Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 97 150 64.6

line true false branch
30 7 5 ref $alien ? :
31 1 11 unless defined $name
38 11 1 if (defined $alien) { }
45 10 1 if ($ok)
80 6 0 ref $command ? :
94 5 1 if (defined $exe) { }
103 1 4 if ($exit == -1) { }
1 3 elsif ($exit & 127) { }
121 3 2 $ok ? :
134 1 5 unless (@aliens)
149 0 23 $class->can($static) && $class->can('install_type') && $class->install_type eq 'share' && !$class->can('xs_load') ? :
157 8 6 if defined $_[-1] and ref $_[-1] eq "CODE"
161 8 6 unless ref $xs
177 4 10 if ($skip)
181 2 2 if $cb
186 0 10 if ($xs->{'cpp'} or $xs->{'C++'}) { }
199 0 10 $^O =~ /^(MSWin32|cygwin|msys)$/ ? :
209 6 4 if ($xs->{'xs'} =~ /\bTA_MODULE\b/)
212 1 5 unless defined $count
224 8 2 if ($xs->{'xs'} =~ /^MODULE\s*=\s*([\w:]+)(?:\s+PACKAGE\s*=\s*([\w:]+))?(?:\s+PREFIX\s*=\s*(\S+))?\s*$/m) { }
227 4 4 if $verbose
235 8 2 if ($ok)
257 4 4 if $verbose
258 4 4 if $verbose
259 0 8 if $verbose and $err
261 0 8 unless ($pxs->report_error_count == 0)
265 0 0 if $err
270 1 9 unless @aliens
272 8 2 if ($ok)
278 8 0 defined $config{'lddlflags'} ? :
288 1 7 if (defined $compile_options{'extra_compiler_flags'} and ref $compile_options{'extra_compiler_flags'} eq "")
302 4 4 if $verbose
303 4 4 if $verbose
304 0 8 if $verbose and $err
306 0 8 if ($verbose > 1)
311 1 7 unless ($obj)
315 1 0 if $err
319 7 1 if ($ok)
328 0 7 if (defined $link_options{'extra_linker_flags'} and ref $link_options{'extra_linker_flags'} eq "")
342 4 3 if $verbose
343 4 3 if $verbose
344 0 7 if $verbose and $err
346 0 7 if ($verbose > 1)
351 7 0 if ($lib and -f $lib) { }
353 4 3 if $xs->{'verbose'}
359 0 0 if $err
363 7 0 if ($ok)
371 0 7 unless move($lib, "$libpath")
380 1 6 if ($alien_with_xs_load) { }
427 0 7 if (my $error = $@)
441 6 4 if ($cb)
447 1 5 unless $ok
464 0 6 if $^O eq "MSWin32"
482 0 0 if defined $_[-1] and ref $_[-1] eq "CODE"
494 0 0 if $opt->{'ignore_not_found'}
495 0 0 if $opt->{'lang'}
496 0 0 if defined $opt->{'api'} and $opt->{'api'} > 0
497 0 0 unless (eval { do { require FFI::Platypus; "FFI::Platypus"->VERSION($min) } })
504 0 0 if ($ok and $opt->{'lang'})
512 0 0 if ($@)
519 0 0 unless (@aliens)
524 0 0 if ($ok)
533 0 0 if defined $opt->{'api'}
537 0 0 unless $opt->{'symbols'}
539 0 0 unless ($ffi->find_symbol($symbol))
549 0 0 if ($skip) { }
561 0 0 if ($cb)
567 0 0 unless $ok
585 12 0 if ($alien->can("alien_helper"))
613 1 5 unless @aliens
633 1 7 if ($error) { }
2 5 elsif (ref $pattern eq 'Regexp') { }
642 1 1 unless $ok
647 1 4 unless $ok
652 1 7 unless @aliens