Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 107 136 78.6

line true false branch
44 1 153 if (exists $d{$key}) { }
53 0 36 wantarray ? :
70 55 0 if ($high == -1 or $aValue > $array->[-1])
87 0 0 if ($aValue == $found) { }
0 0 elsif ($aValue > $found) { }
132 0 36 if (ref $a eq 'HASH')
140 0 36 unless (ref $a and ref $b)
148 36 0 if (not defined $keyGen) { }
165 0 36 if (ref $b eq 'HASH') { }
202 55 74 if (exists $bMatches->{$ai})
209 0 55 if ($k and $thresh->[$k] > $j and $$thresh[$k - 1] < $j) { }
219 55 0 if (defined $k)
221 41 14 $k ? :
228 14 22 if (@$thresh) { }
0 22 elsif ($counting) { }
230 0 14 if $counting
241 1 35 wantarray ? :
266 18 6 if (defined $bLine) { }
284 3 6 if ($ai == $lastA + 1 and $bi <= $lastB)
286 1 2 if (defined $finishedACallback) { }
298 0 9 if ($bi == $lastB + 1 and $ai <= $lastA)
300 0 0 if (defined $finishedBCallback) { }
311 6 3 if $ai <= $lastA
312 7 2 if $bi <= $lastB
349 20 32 if $ma > $#$matchVector
357 10 28 if ($ai < $ma and $bi < $mb) { }
9 19 elsif ($ai < $ma) { }
361 9 1 if (defined $changeCallback) { }
389 10 12 if ($ai <= $lastA and $bi <= $lastB) { }
7 5 elsif ($ai <= $lastA) { }
393 10 0 if (defined $changeCallback) { }
424 0 0 unless defined $keyGen
438 6 2 if (defined $matchVector->[$i])
443 1 0 wantarray ? :
478 11 11 unless @$am
483 7 4 if $ai < @$a or $bi < @$b
485 0 11 wantarray ? :
501 5 2 if 0 < @$hunk
508 0 1 wantarray ? :
535 12 0 wantarray ? :
562 942 110 if $me->[6]
570 540 110 if 1 == $seq or 2 == $seq
579 0 13 if ref $us
588 0 11 if $_
591 0 11 if $_
595 8 3 if (0 == $cdif->[2] and 0 == $cdif->[3])
612 82 248 if $pos < 0
614 56 274 if $pos < 0 or $me->[3] <= $pos
625 43 119 if defined $base
634 11 43 if defined $pos
641 110 237 unless defined $steps
642 242 105 if ($steps)
645 14 228 if $pos and $new < 0
653 53 56 unless defined $steps
655 54 55 if $pos
662 20 50 if $me->[4] == (1 & $me->[6])
666 66 34 if $me->[0][$off + $seq + -2] < $me->[0][$off + $seq]
677 40 10 unless defined $base
685 10 40 unless defined $base
693 104 150 unless (wantarray)
697 98 52 unless defined $base
706 48 138 unless (wantarray)
720 0 50 wantarray ? :
50 62 if $me->[4] != (1 & $me->[6])
746 0 160 unless ($word =~ /^(-?\d+)?([a-zA-Z]+)([12])?$/ and $meth = $getName{lc $2})
752 30 130 4 == length $name ? :
759 30 50 if (wantarray) { }
40 10 elsif (1 == @value) { }