Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 31 214 14.4

line true false branch
479 1 0 ref $options[0] ? :
483 1 0 if ($self->get_service_url_base)
487 0 1 unless $self->get_service
496 0 1 if ($self->is_botocore_api)
514 1 0 if ('Log::Log4perl'->initialized) { }
520 0 0 if ($logger->can("level"))
558 0 0 if (not ref $response and $response->can("content"))
567 0 0 if ($content)
570 0 0 if ($content_type =~ /json/imsx) { }
0 0 elsif ($content_type =~ /xml/imsx) { }
585 0 0 if (not $decoded_content or $Amazon::API::EVAL_ERROR)
588 0 0 if (not $decoded_content or $Amazon::API::EVAL_ERROR)
590 0 0 $self->get_force_array ? :
607 0 0 if (ref $content and $serializer)
615 0 0 if ($output->{'resultWrapper'})
632 0 0 if (not $content or $Amazon::API::EVAL_ERROR)
633 0 0 if ($self->get_raise_serialization_errors) { }
662 0 0 if ($shape_name =~ /Botocore::Shape::([^:]+)::([^:]+)$/msx) { }
691 0 0 $location && $location eq $type ? :
719 0 0 unless $action
722 0 0 unless $parameters
725 0 0 unless $self->is_botocore_api($action)
735 0 0 unless $class
785 0 0 if $request_shape_name and $request_shape_name ne $shape
791 0 0 if (not $request_shape_name and $self->is_botocore_api)
793 0 0 if (not $boto_request) { }
811 0 0 if (not $request_shape_name) { }
817 0 0 if ($protocol =~ /rest\-(xml|json)/msx)
833 0 0 if (defined $input->{'xmlNamespace'})
860 0 0 if ($protocol =~ /^rest\-(json|xml)/msx)
866 0 0 if (not $request_shape_name) { }
869 0 0 unless exists $parameters{$p}
879 0 0 if ($request_shape_name) { }
896 0 0 if (my $var = $self->is_uri_param($request_shape_name, $p))
917 0 0 if ($request_shape_name)
923 0 0 if (my $var = $self->is_query_param($request_shape_name, $p))
935 0 0 if (keys %query_parameters)
942 0 0 unless (keys %{$shape_parameters;})
961 0 0 if ($method ne "POST" and not keys %parameters)
999 0 0 if (&any(sub {
0 0 elsif (ref $parameters and &reftype($parameters) eq 'HASH') { }
1003 0 0 if ($content_type =~ /json/msx) { }
0 0 elsif ($content_type =~ /xml/msx) { }
1008 0 0 unless ref $content and keys %{$content;}
1031 0 0 if (ref $args[0] and &reftype($args[0]) eq 'HASH') { }
1055 0 0 if &blessed($parameters) and not $self->is_botocore_api
1067 0 0 if ($self->is_botocore_api) { }
0 0 elsif (not $content_type) { }
1068 0 0 if ($use_paginator)
1106 0 0 if ($parameters)
1134 0 0 unless ($rsp->is_success)
1147 0 0 if ($self->get_print_error)
1151 0 0 if ($self->get_raise_error)
1166 0 0 unless $self->get_decode_always
1170 0 0 if ($use_paginator)
1187 0 0 unless $$result{$paginator->{'more_results'}}
1195 0 0 $limit ? :
1203 0 0 if ($Amazon::API::EVAL_ERROR)
1204 0 0 if ($self->get_raise_serialization_errors) { }
1214 0 0 if $use_paginator
1218 0 0 unless $paginator and $use_paginator
1223 0 0 unless ($$results{$paginator->{'more_results'}})
1240 0 0 if ($error and ref($error) =~ /Amazon::API::Error/msx) { }
1247 0 0 ref $response ? :
1264 0 0 if ($credentials->can("is_token_expired"))
1265 0 0 if ($credentials->is_token_expired)
1267 0 0 unless ($self->can("refresh_token") and $credentials->refresh_token)
1294 0 0 if ($botocore_protocol =~ /^rest\-(json|xml)/msx)
1295 0 0 unless $self->get_request_uri
1311 0 0 if ($self->get_api or $self->get_target_prefix)
1318 0 0 if (my $token = $self->get_valid_token)
1380 1 4 if ($parameters and not ref $parameters) { }
1 3 elsif ($parameters and &reftype($parameters) eq 'HASH') { }
3 0 elsif ($parameters and &reftype($parameters) eq 'ARRAY') { }
1385 0 2 if (ref $parameters->{$key} and &reftype($parameters->{$key}) eq 'ARRAY') { }
1397 1 2 if (&any(sub {
1 1 elsif (&any(sub {
1411 4 1 if ($action and not &any(sub {
1415 4 1 if ($version and not &any(sub {
1428 0 0 keys %options ? :
1449 0 0 if &any(sub {
1452 0 0 if &any(sub {
1455 0 0 if &any(sub {
1467 0 1 if ($self->get_api_methods)
1485 0 0 unless ($stash->{$method})
1494 0 0 unless ($stash->{$api})
1518 0 0 if defined *{$sub_name;}{"CODE"}
1521 0 0 if ($self->get_logger and $self->get_logger->can($level)) { }
1537 1 0 if (not $self->get_logger || 'Log::Log4perl'->initialized) { }
1545 0 1 $self->get_log_file ? :
1573 1 0 unless ($self->get_user_agent)
1577 1 0 unless (defined $self->get_decode_always)
1580 0 0 unless ($self->get_decode_always or defined $self->get_force_array)
1591 1 0 unless (defined $self->get_region)
1600 0 1 $debug ? :
1604 0 1 unless ($self->get_credentials)
1605 0 0 if ($self->has_keys(%options)) { }
1624 0 0 unless (defined $self->get_region)
1646 0 1 if ($botocore_metadata and $botocore_metadata->{'globalEndpoint'}) { }
1653 0 1 if (&any(sub {
1 0 elsif ($self->get_region) { }
1676 1 0 if (not $url) { }
1680 0 0 unless ($url =~ /^https?/imsx)
1702 0 0 unless ($target)
1703 0 0 $version ? :
1731 0 0 if ($self->get_http_method ne 'GET' or not defined $content) { }
1732 0 0 if ($content_type)