File Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
statement 12 13 92.3
branch n/a
condition n/a
subroutine 4 5 80.0
pod 1 1 100.0
total 17 19 89.4

line stmt bran cond sub pod time code
1             package Quiz::Flashcards::Sets::Kanji_Radicals::English;
3 2     2   38938 use warnings;
  2         5  
  2         72  
4 2     2   10 use strict;
  2         5  
  2         623  
5 2     2   2230 use utf8;
  2         28  
  2         15  
7 2     2   77 use base 'Exporter';
  2         4  
  2         21793  
9             our @EXPORT = (qw( get_set ));
11             =head1 NAME
13             Quiz::Flashcards::Sets::Kanji_Radicals::English - Flashcard set with the basic 214 japanese radicals
15             =head1 VERSION
17             Version 0.01
19             =cut
21             our $VERSION = '0.01';
23             =head1 DESCRIPTION
25             This module will provide L with the data needed to test and train the reading (meaning) of the 214 basic radicals of the japanese kanji alphabet.
27             The characters are presented in UTF8 text, so your system will need to have compatible fonts installed. The answer is expected as multiple choice input. Upon confirmation of the answer the set will attempt to play a sound of the word if L is installed.
29             =head1 SYNOPSIS
31             This module is used by L and not on its own. Refer to the source code of L for examples on how to access it.
33             =head1 FUNCTIONS
35             =head2 get_set
37             This function returns an array of all items in this set. The items are represented as hashes with the following members: C, C, C, C, C, C.
39             =cut
41             =head1 AUTHOR
43             Christian Walde, C<< >>
45             =head1 BUGS
47             Please report any bugs or feature requests to C, or through
48             the web interface at L. I will be notified, and then you'll
49             automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
54             =head1 SUPPORT
56             Please refer to L for further information.
59             =head1 COPYRIGHT & LICENSE
61             Copyright 2009 Christian Walde, all rights reserved.
63             This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
64             under the same terms as Perl itself.
67             =cut
69             my $ab = "Quiz::Flashcards::Audiobanks::Japanese_Words_Radicals";
70             my $ab2 = "Quiz::Flashcards::Audiobanks::Japanese_Syllables";
72             my @set;
73             push @set, { question => "一", complexity => 1, answer => "one ", description => "いち", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "ichi.wav" };
74             push @set, { question => "丨", complexity => 1, answer => "rod / staff / line radical ", description => "ぼう", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "bou.wav" };
75             push @set, { question => "丶", complexity => 1, answer => "dot ", description => "てん", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "ten.wav" };
76             push @set, { question => "丿", complexity => 1, answer => "slash / katakana 'no' ", description => "の", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "no.wav" };
77             push @set, { question => "乙", complexity => 1, answer => "fish hook radical / second / strange ", description => "おつ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "otsu.wav" };
78             push @set, { question => "乚", complexity => 2, answer => "fish hook radical / second / strange ", description => "おつ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "otsu.wav" };
79             push @set, { question => "乛", complexity => 3, answer => "fish hook radical / second / strange ", description => "おつ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "otsu.wav" };
80             push @set, { question => "亅", complexity => 1, answer => "hook / barb radical ", description => "けつ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "ketsu.wav" };
81             push @set, { question => "二", complexity => 1, answer => "two ", description => "に", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "ni.wav" };
82             push @set, { question => "亠", complexity => 1, answer => "pot lid ", description => "とう", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "tou.wav" };
83             push @set, { question => "人", complexity => 1, answer => "person ", description => "ひと", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "hito.wav" };
84             push @set, { question => "亻", complexity => 2, answer => "person ", description => "ひと", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "hito.wav" };
85             push @set, { question => "儿", complexity => 2, answer => "human legs ", description => "じん", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "jin.wav" };
86             push @set, { question => "入", complexity => 2, answer => "enter ", description => "はいり", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "hairi.wav" };
87             push @set, { question => "八", complexity => 2, answer => "eight ", description => "はち", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "hachi.wav" };
88             push @set, { question => "冂", complexity => 2, answer => "upside down box radical ", description => "きょう", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "kyou.wav" };
89             push @set, { question => "冖", complexity => 2, answer => "cover ", description => "べき", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "beki.wav" };
90             push @set, { question => "冫", complexity => 2, answer => "ice radical ", description => "ひょう", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "hyou.wav" };
91             push @set, { question => "几", complexity => 2, answer => "table / desk ", description => "き", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "ki.wav" };
92             push @set, { question => "凵", complexity => 3, answer => "open box enclosure", description => "かん", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "kan.wav" };
93             push @set, { question => "刀", complexity => 3, answer => "sword / blade ", description => "かたな", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "katana.wav" };
94             push @set, { question => "刂", complexity => 4, answer => "sword / blade ", description => "かたな", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "katana.wav" };
95             push @set, { question => "力", complexity => 3, answer => "strength, power, force, ability ", description => "ちから", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "chikara.wav" };
96             push @set, { question => "勹", complexity => 3, answer => "wrap / embrace / wraping enclosure ", description => "ほう", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "hou.wav" };
