Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 49 83 59.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
109 0 0 0 not defined $value and defined $default
119 0 0 0 $associated_class and $perl_type eq 'Hash'
134 0 0 0 $required and not defined $value
138 0 0 0 $on_change and defined $value
152 80 8 25 not defined $value and defined $default
162 20 41 11 $associated_class and $perl_type eq 'Hash'
176 16 23 1 $required and not defined $value
181 96 0 6 $on_change and defined $value
203 0 1 4 $index and $$data[0]->can($index)
237 7 19 3 $value and $current_value
26 3 0 $value and $current_value and $value eq $current_value
704 0 1 1 $value && keys %$value
734 0 1 1 $value && @$value
751 2 0 1 $the_other_end && $meta
758 0 0 1 $index_by && ref $value
902 2 0 1 $the_other_end && $meta
908 1 1 1 $$array_ref[$i] and $$array_ref[$i] eq $value

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
138 0 0 &$on_change($self, $attr, 'mutator', \$value) or return $self
181 5 1 &$on_change($self, $attr, 'mutator', \$value) or return $self
503 0 0 $$self[$storage_key] ||= []
511 22 1 $$self{$storage_key} ||= []
544 0 0 $$self[$storage_key] ||= {}
552 6 1 $$self{$storage_key} ||= {}
575 0 0 $$self[$storage_key] ||= {}
584 12 0 $$self{$storage_key} ||= {}
615 1 0 &$on_change($self, $attr, 'item_accessor', \$value, $key) or return $$hash_ref{$key}
642 0 0 &$on_change($self, $attr, 'item_accessor', \$value, $key) or return $$hash_ref{$key}
784 1 0 &$on_change($self, $attr, 'item_accessor', \$value, $index) or return $$hash_ref[$index]
987 5 1 $storage{$self} ||= {}
1000 2 1 $storage{$self} ||= {}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
320 8 14 18 not $the_other_end or has_pending_association($self)
400 1 6 5 not $the_other_end or has_pending_association($value)