Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 23 42 54.7

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
97 32 0 0 $ch eq '\\' and not $escape_next
157 28 0 0 1 == @spec_tokens_list and $$spec_tokens{'optional'}
184 16 8 4 not $no_validation and $$spec_tokens{'required'}
336 4 0 0 $simple_bind and not $normalize
4 0 0 $simple_bind and not $normalize and $no_validation
0 0 0 $simple_bind and not $normalize and $no_validation and 0 == $side_effects
0 0 0 $simple_bind and not $normalize and $no_validation and 0 == $side_effects and 0 == @hard_var_declarations
377 12 6 8 $no_validation and not $bind_field =~ /[\s\[,](default|callback)\s*=\s*/

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
95 4 0 32 $block_done or $upend_spec eq ''
157 0 0 28 0 == @spec_tokens_list or 1 == @spec_tokens_list and $$spec_tokens{'optional'}
198 4 4 20 defined $type_requirements or defined $isa_requirements
8 4 16 defined $type_requirements or defined $isa_requirements or defined $can_requirements
299 0 4 28 not defined $spec or $spec eq ''
318 0 4 28 not defined $spec or $spec eq ''