Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 43 84 51.1

line true false branch
81 0 0 if (@_)
87 0 0 if (@_)
93 2 0 if (@_)
99 0 31 if (@_)
105 5 28 if (@_)
111 25 4 if (@_)
117 0 0 if (@_)
123 9 27 if (@_)
161 31 7 if (defined $fcost)
227 0 9 unless ($self->is_completed)
239 0 0 $n1 < $n2 ? :
242 0 9 if ($$self{'_forgotten_nodes_num'} != 0)
245 0 0 if ($cost != -1 and $cost < $least_fcost2)
253 4 14 if (defined $descendant_ind and $j != $descendant_ind) { }
254 0 4 if ($fc != -1 and $fc < $least_fcost2)
260 4 10 if (defined $descendant_fcost) { }
5 10 elsif ($fc != -1 and $fc < $least_fcost2) { }
261 4 0 if ($descendant_fcost < $least_fcost2)
274 0 9 if ($$self{'_num_successors'} == 0)
278 9 0 if ($least_fcost2 != $fcost)
284 4 5 if ($antecedent)
305 0 9 unless ($self->is_completed)
315 0 0 $n1 < $n2 ? :
318 0 9 if ($$self{'_forgotten_nodes_num'} != 0)
321 0 0 if ($cost != -1 and $cost < $least_fcost)
328 9 9 if ($fc != -1 and $fc < $least_fcost)
335 0 9 if ($$self{'_num_successors'} == 0)
339 9 0 if ($least_fcost != $fcost) { }
344 4 5 if ($antecedent)
379 5 0 if ($is_completed or $num_successors == 0)
380 0 5 if ($num_successors == $num_successors_in_mem)
399 0 0 if ($num_descendants_on_queue)
430 5 0 if (not defined $$self{'_num_successors'}) { }
483 0 5 if ($already_produced_p) { }
488 0 0 if ($i == $num_successors - 1 and $descendants_deleted) { }
503 0 0 if ($descendants_found == $num_successors)
514 0 5 if ($i < $$self{'_iterator_index'} and $$self{'_forgotten_nodes_num'} != 0)
531 5 0 if ($$self{'_iterator_index'} == $$self{'_num_successors'})
547 0 5 if ($i >= $num_successors - 1 and $descendants_deleted and $self->depth == 0)
558 5 0 if ($next_descendant) { }
560 0 5 if ($$self{'_forgotten_node_fcosts'}[$$next_descendant{'_descendant_index'}] != -1)
598 2 1 if ($$self{'_antecedent'})