Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 35 36 97.2

line true false branch
70 1 14 unless ($$item{'label'} and $$item{'width'} and $$item{'height'} and $$item{'width'} > 0 and $$item{'height'} > 0)
78 1 13 if ($$self{'binwidth'} < $$item{'width'} or $$self{'binheight'} < $$item{'height'})
121 6 9 if $rect
123 2 6 unless ($rect)
146 9 12 if $$bin{'left'}
149 9 12 if $$bin{'right'}
154 8 13 if ($$bin{'filled'})
165 4 4 if $max_width < $max_x
166 5 3 if $max_height < $max_y
186 37 61 if ($$bin{'left'})
191 16 17 if ($$bin{'filled'} or $$bin{'width'} < $width or $$bin{'height'} < $height)
197 8 9 if ($$bin{'width'} == $width and $$bin{'height'} == $height)
206 3 6 if ($width_diff > $height_diff) { }
244 10 4 $$a{'width'} > $$a{'height'} ? :
247 10 4 $$b{'width'} > $$b{'height'} ? :
249 4 10 $$a{'width'} <= $$a{'height'} ? :
250 4 10 $$b{'width'} <= $$b{'height'} ? :
252 0 2 unless $bbigger <=> $abigger or $bsmaller <=> $asmaller or $$b{'width'} <=> $$a{'width'}