Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 24 60 40.0

line true false branch
15 1 1 unless ($value)
24 0 3 if (not $c) { }
1 2 elsif (not $c =~ /^Tie::Trace/) { }
32 0 1 ref $caller ? :
36 0 1 unless $f and $l
43 1 0 @line == 1 ? :
49 0 0 if ($s_type eq 'HASH') { }
0 0 elsif ($s_type eq 'ARRAY') { }
55 0 0 unless ref $p and $p = $p->parent
57 0 1 @msg > 0 ? :
60 0 1 unless defined $value
61 0 1 if ($class eq 'Scalar') { }
1 0 elsif ($class eq 'Array') { }
0 0 elsif ($class eq 'Hash') { }
64 0 1 if (defined $args->{'point'}) { }
71 0 0 !$self->{'options'}{'pkg'} || @msg ? :
78 0 2 if $Tie::Trace::QUIET
84 0 2 if ($op->{'key'} or $op->{'value'})
87 0 0 if ($args{'key'} and $op->{'key'} and $op->{'value'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($args{'key'} and $op->{'key'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($op->{'value'}) { }
88 0 0 unless $key or $value
90 0 0 unless $key
92 0 0 unless $value
99 0 2 unless $self->_matching($self->{'options'}{'debug_value'}, $value)
101 0 2 unless grep((lc $class eq lc $_), @{$$op{'use'};})
105 0 2 if (defined $self->{'options'}{'pkg'}) { }
108 1 1 if $msg
110 1 1 if ($msg)
120 1 1 if ($ref)