Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 23 24 95.8

line true false branch
35 2 11 if ($dt_berlin->month == 1 and $dt_berlin->day < 10)
37 1 1 if ($dec_meeting > $dt_berlin)
48 1 11 if ($dt_berlin > $dt_aug_2020_from and $dt_berlin < $dt_aug_2020) { }
1 17 elsif ($dt_berlin >= $dt_aug_2020 and $dt_berlin < $dt_aug_2020_until) { }
59 2 9 if ($dt_berlin > $dt_sep_2020_from and $dt_berlin < $dt_sep_2020) { }
2 14 elsif ($dt_berlin >= $dt_sep_2020 and $dt_berlin < $dt_sep_2020_until) { }
68 4 5 if ($last_wed_of_month <= $dt_berlin)
72 2 7 if ($last_wed_of_month->month == 12)
82 2 11 $dow < 3 ? :
90 2 2 if ($dt->month == 12)
95 0 4 $dow < 4 ? :
102 8 9 if ($dt->year >= 2016) { }