Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 33 72 45.8

line true false branch
18 0 23 if (@auth_methods > 1)
20 0 0 if $m eq 'ado'
23 0 0 if keys %{$$conf{'providers'}{$m};} < 2
31 0 23 if &List::Util::first(sub { $_ eq 'google'; } , @auth_methods)
33 0 23 if &List::Util::first(sub { $_ eq 'google'; } , @auth_methods)
39 3 0 if $Ado::Control::DEV_MODE
48 0 0 if $Ado::Control::DEV_MODE
68 5 0 if $Ado::Control::DEV_MODE
69 3 2 if ($c->user->login_name eq 'guest')
71 3 0 if $Ado::Control::DEV_MODE
95 2 15 unless ($c->session('over_route'))
98 0 2 unless $referrer =~ /^$base_url/
100 2 0 if $Ado::Control::DEV_MODE
104 7 10 if $c->req->method ne 'POST' and $auth_method eq 'ado'
109 10 0 if $Ado::Control::DEV_MODE
112 8 2 if (eval { do { $authnticated = $c->$login_helper; 1 } }) { }
113 2 6 if ($authnticated) { }
117 2 0 if $Ado::Control::DEV_MODE
123 5 1 unless ($c->res->code // !1)
145 1 7 unless $val->has_data
146 1 6 if ($val->csrf_protect->has_error('csrf_token'))
154 2 4 if ($val->has_error)
162 1 3 if (not $user->id or $user->disabled)
170 2 1 if ($checksum eq $val->param('digest'))
178 1 0 if $Ado::Control::DEV_MODE
194 0 0 if ($Ado::Control::DEV_MODE)
198 0 0 if ($response->{'access_token'}) { }
228 0 0 if ($Ado::Control::DEV_MODE)
233 0 0 if ($response->{'access_token'}) { }
255 0 0 if ($user->disabled or $user->stop_date != 0 and $user->stop_date < $time or $user->start_date > $time)
273 0 0 if (my $user = 'Ado::Model::Users'->add(_user_info_to_args($user_info, $provider)))
301 0 0 if $Ado::Control::DEV_MODE
306 0 0 if ($user->id)
327 0 0 if ($user->id)
352 0 0 if (index($provider->{'info_url'}, 'google') > -1) { }
0 0 elsif (index($provider->{'info_url'}, 'facebook') > -1) { }