97             push @set, { question => "匕", complexity => 3, answer => "spoon / katakana 'hi' ", description => "ひ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "hi.wav" };
98             push @set, { question => "匚", complexity => 3, answer => "box on side ", description => "ほう", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "hou.wav" };
99             push @set, { question => "匸", complexity => 3, answer => "hiding enclosure radical ", description => "けい", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "kei.wav" };
100             push @set, { question => "十", complexity => 3, answer => "ten ", description => "じゅう", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "shuu.wav" };
101             push @set, { question => "卜", complexity => 4, answer => "divining rod / katakana 'to' ", description => "ぼく", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "boku.wav" };
102             push @set, { question => "卩", complexity => 4, answer => "seal ", description => "せつ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "setsu.wav" };
103             push @set, { question => "厂", complexity => 4, answer => "cliff ", description => "かん", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "kan.wav" };
104             push @set, { question => "厶", complexity => 4, answer => "myself / private / katakana 'mu' ", description => "む", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "mu.wav" };
105             push @set, { question => "又", complexity => 4, answer => "again ", description => "また", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "mata.wav" };
106             push @set, { question => "口", complexity => 4, answer => "mouth / opening / enclosure / box ", description => "くち", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "kuchi.wav" };
107             push @set, { question => "囗", complexity => 5, answer => "mouth / opening / enclosure / box ", description => "くち", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "kuchi.wav" };
108             push @set, { question => "土", complexity => 4, answer => "soil, ground ", description => "つち", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "tsuchi.wav" };
109             push @set, { question => "士", complexity => 4, answer => "gentleman, samurai ", description => "し", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "shi.wav" };
110             push @set, { question => "夂", complexity => 5, answer => "winter ", description => "ち", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "chi.wav" };
111             push @set, { question => "夊", complexity => 5, answer => "winter variant radical ", description => "すい", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "sui.wav" };
112             push @set, { question => "夕", complexity => 5, answer => "evening ", description => "ゆう", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "yuu.wav" };
113             push @set, { question => "大", complexity => 5, answer => "large / big", description => "おお", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "oo.wav" };
114             push @set, { question => "女", complexity => 5, answer => "woman ", description => "じょ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "jo.wav" };
115             push @set, { question => "子", complexity => 5, answer => "child", description => "こ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "ko.wav" };
116             push @set, { question => "宀", complexity => 5, answer => "crown / roof / katakana 'u' ", description => "べん", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "ben.wav" };
117             push @set, { question => "寸", complexity => 5, answer => "measurement, size ", description => "すん", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "Sun.wav" };
118             push @set, { question => "小", complexity => 6, answer => "small ", description => "しょう", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "shou.wav" };
119             push @set, { question => "尢", complexity => 6, answer => "lame / crooked legs / large ", description => "おう", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "ou.wav" };
120             push @set, { question => "尣", complexity => 7, answer => "lame / crooked legs / large ", description => "おう", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "ou.wav" };
121             push @set, { question => "尸", complexity => 6, answer => "corpse / flag ", description => "し", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "shi.wav" };
122             push @set, { question => "屮", complexity => 6, answer => "left hand / sprout / grass ", description => "てつ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "tetsu.wav" };
123             push @set, { question => "山", complexity => 6, answer => "mountain ", description => "さん", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "san.wav" };
124             push @set, { question => "巛", complexity => 6, answer => "turning river / curving river ", description => "せん", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "sen.wav" };
125             push @set, { question => "巜", complexity => 7, answer => "turning river / curving river ", description => "せん", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "sen.wav" };
126             push @set, { question => "川", complexity => 6, answer => "river, stream ", description => "かわ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "kawa.wav" };
127             push @set, { question => "工", complexity => 6, answer => "contruction / craft ", description => "こう", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "kou.wav" };
128             push @set, { question => "己", complexity => 6, answer => "one's self / snake / serpent ", description => "こ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "ko.wav" };
129             push @set, { question => "巳", complexity => 7, answer => "one's self / snake / serpent ", description => "こ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "ko.wav" };
130             push @set, { question => "已", complexity => 8, answer => "one's self / snake / serpent ", description => "こ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "ko.wav" };
131             push @set, { question => "巾", complexity => 6, answer => "napkin / cloth / towel ", description => "きん", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "kin.wav" };
132             push @set, { question => "干", complexity => 7, answer => "dry ", description => "かん", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "kan.wav" };
133             push @set, { question => "幺", complexity => 7, answer => "short / short thread ", description => "よう", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "you.wav" };
134             push @set, { question => "广", complexity => 7, answer => "dotted cliff / sloping / broad / wide ", description => "げん", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "gen.wav" };
