Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 28 39 71.7

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
327 21 6 9 $self->subset($supplied) && !$self->equal($supplied)
336 21 6 9 $self->superset($supplied) && !$self->equal($supplied)
415 2 6 8 $member >= $lower and $member <= $upper
712 0 0 28 $self->size and $supplied->size
801 9 3 2 defined $min_d and $d == $min_d
839 0 0 0 $end < $count and $list[$end] <= $list[$end - 1] + 1
878 0 4 722 defined $supplied and ref $supplied eq 'AlignDB::IntSpanXS'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
39 0 0 0 ref $this || $this
344 0 8 13 $index == 0 or abs $index > $self->cardinality
619 1 0 13 $self->is_empty or $self->is_universal
723 24 3 2 not defined $min_d or $d < $min_d
800 9 5 3 not defined $min_d or $d <= $min_d
819 2 3 8 $index == 0 or abs $index > $self->span_size