Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 26 28 92.8

line true false branch
45 117 0 if (my $phase = $caller->meta->{'phase'})
47 1 116 if $phase ne "any"
91 1 164 unless $meta->{'phase'} eq $phase
206 1 21 if $phase eq "configure"
209 4 17 if ($suffix eq '_ffi') { }
215 10 7 if $phase =~ /^(any|system)$/
216 13 4 if $phase =~ /^(any|share)$/
265 2 21 if $phase eq "any" or $phase eq "configure"
270 14 7 if ($phase eq 'share') { }
7 0 elsif ($phase eq 'system') { }
310 2 18 unless defined $modifiers{$stage}
311 2 16 unless defined $sub and ref $sub eq "CODE"
315 2 14 unless defined $modifiers{$stage}{$meta->{'phase'}}
320 2 12 if ($suffix eq "_ffi" and $stage eq "gather")