Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 16 48 33.3

line true false branch
23 16 4 if ($have_lib and $alien_lib->install_type eq "share")
33 0 0 if ($^O =~ /mswin/i and not $ENV{'PROJSO'} and "Alien::gdal"->version lt 3)
36 0 0 if ($have_proj)
47 4 0 if ("Alien::gdal"->version ge 3)
48 4 0 if "Alien::proj"->can("bin_dirs")
50 0 4 if ($have_spatialite and "Alien::spatialite"->version ge 5)
51 0 0 if "Alien::spatialite"->can("bin_dirs")
56 0 4 if ($have_geos and $^O =~ /bsd/ and "Alien::geos::af"->install_type eq "share")
65 0 0 unless grep {/^$libdir$/;} grep({defined $_;} @Alien::gdal::LD_LIBRARY_PATH)
69 0 0 if not grep({/^$libdir$/;} grep({defined $_;} @Alien::gdal::DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH))
91 11 20 if $seen{$lib}
104 2 0 if ($have_geos)
116 2 0 if ($have_geos)
154 1 0 if "Alien::proj"->can("bin_dirs")
158 1 0 if @alien_bins
168 1 0 if ($self->install_type eq "share")
174 0 1 if ($^O =~ /mswin/i) { }
175 0 0 if ($utility =~ /\s/)
193 0 1 unless (-d $path)
197 0 0 if (-d $self->dist_dir . "/lib/pkgconfig")
201 0 0 if ($o->errmsg) { }
206 0 0 if ($path =~ m[/data$])
209 0 0 if (not -d $path and -d $alt_path)
217 0 1 unless defined $path and -d $path