Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 15 30 50.0

line true false branch
30 0 1 unless $args{'symbols'}
31 0 1 unless ref $args{'symbols'} eq 'ARRAY'
40 0 1 if ($$self{'_recover_symbols'})
59 0 1 unless my $longest_sequence = $self->longest_sequence
67 1 0 if ($args{'complete'} and ref $args{'complete'} eq 'ARRAY')
72 1 1 if (@sub and !$self->sequence_known($sub[-1]) || @sub > $subchain)
75 0 1 if $args{'force_length'}
76 1 0 if $args{'stop_at_terminal'}
79 0 1 unless (@sub)
80 0 0 if ($args{'strict_start'}) { }
91 0 1 if (@sub > 1)
97 0 1 unless $self->sequence_known($start)
105 1 0 if ($cprob >= $target)
112 0 1 if $args{'force_length'}
115 0 1 if $$self{'_recover_symbols'}