Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 142 170 83.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
138 1274 21 56 $i > $sidx && $$rtok[$i] eq '.' && substr($$rtok[$i - 1], 0, 1) eq q['] && $$rtok[$i + 1] =~ /^'..$/
13495 408 573 $i > $sidx + 1 && $$rtok[$i - 1] eq '.' && substr($$rtok[$i], 0, 1) eq q['] && substr($$rtok[$i - 2], 0, 1) eq q[']
146 334 2092 885 $i > $sidx + 1 and $$rtok[$i - 1] eq '.'
2426 304 581 $i > $sidx + 1 and $$rtok[$i - 1] eq '.' and substr($$rtok[$i], 0, 1) eq q[']
2396 148 433 $i > $sidx + 1 and $$rtok[$i - 1] eq '.' and substr($$rtok[$i], 0, 1) eq q['] and substr($$rtok[$i - 2], 0, 1) eq q[']
174 3967 2163 234 $idot >= 0 and not $d % 3
175 3641 2489 0 not $d & 1 and $iquote >= 0 || $idollar >= 0
189 269 100 322 $$rtok[$eidx] ne '=' && $$rtok[$sidx + $n] =~ /^['"]/
195 144 1313 505 $i > $sidx + 1 and $$rtok[$i - 1] eq '.'
1457 235 270 $i > $sidx + 1 and $$rtok[$i - 1] eq '.' and substr($$rtok[$i], 0, 1) eq q[']
1548 74 196 $i > $sidx + 1 and $$rtok[$i - 1] eq '.' and substr($$rtok[$i], 0, 1) eq q['] and substr($$rtok[$i - 2], 0, 1) eq q[']
230 675 71 11 not length $tfill and $p >= $txtend
317 819 5108 1256 $n > 0 and not defined($str = $fcompact ? _pour_compact_chunk(\@ptok, $sidx, $n, $tlen) : _pour_chunk(\@ptok, $sidx, $n, $tlen))
321 0 819 975 $n < $tlen and length $ptok[$sidx + $n] < 2
544 83 13 1 length $arg{'SourceFile'} and $arg{'SourceHandle'}
546 83 12 1 length $arg{'SourceFile'} and length $arg{'SourceString'}
548 27 67 1 length $arg{'SourceString'} and $arg{'SourceHandle'}
550 31 62 1 $arg{'Shape'} and $arg{'ShapeString'}
558 9 4 79 ref $fill and not $arg{'Text'}
567 10 4 78 length $arg{'SourceString'} and not $arg{'Text'}
584 3 7 1 not $arg{'Text'} and $arg{'Width'} < 4

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
271 87 1 $ihandler ||= \&_def_ihandler

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
175 1447 262 780 $iquote >= 0 || $idollar >= 0
218 19 10 6 $rem or not $nshape
336 2 2 83 $sidx == $iendprog or $sidx == $iendprog + 1
349 8 7 55 $ne == 0 or $nl != $nr
15 14 41 $ne == 0 or $nl != $nr or $t[-1] eq '='
3 19 19 $t[-1] eq '|' or $t[-1] eq '^'
22 1 18 $t[-1] eq '|' or $t[-1] eq '^' or $t[-1] eq '&'
375 5 0 1 $gl or $gr
5 0 1 $gl or $gr or $gt
0 0 1 $gl or $gr or $gt or $gb
376 4 0 2 $wl or $wr
4 0 2 $wl or $wr or $wt
0 0 2 $wl or $wr or $wt or $wb
560 1 1 77 $arg{'SourceString'} =~ /^\s*END\b/m || $arg{'SourceString'} =~ /^\s*package\b/m
579 6 0 68 _get_builtin_string($_, \%arg) || (m[[./]] ? _slurp_tfile($_) : _get_eye_string($arg{'EyeDir'}, $_))
588 0 0 1 $arg{'Regex'} == 3 || $arg{'Regex'} == 1 && $] >= 5.017
595 1 3 1 $arg{'BorderGapLeft'} || $arg{'BorderGap'}
1 3 1 $arg{'BorderGapRight'} || $arg{'BorderGap'}
1 3 1 $arg{'BorderGapTop'} || $arg{'BorderGap'}
1 3 1 $arg{'BorderGapBottom'} || $arg{'BorderGap'}
1 2 2 $arg{'BorderWidthLeft'} || $arg{'BorderWidth'}
1 2 2 $arg{'BorderWidthRight'} || $arg{'BorderWidth'}
1 2 2 $arg{'BorderWidthTop'} || $arg{'BorderWidth'}
1 2 2 $arg{'BorderWidthBottom'} || $arg{'BorderWidth'}
1 3 85 $arg{'TrailingSpaces'} or $arg{'BorderGap'}
4 0 85 $arg{'TrailingSpaces'} or $arg{'BorderGap'} or $arg{'BorderWidth'}
3 1 84 $arg{'TrailingSpaces'} or $arg{'BorderGap'} or $arg{'BorderWidth'} or $arg{'BorderGapLeft'}
1 0 84 $arg{'TrailingSpaces'} or $arg{'BorderGap'} or $arg{'BorderWidth'} or $arg{'BorderGapLeft'} or $arg{'BorderWidthLeft'}
1 0 84 $arg{'TrailingSpaces'} or $arg{'BorderGap'} or $arg{'BorderWidth'} or $arg{'BorderGapLeft'} or $arg{'BorderWidthLeft'} or $arg{'BorderGapRight'}
0 0 84 $arg{'TrailingSpaces'} or $arg{'BorderGap'} or $arg{'BorderWidth'} or $arg{'BorderGapLeft'} or $arg{'BorderWidthLeft'} or $arg{'BorderGapRight'} or $arg{'BorderWidthRight'}
0 0 84 $arg{'TrailingSpaces'} or $arg{'BorderGap'} or $arg{'BorderWidth'} or $arg{'BorderGapLeft'} or $arg{'BorderWidthLeft'} or $arg{'BorderGapRight'} or $arg{'BorderWidthRight'} or $arg{'BorderGapTop'}
0 0 84 $arg{'TrailingSpaces'} or $arg{'BorderGap'} or $arg{'BorderWidth'} or $arg{'BorderGapLeft'} or $arg{'BorderWidthLeft'} or $arg{'BorderGapRight'} or $arg{'BorderWidthRight'} or $arg{'BorderGapTop'} or $arg{'BorderWidthTop'}
0 0 84 $arg{'TrailingSpaces'} or $arg{'BorderGap'} or $arg{'BorderWidth'} or $arg{'BorderGapLeft'} or $arg{'BorderWidthLeft'} or $arg{'BorderGapRight'} or $arg{'BorderWidthRight'} or $arg{'BorderGapTop'} or $arg{'BorderWidthTop'} or $arg{'BorderGapBottom'}
0 0 84 $arg{'TrailingSpaces'} or $arg{'BorderGap'} or $arg{'BorderWidth'} or $arg{'BorderGapLeft'} or $arg{'BorderWidthLeft'} or $arg{'BorderGapRight'} or $arg{'BorderWidthRight'} or $arg{'BorderGapTop'} or $arg{'BorderWidthTop'} or $arg{'BorderGapBottom'} or $arg{'BorderWidthBottom'}
613 0 0 85 $arg{'Regex'} == 3 || $arg{'Regex'} == 1 && $] >= 5.017