Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 30 44 68.1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
141 0 0 253 @all == $dimension and join('|', @all) eq join('|', 0 .. $dimension - 1)
310 2490 90 245 defined $cluster and not $cluster{$cluster}
2580 161 84 defined $cluster and not $cluster{$cluster} and _touch_2($cell{$cell}, $cell{$neighbor}, $ax, $ay)
469 2212005 5665 1601 defined $cluster and not $cluster{$cluster}
2217670 833 768 defined $cluster and not $cluster{$cluster} and _touch($cell{$cell}, $cell{$neighbor}, $coords, $groups)

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
330 8 4 $cluster2cell{$to} ||= [$to]
345 33 27 $cluster2cell{$to} ||= [$to]
488 24 11 $cluster2cell{$to} ||= [$to]
503 506 186 $cluster2cell{$to} ||= [$to]

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
76 0 0 0 $ix > $top or $ix < 0
152 0 0 0 $$self{'_clusters'} ||= $self->_make_clusters_ix
169 0 255 0 $$self{'_clusters'} ||= $self->_make_clusters_ix
276 229 148 0 $ifx{$_} ||= $c++
277 230 147 0 $ify{$_} ||= $c++
374 188 53 0 $delta_hypercylinder{_hypercylinder_id(@_)} ||= do { my @subdimension; foreach my $group (@_) { $subdimension[$_] = @$group foreach (@$group); } ; my(@top) = map(ceil(sqrt $_), @subdimension); my(@delta_hypercylinder) = []; foreach my $dimension (0 .. $#subdimension) { my @next; foreach my $dhc (@delta_hypercylinder) { my $top = $top[$dimension]; push @next, map([@$dhc, $_], -$top .. $top); } ; @delta_hypercylinder = @next; } ; foreach my $group (@_) { @delta_hypercylinder = grep({my $sum = 0; foreach $_ (@$_[@$group]) { my $min = $_ ? abs($_) - 1 : 0; $sum += $min * $min; } ; $sum < @$group;} @delta_hypercylinder); } ; \@delta_hypercylinder }
436 22258 11780 0 $ifl{$_} ||= $c++