Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 25 39 64.1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
240 2 0 11 &blessed($_[1]) and $_[1]->isa('Aniki::Row')
248 1 3 9 $set and %$set
265 1 0 4 &blessed($row) and $row->isa('Aniki::Row')
276 1 0 4 &blessed($row) and $row->isa('Aniki::Row')
300 3 0 1 &blessed($_[0]) and $_[0]->isa('Aniki::Row')
494 28 0 5 ref $key and ref $key eq 'HASH'
532 77 0 8 @$prefetch && !$self->suppress_row_objects && defined wantarray
633 71 0 132 &blessed($v) and $v->isa('SQL::Maker::SQLType')

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
464 79 0 $where //= {}
465 63 16 $opt //= {}
522 85 0 $opt //= {}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
161 63 25 0 $table_row_class{$table_name} //= &try(sub { my $table_row_class = sprintf('%s::%s', $root_row_class, camelize($table_name)); &Module::Load::load($table_row_class); return $table_row_class; } , &catch(sub { die $_ unless /\ACan\'t\ locate/imou; return $root_row_class; } ))
186 0 0 0 $table_result_class{$table_name} //= &try(sub { my $table_result_class = sprintf('%s::%s', $root_result_class, camelize($table_name)); &Module::Load::load($table_result_class); return $table_result_class; } , &catch(sub { die $_ unless /\ACan\'t\ locate/imou; return $root_result_class; } ))
558 79 6 0 $columns //= $sth->{'NAME'}