Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 31 50 62.0

line true false branch
35 0 214 unless -e $File::Find::name
37 26 188 if $opt->{'filter'} and not "$src" =~ /$opt->{'filter'}/
38 35 153 if "$src" eq "."
41 3 150 if (-l "$src") { }
57 93 elsif (-d "$src") { }
93 0 elsif (-f "$src") { }
43 0 3 unless (-d $dst->parent)
45 0 0 if $opt->{'verbose'}
49 0 3 if (-e "$dst")
52 0 3 if $opt->{'verbose'}
53 0 3 unless symlink $target, $dst
57 9 48 if ($opt->{'empty_directory'})
59 9 0 unless (-d $dst)
61 0 9 if $opt->{'verbose'}
62 0 9 unless mkdir $dst
68 51 42 unless (-d $dst->parent)
70 13 38 if $opt->{'verbose'}
74 0 93 if (-e "$dst")
76 21 72 if $opt->{'verbose'}
77 0 93 unless File::Copy::cp("$src", "$dst")
78 0 0 if ($] < "5.012" and -x "$src" and $^O ne "MSWin32")
94 0 29 if (eval { do { require YAML } }) { }
108 0 16 if $^O eq "MSWin32"
131 0 6 unless "Net::SSLeay"->VERSION($reqs{'Net::SSLeay'})
133 0 6 unless "IO::Socket::SSL"->VERSION($reqs{'IO::Socket::SSL'})