Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 153 262 58.4

line true false branch
58 9 5 if (defined $ENV{'ALIEN_INSTALL_TYPE'}) { }
2 3 elsif (defined $ENV{'ALIEN_FORCE'}) { }
60 3 6 if ($ENV{'ALIEN_INSTALL_TYPE'} eq 'share') { }
3 3 elsif ($ENV{'ALIEN_INSTALL_TYPE'} eq 'system') { }
206 2 36 if (not defined $ENV{'ALIEN_INSTALL_TYPE'} || defined $ENV{'ALIEN_FORCE'} and defined $self->alien_install_type)
207 1 1 if ($self->alien_install_type eq 'share') { }
1 0 elsif ($self->alien_install_type eq 'system') { }
215 38 0 unless defined $self->alien_helper->{'pkg_config'}
224 0 38 if ($ab_version < "0.77")
232 36 2 if ($Force or not $self->alien_check_installed_version)
233 4 59 ref $_ ? :
29 7 if (&any(sub { /(?alien_build_commands;})))
237 0 36 if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' and $self->config_data('autoconf') || $self->alien_msys) { }
246 1 6 if ($tool eq "Alien::CMake" and $version < "0.07")
254 1 35 ref $args{'alien_repository'} eq 'ARRAY' ? :
258 31 5 unless defined $repo
259 2 3 if (($repo->{'protocol'} || '') eq "https")
271 38 0 if ($ENV{'AUTOMATED_TESTING'})
277 4 63 ref $_ ? :
0 38 if (&any(sub { /(?alien_build_commands;})))
292 6 0 unless (-d $temp_dir)
293 0 6 unless mkdir $temp_dir
297 6 0 unless (-d $share_dir)
298 0 6 unless mkdir $share_dir
308 0 6 unless open my $fh, ">", "README"
330 0 0 ref $cmd ? :
336 0 0 ref $cmd ? :
346 0 4 if ($self->notes('ACTION_alien_completed')) { }
358 4 0 unless (-e $file)
380 0 4 if ($self->alien_arch)
383 0 0 unless -d $arch_dir
389 3 1 if $self->alien_stage_install
397 4 0 if $self->notes("alien_blib_scheme") or $self->alien_stage_install
404 0 3 unless $ae->extract
419 4 0 unless $self->config_data("Force")
422 1 3 if ($version)
426 1 0 if defined $self->alien_provides_cflags
428 1 0 if defined $self->alien_provides_libs
434 0 3 if ($self->config_data("ForceSystem"))
453 0 3 unless (defined $file)
462 0 3 unless $filename
470 3 0 if ($file->platform eq "src")
472 0 3 unless ($self->alien_do_commands("build"))
490 3 0 unless (defined $version)
495 1 0 unless ($version or $pc_version)
505 0 2 if ($version and $pc_version and &versioncmp($version, $pc_version))
520 0 0 if ($self->config_data("install_type") eq "share")
521 0 0 if (defined(my $wdir = $self->config_data("working_directory")))
523 0 0 unless $self->alien_do_commands("test")
538 0 1 if ($self->alien_stage_install) { }
550 1 3 if $self->config_data("install_type") eq "system"
555 0 3 if (defined $destdir and not $self->alien_stage_install)
569 0 3 unless (-e "README")
574 3 0 unless ($self->config_data("finished_installing"))
578 0 3 if defined $destdir and not $self->alien_stage_install
580 0 3 unless $self->alien_do_commands("install")
584 0 3 if ($self->alien_isolate_dynamic)
587 0 0 unless -d "dynamic"
589 0 0 unless -d $dir
591 0 0 unless /\.so/
596 0 0 if -e $to
607 3 0 if ($self->notes('alien_blib_scheme') or $self->alien_stage_install) { }
650 3 0 if (ref $repo_specs eq "HASH")
664 0 3 unless (@$repo_specs)
676 0 0 if defined $repo->{$key}
680 3 0 unless defined $repo->{'platform'}
686 0 0 if ($repo->{'protocol'} eq $var_protocol)
699 0 3 unless (@repos)
713 1 6 unless defined $platform
716 4 2 if ($platform eq "src")
728 0 2 $self->alien_arch ? :
104 2 $self->notes('alien_blib_scheme') || $self->alien_stage_install ? :
743 3 1 if $self->alien_stage_install
744 0 1 if defined $ENV{'ALIEN_BLIB'}
753 0 1 unless @dirs
755 1 0 if ($dirs[1] and $dirs[1] eq "lib")
788 1 1 unless (eval { do { $mod->can("new") } })
793 1 0 if $version
796 1 1 if ($mod->can("alien_helper"))
800 1 3 if defined $self->alien_helper->{$k}
812 0 12 if ($self->config_data("msys"))
823 0 1 if ($mod eq 'Alien::MSYS') { }
0 1 elsif ($mod eq 'Alien::TinyCC') { }
0 1 elsif ($mod eq 'Alien::Autotools') { }
1 0 elsif (eval { do { $mod->can('bin_dir') } }) { }
847 0 12 if ($self->config_data("autoconf") and not defined $ENV{'CONFIG_SITE'})
853 0 0 if $^O eq "darwin"
872 0 0 if $^O eq "MSWin32"
880 6 3 defined $value ? :
885 4 8 if ($config)
886 0 4 if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { }
900 11 1 ref $command ? :
922 0 8 unless ($result{'success'})
935 30 12 ref $_[-1] ? :
953 12 30 $verbose ? :
966 42 0 wantarray ? :
972 1 43 unless defined $code
974 41 2 if (ref $code ne "CODE")
978 1 40 if $@
1007 0 94 if $^O eq "MSWin32"
1012 2 92 if ($string =~ /(?
1014 1 1 if (not defined $version) { }
1031 0 95 if ($self->is_windowsish) { }
1041 0 94 if ($self->config_data('msys')) { }
1046 94 0 if ($self->alien_autoconf_with_pic)
1068 0 3 unless $pc_objects{'_manual'} = $self->alien_generate_manual_pkgconfig($dir)
1080 0 3 unless $pc_objects->{'_manual'} = $self->alien_generate_manual_pkgconfig($dir)
1102 9 1 unless ($provides_libs)
1115 0 10 if $provides_cflags
1151 2 12 if $libs
1165 8 72 unless $ext
1169 32 40 if ($ext eq ".h")
1176 14 26 if (@libs)
1177 8 6 unless &any(sub { $file eq $_; } , @libs)
1180 12 20 if &any(sub { $file eq $_; } , @lib_files)
1200 0 0 unless $self->create_packlist
1203 0 0 if defined $self->destdir
1217 0 0 if defined $self->destdir
1220 0 0 if $packlist->{$file}
1226 0 0 if $changed
1233 0 0 unless $^O eq "darwin"
1236 0 0 $self->alien_arch ? :
1240 0 0 if (/\.dylib$/)
1244 0 0 unless -w $File::Find::name
1263 0 28 if defined $destdir
1265 0 28 if defined $destdir
1277 0 130 if $^O eq "MSWin32"
1282 4 25 defined $ENV{'ALIEN_INSTALL_NETWORK'} ? :
1287 32 14 if (defined $ENV{'ALIEN_DOWNLOAD_RULE'})
1288 1 31 if $ENV{'ALIEN_DOWNLOAD_RULE'} eq "default"
1289 30 1 if $ENV{'ALIEN_DOWNLOAD_RULE'} =~ /^(warn|digest|encrypt|digest_or_encrypt|digest_and_encrypt)$/