Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 36 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
44 0 0 0 $^O =~ /^(?:qnx|nto|cygwin)$/ and $path =~ s[^(//[^/]+)(/|\z)][/]s
143 0 0 0 defined $_ and -d $_
0 0 0 defined $_ and -d $_ and -w _
148 0 0 0 defined $tmpdir && $self->canonpath($tmpdir)
305 0 0 0 $directory ne '' and $file ne ''
0 0 0 $directory ne '' and $file ne '' and substr($directory, -1) ne '/'
0 0 0 $directory ne '' and $file ne '' and substr($directory, -1) ne '/' and substr($file, 0, 1) ne '/'
373 0 0 0 @pathchunks and @basechunks
0 0 0 @pathchunks and @basechunks and $pathchunks[0] eq $basechunks[0]
388 0 0 0 $path ne '' and $base ne ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
359 0 0 0 not defined $base or $base eq ''
429 0 0 0 not defined $base or $base eq ''