Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 28 32 87.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
138 2 17 3 defined $$self{'last_added'} and $$self{'last_added'} > $frac
205 9 0 7 $$self{'value'} < $val and $$self{'operator'} ne 'add'
218 21 5 20 defined $frac and $frac > 0
26 18 2 defined $frac and $frac > 0 and $frac < 10
16 9 6 defined $$self{'last_added'} and $$self{'last_added'} eq '0'
241 38 0 91 ref $new and $new->isa('Acme::Numbers')

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
136 20 2 $frac ||= 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
103 102 89 0 shift() || $op
163 5 38 86 $method eq 'and' or $method =~ /^p/
218 2 13 31 defined $frac and $frac > 0 and $frac < 10 or $$val{'value'} == 0
15 0 31 defined $frac and $frac > 0 and $frac < 10 or $$val{'value'} == 0 or defined $$self{'last_added'} and $$self{'last_added'} eq '0'