File Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
statement 9 9 100.0
branch n/a
condition n/a
subroutine 3 3 100.0
pod n/a
total 12 12 100.0

line stmt bran cond sub pod time code
1             package Catalyst::Plugin::RapidApp::AuthCore::PlugHook;
2 1     1   1267 use Moose::Role;
  1         3  
  1         9  
3 1     1   4707 use namespace::autoclean;
  1         2  
  1         10  
5 1     1   71 use RapidApp::Util qw(:all);
  1         3  
  1         629  
7             =pod
9             =head1 DESCRIPTION
11             Plugin class seprated out of Catalyst::Plugin::RapidApp::AuthCore so
12             it can be loaded as a *plugin* (not a role) **AFTER** the other
13             required Authentication and Session plugins. This is needed to overcome
14             load ordering issues. 'finalize_session' below doesn't exist until
15             these plugins are loaded, and since AuthCore handles loading them, it
16             can't also define the around (chickin/egg issue)
18             =cut
21             # ---- FIXME FIXME FIXME (2013-08-25 by HV) ----
22             #
23             # The sole purpose of this class is to make session extending (expires)
24             # work. This is supposed to happen automatically, and does if the Auth/Session
25             # plugins are loaded in the manner intended in the main app class:
26             #
27             # use Catalyst qw(
28             # Authentication
29             # Authorization::Roles
30             # Session
31             # Session::State::Cookie
32             # Session::Store::DBIC
33             # );
34             #
35             # Or later in:
36             #
37             # __PACKAGE__->setup(qw(
38             # Authentication
39             # Authorization::Roles
40             # Session
41             # Session::State::Cookie
42             # Session::Store::DBIC
43             # ));
44             #
45             # However, for RapidApp, we obviously don't want the end developer to have to do
46             # that. We want them to just do:
47             #
48             # with 'Catalyst::Plugin::RapidApp::AuthCore';
49             #
50             # and have it handle loading these plugins... This has been a struggle to
51             # get to work right. AuthCore handles loading the plugins 'before'
52             # $c->setup_dispatcher() because that is what is called immediately after
53             # $c->setup_plugins() in, and so it should be the earliest
54             # place to do it and have it work the same if AuthCore is loaded as a role
55             # using 'with' or loaded using the older use Catalyst @plg/__PACKAGE__->setup(@plg)
56             # syntax... (since everything before that point is before the plugin is loaded).
57             #
58             # It is not that I want to load it at this point, it is just that this is the
59             # best point I have found to do it -- Is there some totally different place
60             # or way to do this?
61             #
62             # It seems to work... ***almost*** ... Something is not quite right with the
63             # resulting state, the example being the broken extending of sessions which I
64             # am manually addressing below. Everything else seems to work and I don't know
65             # why or where or how things end up different. I have tried lots of other
66             # hook locations, like overriding '$c->arguments' and manually pushing the
67             # plugin list into it, (which works only for loading using 'with', but it is
68             # still broken in the same way).
70             # I don't understand the problem. It appears that certain methods just don't
71             # exist and/or don't get called. I've dumped mro::get_linear_isa($c) and it
72             # appears to come out the same, so I don't understand why that would be. I
73             # still don't fully undertand all the mro/MI/setup that works under the hood,
74             # and I think that is what is keeping me from figuring things out.
75             #
76             # Here is an example of my lack of understanding, and what I think is related
77             # to the problem:
78             #
79             # If I try to use a normal sub with next::method, instead of 'around' below,
80             # this gets thrown:
81             # Caught exception in engine "No next::method 'finalize_session' found for ...
82             #
83             # Could it have to do with mixing method overrides with around and next::method
84             # style? It looks like the point where it might break, in following the Auth/Session
85             # plugins code, which seem to point back and forth at eachother in a maze, is that many
86             # methods, such as 'extend_session_id', return with maybe::next::method, which
87             # might explain the silently broken functionality, but still not *why* that is...
88             #
89             # I am putting this on the shelf for now, since I have a workaround below for this
90             # particular problem, but I am very concerned that my lack of understanding of these
91             # internals could be leading to other, deep, dark broken things that just haven't
92             # been noticed...
94             around 'finalize_session' => sub {
95             my $orig = shift;
96             my $c = shift;
98             if($c->_user) {
99             my $expires = $c->session_expires;
100             my $sid = $c->sessionid;
101             $c->store_session_data( "expires:$sid" => $expires );
102             }
104             $c->$orig(@_);
105             };
107             1;