Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 52 0.0

line true false branch
131 0 0 if Devel::Caller::called_as_method()
135 0 0 unless my $doc = 'PPI::Document'->new($Acme::SubstituteSubs::RealScript)
141 0 0 if ($child->isa('PPI::Statement::Sub')) { }
0 0 elsif ($child->isa('PPI::Statement::Package')) { }
142 0 0 if $child->name eq $methodname and $currentmodule eq $packagename
148 0 0 unless $code
154 0 0 if Devel::Caller::called_as_method()
160 0 0 unless defined $code
164 0 0 if ref $code and ref $code eq 'CODE'
166 0 0 if ($code =~ /^{/) { }
0 0 elsif ($code =~ /^\s*sub\s+{/) { }
0 0 elsif (not $code =~ /^\s*sub/) { }
177 0 0 unless open my $fh, '>', $Acme::SubstituteSubs::RealScript . '.new'
182 0 0 unless my $doc = 'PPI::Document'->new($Acme::SubstituteSubs::RealScript)
185 0 0 if ($child->isa('PPI::Statement::Sub')) { }
0 0 elsif ($child->isa('PPI::Statement::Package')) { }
186 0 0 if (not $foundit and $child->name eq $methodname and $currentpackage eq $packagename) { }
193 0 0 if (not $foundit and $currentpackage eq $packagename)
200 0 0 unless $fh->print($child->content)
203 0 0 unless ($foundit)
205 0 0 if ($currentpackage ne $packagename)
213 0 0 unless (rename $Acme::SubstituteSubs::RealScript . '.new', $Acme::SubstituteSubs::RealScript)
219 0 0 if Devel::Caller::called_as_method()
224 0 0 unless my $doc = 'PPI::Document'->new($Acme::SubstituteSubs::RealScript)
229 0 0 if ($child->isa('PPI::Statement::Sub')) { }
0 0 elsif ($child->isa('PPI::Statement::Package')) { }