Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 16 20 80.0

line true false branch
95 1 5 unless $corpus
112 111 2735 unless my $p = shift @x
157 0 305753 if $count == 0
165 0 77197 unless &random(@{$self->phrases->{$type} ||= [];})
194 0 200 unless (defined $x and int $x eq $x and $x >= 0)
199 0 100 if (defined $options{'max'} and defined $options{'min'} and $options{'max'} < $options{'min'})
233 3129 73683 if ($l + length($p) < $options{'max'})
239 213 76599 if $r < 0.1
240 29 76570 if $r < 0.2 and $iterations >= $max_iterations / 2
247 145 156 if (rand > 0.5) { }