Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 19 22 86.3

line true false branch
89 0 19 unless $attrspec->{$arg}
93 9 31 if ($attrspec->{$attr}{'req'})
94 0 9 unless exists $args{$attr}
97 20 20 if (exists $attrspec->{$attr}{'default'})
110 1 48 unless $timestamp >= $self->{'_last_timestamp'}
112 15 33 $is_success ? :
115 1 47 if defined $self->{'max_delay'} and $res > $self->{'max_delay'}
127 0 15 if $res0 < 0
136 3 33 if $self->{'max_attempts'} and $self->{'_attempts'} >= $self->{'max_attempts'}
141 1 32 if $res0 < 0
147 27 20 unless $delay and $self->{'jitter_factor'}