Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 27 30 90.0

line true false branch
176 1 55 if $arg =~ /\A(_start_timestamp)\z/
177 0 55 unless $attrspec->{$arg}
181 27 124 if ($attrspec->{$attr}{'req'})
182 0 27 unless exists $args{$attr}
185 88 63 if (exists $attrspec->{$attr}{'default'})
206 0 120 unless $delay and $self->{'jitter_factor'}
217 1 199 unless $timestamp >= $self->{'_last_timestamp'}
220 87 112 $is_success ? :
224 5 194 if $self->{'consider_actual_delay'}
227 120 79 if $self->{'jitter_factor'}
231 33 166 if defined $self->{'max_delay'} and $delay > $self->{'max_delay'}
232 4 195 if $delay < 0
234 33 166 if defined $self->{'min_delay'} and $delay < $self->{'min_delay'}
258 1 115 if defined $self->{'max_actual_duration'} and $self->{'max_actual_duration'} > 0 and $timestamp - $self->{'_start_timestamp'} >= $self->{'max_actual_duration'}
262 3 112 if $self->{'max_attempts'} and $self->{'_attempts'} >= $self->{'max_attempts'}