File Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
statement 165 198 83.3
branch 98 224 43.7
condition n/a
subroutine n/a
pod n/a
total 263 422 62.3

line stmt bran cond sub pod time code


5             #include "EXTERN.h" #include "perl.h" #include "XSUB.h" #define ECB_NO_LIBM 1 #define ECB_NO_THREADS 1 #include "ecb.h" #include "schmorp.h" typedef volatile sig_atomic_t atomic_t; static int *sig_pending, *psig_pend; /* make local copies because of missing THX */ static Sighandler_t old_sighandler; static atomic_t async_pending; #define PERL_VERSION_ATLEAST(a,b,c) \ (PERL_REVISION > (a) \ || (PERL_REVISION == (a) \ && (PERL_VERSION > (b) \ || (PERL_VERSION == (b) && PERL_SUBVERSION >= (c))))) #if defined(HAS_SIGACTION) && defined(SA_SIGINFO) # define HAS_SA_SIGINFO 1 #endif #if !PERL_VERSION_ATLEAST(5,10,0) # undef HAS_SA_SIGINFO #endif /*****************************************************************************/ typedef struct { SV *cb; void (*c_cb)(pTHX_ void *c_arg, int value); void *c_arg; SV *fh_r, *fh_w; SV *value; int signum; int autodrain; ANY *scope_savestack; volatile int blocked; s_epipe ep; int fd_wlen; atomic_t fd_enable; atomic_t pending; volatile IV *valuep; atomic_t hysteresis; } async_t; static AV *asyncs; static async_t *sig_async [SIG_SIZE]; #define SvASYNC_nrv(sv) INT2PTR (async_t *, SvIVX (sv)) #define SvASYNC(rv) SvASYNC_nrv (SvRV (rv)) static void async_signal (void *signal_arg, int value); static void setsig (int signum, void (*handler)(int)) { #if _WIN32 signal (signum, handler); #else struct sigaction sa; sa.sa_handler = handler; sigfillset (&sa.sa_mask); sa.sa_flags = 0; /* if we interrupt a syscall, we might drain the pipe before it became ready */ sigaction (signum, &sa, 0); #endif } static void async_sigsend (int signum) { async_signal (sig_async [signum], 0); } /* the main workhorse to signal */ static void async_signal (void *signal_arg, int value) { static char pipedata [8]; async_t *async = (async_t *)signal_arg; int pending = async->pending; if (async->hysteresis) setsig (async->signum, SIG_IGN); *async->valuep = value ? value : 1; ECB_MEMORY_FENCE_RELEASE; async->pending = 1; ECB_MEMORY_FENCE_RELEASE; async_pending = 1; ECB_MEMORY_FENCE_RELEASE; if (!async->blocked) { psig_pend [9] = 1; ECB_MEMORY_FENCE_RELEASE; *sig_pending = 1; ECB_MEMORY_FENCE_RELEASE; } if (!pending && async->fd_enable && async->ep.len) s_epipe_signal (&async->ep); } static void handle_async (async_t *async) { int old_errno = errno; int value = *async->valuep; *async->valuep = 0; async->pending = 0; /* restore signal */ if (async->hysteresis) setsig (async->signum, async_sigsend); /* drain pipe */ if (async->fd_enable && async->ep.len && async->autodrain) s_epipe_drain (&async->ep); if (async->c_cb) { dTHX; async->c_cb (aTHX_ async->c_arg, value); } if (async->cb) { dSP; SV *saveerr = SvOK (ERRSV) ? sv_mortalcopy (ERRSV) : 0; SV *savedie = PL_diehook; PL_diehook = 0; PUSHSTACKi (PERLSI_SIGNAL); PUSHMARK (SP); XPUSHs (sv_2mortal (newSViv (value))); PUTBACK; call_sv (async->cb, G_VOID | G_DISCARD | G_EVAL); if (SvTRUE (ERRSV)) { SPAGAIN; PUSHMARK (SP); PUTBACK; call_sv (get_sv ("Async::Interrupt::DIED", 1), G_VOID | G_DISCARD | G_EVAL | G_KEEPERR); sv_setpvn (ERRSV, "", 0); } if (saveerr) sv_setsv (ERRSV, saveerr); { SV *oldhook = PL_diehook; PL_diehook = savedie; SvREFCNT_dec (oldhook); } POPSTACK; } errno = old_errno; } static