Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 17 81 20.9

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
22 0 0 0 require Carp and Carp::croak("Type check failed in constructor: real_name should be Str")
23 0 0 0 require Carp and Carp::croak("Type check failed in constructor: hero_name should be Str")
24 0 0 0 require Carp and Carp::croak("Type check failed in constructor: intelligence should be PositiveInt")
0 0 6 defined $tmp and not ref $tmp
0 0 6 do { package Acme::Marvel::CinematicUniverse::Mite; do { my $tmp = $args->{'intelligence'}; $tmp =~ /\A-?[0-9]+\z/ if defined $tmp and not ref $tmp } } and do { package Acme::Marvel::CinematicUniverse::Mite; $args->{'intelligence'} > 0 }
25 0 0 0 require Carp and Carp::croak("Type check failed in constructor: strength should be PositiveInt")
0 0 6 defined $tmp and not ref $tmp
0 0 6 do { package Acme::Marvel::CinematicUniverse::Mite; do { my $tmp = $args->{'strength'}; $tmp =~ /\A-?[0-9]+\z/ if defined $tmp and not ref $tmp } } and do { package Acme::Marvel::CinematicUniverse::Mite; $args->{'strength'} > 0 }
26 0 0 0 require Carp and Carp::croak("Type check failed in constructor: speed should be PositiveInt")
0 0 6 defined $tmp and not ref $tmp
0 0 6 do { package Acme::Marvel::CinematicUniverse::Mite; do { my $tmp = $args->{'speed'}; $tmp =~ /\A-?[0-9]+\z/ if defined $tmp and not ref $tmp } } and do { package Acme::Marvel::CinematicUniverse::Mite; $args->{'speed'} > 0 }
27 0 0 0 require Carp and Carp::croak("Type check failed in constructor: durability should be PositiveInt")
0 0 6 defined $tmp and not ref $tmp
0 0 6 do { package Acme::Marvel::CinematicUniverse::Mite; do { my $tmp = $args->{'durability'}; $tmp =~ /\A-?[0-9]+\z/ if defined $tmp and not ref $tmp } } and do { package Acme::Marvel::CinematicUniverse::Mite; $args->{'durability'} > 0 }
28 0 0 0 require Carp and Carp::croak("Type check failed in constructor: energy_projection should be PositiveInt")
0 0 6 defined $tmp and not ref $tmp
0 0 6 do { package Acme::Marvel::CinematicUniverse::Mite; do { my $tmp = $args->{'energy_projection'}; $tmp =~ /\A-?[0-9]+\z/ if defined $tmp and not ref $tmp } } and do { package Acme::Marvel::CinematicUniverse::Mite; $args->{'energy_projection'} > 0 }
29 0 0 0 require Carp and Carp::croak("Type check failed in constructor: fighting_ability should be PositiveInt")
0 0 6 defined $tmp and not ref $tmp
0 0 6 do { package Acme::Marvel::CinematicUniverse::Mite; do { my $tmp = $args->{'fighting_ability'}; $tmp =~ /\A-?[0-9]+\z/ if defined $tmp and not ref $tmp } } and do { package Acme::Marvel::CinematicUniverse::Mite; $args->{'fighting_ability'} > 0 }
32 6 0 0 @unknown and require Carp
35 0 6 0 not $no_build and @{[] unless $meta->{'BUILD'};}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
16 5 1 0 $Mite::META{$class} ||= $class->__META__
42 0 0 0 $Mite::META{$class} ||= $class->__META__
48 0 0 0 ref $self || $self
49 0 0 0 $Mite::META{$class} ||= $class->__META__
67 0 1 0 ref $class || $class