Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 16 28 57.1

line true false branch
20 743 41 if rand() >= $mutation
22 19 22 if ($ga->variable_length) { }
24 1 18 if ($rand < 0.16 and $#{$$chromosomes[$idx];} > 1) { }
4 14 elsif ($rand < 0.32 and $#{$$chromosomes[$idx];} > 1) { }
0 14 elsif ($rand < 0.48 and $#{$$chromosomes[$idx];} < $#$_translations) { }
0 14 elsif ($rand < 0.64 and $#{$$chromosomes[$idx];} < $#$_translations) { }
9 5 elsif ($rand < 0.8) { }
29 0 0 rand > 0.5 ? :
31 0 0 rand > 0.5 ? :
36 2 3 $$chromosomes[$idx][$id] ? :
40 14 8 $$chromosomes[$idx][$id] ? :
55 0 0 if (rand() < $mutation) { }
58 0 0 if rand > $mutation
59 0 0 $$chromosome[$_] ? :