Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 20 75 26.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
19 0 4 0 $] >= 5.008001 and $Test::Builder::Config{'useithreads'}
4 0 0 $] >= 5.008001 and $Test::Builder::Config{'useithreads'} and $INC{''}
296 0 0 3 $max =~ /^\+?\d+$/ and $max > 0
398 0 15 0 defined $name and $name =~ /^[\d\s]+$/
510 0 0 0 $numval != 0 and $numval ne $val
537 0 1 0 defined $got and defined $expect
555 0 0 0 defined $got and defined $expect
613 0 0 0 defined $got and defined $dont_expect
629 0 0 0 defined $got and defined $dont_expect
746 0 0 1 defined $file and defined $line
1622 3 0 1 !$$self{'Have_Plan'} && ($$self{'Curr_Test'}, 'Somehow your tests ran without a plan!')
1788 0 0 4 defined $Test and not $Test->no_ending

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
799 0 0 $why ||= ''
841 0 0 $why ||= ''
1593 1 15 $height ||= 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
132 45 4 0 $Test ||= $class->create
539 0 0 0 defined $got || defined $expect
557 0 0 0 defined $got || defined $expect
615 0 0 0 defined $got || defined $dont_expect
631 0 0 0 defined $got || defined $dont_expect
927 0 0 0 ($re, $opts) = $regex =~ m[^ /(.*)/ (\w*) $ ]sx or (undef, $re, $opts) = $regex =~ /^ m([^\w\s]) (.+) \1 (\w*) $/sx
1033 0 0 0 eval { do { $maybe_fh->isa('IO::Handle') } } || eval { do { (tied $maybe_fh || '')->can('TIEHANDLE') } }
1573 15 0 0 $pack || $self->exported_to || $self->caller($Test::Builder::Level)
1695 3 0 1 $$self{'Have_Plan'} || $$self{'Test_Died'}
0 1 3 $$self{'Original_Pid'} != $$ or not $$self{'Have_Plan'} || $$self{'Test_Died'}
1 0 3 $$self{'Original_Pid'} != $$ or not $$self{'Have_Plan'} || $$self{'Test_Died'} or $$self{'Bailed_Out'}