Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 35 36 97.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
501 14 9302 18 $turn->[1] eq "TSTL" and defined $item
906 12 12 12 ref $anchor eq "" and $anchor eq ""
1010 1073 65899 129507 @_ && !defined($_[0])

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
281 634 134 $self->{'_'}{'diag_level'} //= 1
805 80210 39 $entry->[1] //= ""
1057 62109 228857 $_[1] // "undef"
1058 4062 290968 $self->{'_'}{'dumper'} // sub { sprintf "(%s)", $_[1] // "undef"; }
295021 1 $self->query($self->{'_'}{'dumper'} // sub { sprintf "(%s)", $_[1] // "undef"; } , "{dumper}", @_) // "(unclear)"
1113 1016 0 $_ // "(undef)"

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
280 1410 12 1650 delete $opts->{$_} // $self->{'_'}{$_}
783 239 132 196130 $state eq "STOP" or $state eq "BREAK"
784 151333 16515 28282 exists $entry->{'tturn'} or exists $entry->{'fturn'}
805 40543 39706 115667 $state eq "START" or $state eq "CONTINUE"
1005 1115 65913 129508 not @_ or defined $_[0]