Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 25 74 33.7

line true false branch
26 0 2 if $^S
30 0 1 unless ($c)
32 0 0 unless join('', @_) =~ /\n/
36 1 0 if ($$c{'angelic'}) { }
38 0 1 if $debug
42 0 0 if $debug
51 1 0 if ($c)
52 1 0 if ($$c{'angelic'}) { }
53 0 1 if $debug
56 0 0 if $debug
67 0 0 unless $debug
75 0 1 if $debug
77 0 1 $cv ? :
91 0 1 if (ref $gs eq 'B::NULL') { }
0 1 elsif (ref $gs ne 'B::COP') { }
124 0 1 if ($debug > 1)
127 0 0 unless exists ${'B::CV';}{'NAME'}
128 0 0 unless exists ${'B::NV';}{'int_value'}
131 0 0 $cv ? :
144 0 2 unless $up
146 0 2 unless $op and ref $op eq 'B::COP'
150 0 2 unless $x and ref $x eq 'B::UNOP'
152 0 2 unless $x and ref $x eq 'B::LOGOP' and $x->name =~ /^(cond_expr|and)$/
157 1 1 if ($upper)
159 0 0 unless $cx and ref $cx eq 'CODE'
167 0 3 if 1 != $#_
170 2 1 if (not $charged) { }
172 0 1 if $debug
175 1 0 unless (exists $patched{$$op})
187 0 1 if $debug
190 0 2 if $$c{'state'} > $#_
200 0 0 if 1 != $#_
203 0 0 if (not $charged) { }
205 0 0 if $debug
208 0 0 unless (exists $patched{$$op})
220 0 0 if $debug
223 0 0 if $$c{'state'} > $#_