Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 191 220 86.8

line true false branch
27 1 338 defined $args{'patch'} ? :
45 19 320 if ($args{'meta_prop'})
61 19 319 if (-r $rcfile)
68 1 337 unless (-r $alienfile)
77 18 319 if $name eq ""
92 1 336 if defined $ENV{'ALIEN_BUILD_PRELOAD'}
97 0 337 if defined $ENV{'ALIEN_BUILD_POSTLOAD'}
108 1 1706 ref $preload eq 'CODE' ? :
118 15 322 if $@
123 1 967 ref $postload eq 'CODE' ? :
127 320 2 unless (defined $self->meta->prop->{'arch'})
132 319 3 unless (defined $self->meta->prop->{'network'})
137 1 318 if defined $ENV{'ALIEN_INSTALL_NETWORK'} and not $ENV{'ALIEN_INSTALL_NETWORK'}
140 318 4 unless (defined $self->meta->prop->{'local_source'})
142 283 35 if (not defined $self->meta->prop->{'start_url'}) { }
20 15 elsif ($self->meta->prop->{'start_url'} =~ /^([a-z]{2,}):/i) { }
246 8 467 unless -d $root
262 6 279 if ($self->meta_prop->{'destdir'}) { }
288 129 2 if (not defined $h{$mod} or $ver > $h{$mod})
302 129 111 $phase =~ /^(?:any|configure)$/ ? :
318 12 62 if ($eval) { }
321 9 3 if $@
329 0 57 if $ver and not $mod->VERSION($ver)
332 16 41 if $mod eq "Alien::Build"
333 1 40 if $mod eq "Alien::Base"
335 2 38 if ($mod->can("bin_dir"))
340 2 38 if ($mod->can("runtime_prop") and $mod->runtime_prop or $mod->isa("Alien::Base") and $mod->install_type("share"))
345 2 2 if (-d $path)
351 0 2 if (-d $path)
354 0 0 if ($^O eq "MSWin32")
365 0 40 if ($mod eq "Alien::Autotools" and $mod->can("aclocal_dir"))
370 2 38 if ($mod->can("alien_helper"))
398 137 520 if defined $ENV{'ACLOCAL_PATH'}
403 384 273 ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? :
422 3 142 if $env eq "default"
424 3 142 if ($env eq 'share') { }
442 51 73 if ($_[0] eq 'system') { }
446 30 72 if (exists $self->hook_prop->{$name} and defined $self->hook_prop->{$name})
463 91 51 unless defined $type
466 27 118 if ($error)
468 1 26 if ($env eq "system")
478 1 143 if ($env and $env ne $type)
483 0 143 unless ($type =~ /^(system|share)$/)
488 1 91 if ($type eq "share" and not $self->meta_prop->{'network'} and not $self->meta_prop->{'local_source'})
505 10 48 unless $self->install_type eq "share"
506 0 48 if $self->install_prop->{'complete'}{'download'}
508 36 12 if ($self->meta->has_hook('download')) { }
525 2 33 if ($count == 0) { }
32 1 elsif ($count == 1) { }
532 0 32 if (-d $archive) { }
559 33 0 if $valid
600 0 77 unless (defined $archive)
607 6 71 if ($self->meta_prop->{'out_of_source'})
611 3 3 if defined $extract and -d $extract
630 1 2 if ($self->meta_prop->{'out_of_source'} and $self->install_prop->{'extract'})
635 112 0 if not $_->basename =~ /^\./
639 1 73 if ($count == 0) { }
28 45 elsif ($count == 1 and -d $list[0]) { }
660 73 0 $ret ? :
677 30 12 if ($self->install_type eq 'share') { }
12 0 elsif ($self->install_type eq 'system') { }
682 48 12 unless $self->meta_prop->{'destdir'}
684 52 8 unless $self->meta_prop->{'env'}
685 58 2 unless $self->install_prop->{'env'}
687 2 58 if ($self->meta_prop->{'env_interpolate'})
703 6 54 if ($self->meta_prop->{'out_of_source'}) { }
712 12 48 if ($self->meta_prop->{'destdir'})
720 12 48 if $destdir
760 4 2 if ($self->install_type eq 'share') { }
764 4 3 if ($self->meta->has_hook("test$suffix"))
767 0 4 unless $dir and -d $dir
775 2 0 if ($self->meta->has_hook("test_system"))
789 2 1 if ($self->install_type eq "share")
809 1 1 scalar @args ? :
835 7573 1012 if ref $class
871 339 210 if defined $new
885 249 18 if (not defined $old or $version > $old)
895 0 112 if (defined $new) { }
49 63 elsif (not defined $self->{'intr'}) { }
897 0 0 if (defined $self->{'intr'})
901 0 0 if (ref $new) { }
929 2883 56 if (ref $instr eq 'CODE') { }
56 0 elsif (ref $instr eq 'ARRAY') { }
983 1317 999 if (my $old = $self->{'around'}{$name}) { }
1028 657 0 ref $_[0] ? :
1032 301 356 unless $self->{'hook'}{$name}
1034 301 356 if (@hooks == 0)
1036 234 67 if (defined $self->{'default_hook'}{$name}) { }
11 56 elsif (not $args{'all'}) { }
1050 605 0 if (eval { do { $args[0]->isa("Alien::Build") } })
1059 326 279 if $args{'before'}
1060 594 11 if (ref $hook eq 'CODE') { }
1064 105 462 if $args{'verify'}
1073 4 4 if $args{'verify'}
1075 2 9 defined $args{'ok'} ? :
1079 326 279 if $args{'after'}
1080 5 600 if ($args{'all'}) { }
1082 0 5 if $error
1086 33 567 if $error
1087 73 494 if $args{'continue'} and $args{'continue'}->($value)
1092 28 124 if $error and not $args{'all'}
1106 1 2820 if ($name =~ /^=(.*)$/)
1114 26 0 unless ($name =~ /::/ or $found)
1119 0 100 if ref $inc
1121 22 78 if (-r $file)
1131 2798 23 unless ($found)
1138 390 2431 unless $class->can("new")
1159 0 293 unless -d $root
1173 169 124 if (-d $self->{'dir'} and $self->{'dir'}->children == 0)
1175 0 169 unless rmdir $self->{'dir'}