless ($_[0]{'_ae_sent'})
2027 0 43 if $WAITING
2035 2 82 if $_[0]{'_ae_croak'}
2039 34 48 wantarray ? :
2048 0 2 if @_ and $cv->{'_ae_cb'} = shift() and $cv->{'_ae_sent'}
2055 1 24 if @_ > 1
2059 13 12 if --$_[0]{'_ae_counter'}
2060 11 1 unless $_[0]{'_ae_end_cb'}