File Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
statement 16 16 100.0
branch 4 4 100.0
condition n/a
subroutine 5 5 100.0
pod 0 1 0.0
total 25 26 96.1

line stmt bran cond sub pod time code
1             package Web::Dispatch::Node;
3 13     13   52 use Moo;
  13         19  
  13         66  
5             with 'Web::Dispatch::ToApp';
7             for (qw(match run)) {
8             has "_${_}" => (is => 'ro', required => 1, init_arg => $_);
9             }
11             sub call {
12 178     178 0 229 my ($self, $env) = @_;
13 178 100       478 if (my ($env_delta, @match) = $self->_match->($env)) {
14 92         182 ($env_delta, $self->_curry(@match));
15             } else {
16             ()
17 86         157 }
18             }
20             sub _curry {
21 92     92   108 my ($self, @args) = @_;
22 92         225 my $run = $self->_run;
23 92     92   241 my $code = sub { $run->(@args, $_[0]) };
  92         210  
24             # if the first argument is a hashref, localize %_ to it to permit
25             # use of $_{name} inside the dispatch sub
26             ref($args[0]) eq 'HASH'
27 92 100   7   402 ? do { my $v = $args[0]; sub { local *_ = $v; &$code } }
  7         13  
  7         50  
  7         15  
  7         14  
28             : $code
29             }
31             1;