Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 62 62 100.0

line true false branch
61 2 1 if @quiet > 1
103 1 1 if @verbose > 1
145 2 1 if @debug > 1
171 1 5 if $verbose[-1]
184 2 31 if $debug[-1]
198 1 1 if $quiet[-1]
211 1 1 unless $quiet[-1]
239 1 6 unless defined $code
240 1 5 unless defined $sizex
241 1 4 unless defined $sizey
245 79 8 if ($char ne "\n")
246 25 54 unless ($char =~ /[[:print:]]/)
250 5 74 if $charlen < $len
253 3 1 unless $hex
254 3 1 unless $hex
256 1 3 if ($sizex > 9)
259 1 10 if (not !$x || $x % 10) { }
274 3 12 if ($hex) { }
277 27 6 if length $code >= $y * $sizex + $x
279 27 6 if (defined $val) { }
310 10 11 if $loaded_config_before
316 8 3 if exists $ENV{'AIEVOLVEBEFUNGE'}
318 22 8 unless -r $config_file
324 12 104 if exists $skiplist{$keyword}
395 22 6 if (exists $args{'host'})
397 2 20 if (exists $$config{'byhost'} and exists $$config{'byhost'}{$host})
404 22 6 if (exists $args{'physics'})
406 1 21 if (exists $$config{'byphysics'} and exists $$config{'byphysics'}{$physics})
413 22 6 if (exists $args{'gen'})
415 1 21 if (exists $$config{'bygen'})
418 3 1 if ($mygen >= $gen)