void handle_asyncs (void) { int i; ECB_MEMORY_FENCE_ACQUIRE; async_pending = 0; for (i = AvFILLp (asyncs); i >= 0; --i) { SV *async_sv = AvARRAY (asyncs)[i]; async_t *async = SvASYNC_nrv (async_sv); if (async->pending && !async->blocked) { /* temporarily keep a refcount */ SvREFCNT_inc (async_sv); handle_async (async); SvREFCNT_dec (async_sv); /* the handler could have deleted any number of asyncs */ if (i > AvFILLp (asyncs)) i = AvFILLp (asyncs); } } } #if HAS_SA_SIGINFO static Signal_t async_sighandler (int signum, siginfo_t *si, void *sarg) { if (signum == 9) handle_asyncs (); else old_sighandler (signum, si, sarg); } #else static Signal_t async_sighandler (int signum) { if (signum == 9) handle_asyncs (); else old_sighandler (signum); } #endif #define block(async) ++(async)->blocked static void unblock (async_t *async) { --async->blocked; if (async->pending && !async->blocked) handle_async (async); } static void scope_block_cb (pTHX_ void *async_sv) { async_t *async = SvASYNC_nrv ((SV *)async_sv); async->scope_savestack = 0; unblock (async); SvREFCNT_dec (async_sv); } static void scope_block (SV *async_sv) { async_t *async = SvASYNC_nrv (async_sv); /* as a heuristic, we skip the scope block if we already are blocked */ /* and the existing scope block used the same savestack */ if (!async->scope_savestack || async->scope_savestack != PL_savestack) { async->scope_savestack = PL_savestack; block (async); LEAVE; /* unfortunately, perl sandwiches XS calls into ENTER/LEAVE */ SAVEDESTRUCTOR_X (scope_block_cb, (void *)SvREFCNT_inc (async_sv)); ENTER; /* unfortunately, perl sandwiches XS calls into ENTER/LEAVE */ } } MODULE = Async::Interrupt PACKAGE = Async::Interrupt BOOT: old_sighandler = PL_sighandlerp; PL_sighandlerp = async_sighandler; sig_pending = &PL_sig_pending; psig_pend = PL_psig_pend; asyncs = newAV (); CvNODEBUG_on (get_cv ("Async::Interrupt::scope_block", 0)); /* otherwise calling scope can be the debugger */ PROTOTYPES: DISABLE void _alloc (SV *cb, void *c_cb, void *c_arg, SV *fh_r, SV *fh_w, SV *signl, SV *pvalue) PPCODE: { SV *cv = SvOK (cb) ? SvREFCNT_inc (s_get_cv_croak (cb)) : 0; async_t *async; Newz (0, async, 1, async_t); XPUSHs (sv_2mortal (newSViv (PTR2IV (async)))); /* TODO: need to bless right now to ensure deallocation */ av_push (asyncs, TOPs); SvGETMAGIC (fh_r); SvGETMAGIC (fh_w); if (SvOK (fh_r) || SvOK (fh_w)) { int fd_r = s_fileno_croak (fh_r, 0); int fd_w = s_fileno_croak (fh_w, 1); async->fh_r = newSVsv (fh_r); async->fh_w = newSVsv (fh_w); async->ep.fd [0] = fd_r; async->ep.fd [1] = fd_w; async->ep.len = 1; async->fd_enable = 1; } async->value = SvROK (pvalue) ? SvREFCNT_inc_NN (SvRV (pvalue)) : NEWSV (0, 0); sv_setiv (async->value, 0); SvIOK_only (async->value); /* just to be sure */ SvREADONLY_on (async->value); async->valuep = &(SvIVX (async->value)); async->autodrain = 1; async->cb = cv; async->c_cb = c_cb; async->c_arg = c_arg; async->signum = SvOK (signl) ? s_signum_croak (signl) : 0; if (async->signum) { if (async->signum < 0) croak ("Async::Interrupt::new got passed illegal signal name or number: %s", SvPV_nolen (signl)); sig_async [async->signum] = async; setsig (async->signum, async_sigsend); } } void signal_hysteresis (async_t *async, int enable) CODE: async->hysteresis = enable; void signal_func (async_t *async) PPCODE: EXTEND (SP, 2); PUSHs (sv_2mortal (newSViv (PTR2IV (async_signal)))); PUSHs (sv_2mortal (newSViv (PTR2IV (async)))); void scope_block_func (SV *self) PPCODE: EXTEND (SP, 2); PUSHs (sv_2mortal (newSViv (PTR2IV (scope_block)))); PUSHs (sv_2mortal (newSViv (PTR2IV (SvRV (self))))); IV c_var (async_t *async) CODE: RETVAL = PTR2IV (async->valuep); OUTPUT: RETVAL void handle (async_t *async) CODE: handle_async (async); void signal (async_t *async, int value = 1) CODE: async_signal (async, value); void block (async_t *async) CODE: block (async); void unblock (async_t *async) CODE: unblock (async); void scope_block (SV *self) CODE: scope_block (SvRV (self)); void pipe_enable (async_t *async) ALIAS: pipe_enable = 1 pipe_disable = 0 CODE: async->fd_enable = ix; int pipe_fileno (async_t *async) CODE: if (!async->ep.len) { int res; /*block (async);*//*TODO*/ res = s_epipe_new (&async->ep); async->fd_enable = 1; /*unblock (async);*//*TODO*/ if (res < 0) croak ("Async::Interrupt: unable to initialize event pipe"); } RETVAL = async->ep.fd [0]; OUTPUT: RETVAL int pipe_autodrain (async_t *async, int enable = -1) CODE: RETVAL = async->autodrain; if (enable >= 0) async->autodrain = enable; OUTPUT: RETVAL void pipe_drain (async_t *async) CODE: if (async->ep.len) s_epipe_drain (&async->ep); void post_fork (async_t *async) CODE: if (async->ep.len) { int res; /*block (async);*//*TODO*/ res = s_epipe_renew (&async->ep); /*unblock (async);*//*TODO*/ if (res < 0) croak ("Async::Interrupt: unable to initialize event pipe after fork"); } void DESTROY (SV *self) CODE: { int i; SV *async_sv = SvRV (self); async_t *async = SvASYNC_nrv (async_sv); for (i = AvFILLp (asyncs); i >= 0; --i) if (AvARRAY (asyncs)[i] == async_sv) { AvARRAY (asyncs)[i] = AvARRAY (asyncs)[AvFILLp (asyncs)]; av_pop (asyncs); goto found; } if (!PL_dirty) warn ("Async::Interrupt::DESTROY could not find async object in list of asyncs, please report"); found: if (async->signum) setsig (async->signum, SIG_DFL); if (!async->fh_r && async->ep.len) s_epipe_destroy (&async->ep); SvREFCNT_dec (async->fh_r); SvREFCNT_dec (async->fh_w); SvREFCNT_dec (async->cb); SvREFCNT_dec (async->value); Safefree (async); } SV * sig2num (SV *signame_or_number) ALIAS: sig2num = 0 sig2name = 1 PROTOTYPE: $ CODE: { int signum = s_signum (signame_or_number); if (signum < 0) RETVAL = &PL_sv_undef; else if (ix) RETVAL = newSVpv (PL_sig_name [signum], 0); else RETVAL = newSViv (signum); } OUTPUT: RETVAL MODULE = Async::Interrupt PACKAGE = Async::Interrupt::EventPipe PREFIX = s_epipe_ void new (const char *klass) PPCODE: { s_epipe *epp; Newz (0, epp, 1, s_epipe); XPUSHs (sv_setref_iv (sv_newmortal (), klass, PTR2IV (epp))); if (s_epipe_new (epp) < 0) croak ("Async::Interrupt::EventPipe: unable to create new event pipe"); } void filenos (s_epipe *epp) PPCODE: EXTEND (SP, 2); PUSHs (sv_2mortal (newSViv (epp->fd [0]))); PUSHs (sv_2mortal (newSViv (epp->fd [1]))); int fileno (s_epipe *epp) ALIAS: fileno = 0 fileno_r = 0 fileno_w = 1 CODE: RETVAL = epp->fd [ix]; OUTPUT: RETVAL int type (s_epipe *epp) CODE: RETVAL = epp->len; OUTPUT: RETVAL void s_epipe_signal (s_epipe *epp) void s_epipe_drain (s_epipe *epp) void signal_func (s_epipe *epp) ALIAS: drain_func = 1 PPCODE: EXTEND (SP, 2); PUSHs (sv_2mortal (newSViv (PTR2IV (ix ? s_epipe_drain : s_epipe_signal)))); PUSHs (sv_2mortal (newSViv (PTR2IV (epp)))); void s_epipe_wait (s_epipe *epp) void s_epipe_renew (s_epipe *epp) void DESTROY (s_epipe *epp) CODE: s_epipe_destroy (epp);