Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 17 20 85.0

line true false branch
31 5 25 if -d "bin"
35 6 54 if -d "$dir/pkgconfig"
49 12 48 if ($build->meta_prop->{'destdir'}) { }
52 8 4 if (-d $destdir) { }
71 6 2 $type eq 'share' ? :
78 0 4 if $type eq "share"
93 152 40 unless defined $build->runtime_prop->{$flag}
108 0 42 unless $build->install_prop->{'stage'}
120 42 0 if ($build->meta->filename and -r $build->meta->filename and not $build->meta->filename =~ /\.(pm|pl)$/ and not -d $build->meta->filename)
129 1 41 if ($build->install_prop->{'patch'} and -d $build->install_prop->{'patch'})