135             push @set, { question => "廴", complexity => 7, answer => "long stride / stretching ", description => "いん", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "in.wav" };
136             push @set, { question => "廾", complexity => 7, answer => "twenty / 20 / two hands ", description => "きょう", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "kyou.wav" };
137             push @set, { question => "弋", complexity => 7, answer => "ceremony ", description => "よく", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "yoku.wav" };
138             push @set, { question => "弓", complexity => 8, answer => "bow / archery ", description => "ゆみ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "yumi.wav" };
139             push @set, { question => "彐", complexity => 8, answer => "pig's head / pig snout ", description => "けい", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "kei.wav" };
140             push @set, { question => "彑", complexity => 9, answer => "pig's head / pig snout ", description => "けい", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "kei.wav" };
141             push @set, { question => "彡", complexity => 8, answer => "hair / fur / three / 3 ", description => "さん", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "san.wav" };
142             push @set, { question => "三", complexity => 9, answer => "hair / fur / three / 3 ", description => "さん", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "san.wav" };
143             push @set, { question => "彳", complexity => 8, answer => "loiter / going man radical ", description => "てき", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "teki.wav" };
144             push @set, { question => "心", complexity => 8, answer => "heart ", description => "こころ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "kokoro.wav" };
145             push @set, { question => "忄", complexity => 9, answer => "heart ", description => "こころ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "kokoro.wav" };
146             push @set, { question => "戈", complexity => 8, answer => "halberd / arms / festival float", description => "ほこ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "hoko.wav" };
147             push @set, { question => "戶", complexity => 8, answer => "door ", description => "と", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "to.wav" };
148             push @set, { question => "户", complexity => 10, answer => "door ", description => "と", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "to.wav" };
149             push @set, { question => "戸", complexity => 11, answer => "door ", description => "と", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "to.wav" };
150             push @set, { question => "手", complexity => 8, answer => "hand ", description => "て", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "te.wav" };
151             push @set, { question => "扌", complexity => 10, answer => "hand ", description => "て", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "te.wav" };
152             push @set, { question => "支", complexity => 9, answer => "branch / support ", description => "し", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "shi.wav" };
153             push @set, { question => "攴", complexity => 9, answer => "folding chair / strike / hit ", description => "ぶん", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "bun.wav" };
154             push @set, { question => "攵", complexity => 10, answer => "folding chair / strike / hit ", description => "ぶん", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "bun.wav" };
155             push @set, { question => "斗", complexity => 9, answer => "sake dipper ", description => "と", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "to.wav" };
156             push @set, { question => "斤", complexity => 9, answer => "loaf counter / axe radical ", description => "おの", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "ono.wav" };
157             push @set, { question => "方", complexity => 9, answer => "direction / person / way of doing ", description => "~かた", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "kata.wav" };
158             push @set, { question => "无", complexity => 9, answer => "nothing / non-existant / not ", description => "ぶ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "bu.wav" };
159             push @set, { question => "旡", complexity => 10, answer => "nothing / non-existant / not ", description => "ぶ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "bu.wav" };
160             push @set, { question => "日", complexity => 10, answer => "sun / day ", description => "にち", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "nichi.wav" };
161             push @set, { question => "曰", complexity => 10, answer => "history / pretext / say ", description => "えつ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "etsu.wav" };
162             push @set, { question => "月", complexity => 10, answer => "moon / month / bodily organ radical ", description => "つき", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "tsuki.wav" };
163             push @set, { question => "木", complexity => 10, answer => "tree / wood ", description => "もく", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "moku.wav" };
164             push @set, { question => "欠", complexity => 11, answer => "lack / deficiency / yawn radical ", description => "あくび", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "akubi.wav" };
165             push @set, { question => "止", complexity => 11, answer => "stop ", description => "と", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "to.wav" };
166             push @set, { question => "歹", complexity => 11, answer => "death / decay ", description => "がつ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "gatsu.wav" };
167             push @set, { question => "歺", complexity => 12, answer => "death / decay ", description => "がつ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "gatsu.wav" };
168             push @set, { question => "殳", complexity => 11, answer => "windy-again radical ", description => "しゅ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "shu.wav" };
169             push @set, { question => "毋", complexity => 11, answer => "mother ", description => "ぼ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "bo.wav" };
170             push @set, { question => "母", complexity => 12, answer => "mother ", description => "ぼ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "bo.wav" };
171             push @set, { question => "比", complexity => 11, answer => "compare / race / ratio / Phillipines", description => "ひ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "hi.wav" };
172             push @set, { question => "毛", complexity => 11, answer => "fur / hair / feather / down ", description => "け", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "ke.wav" };
173             push @set, { question => "氏", complexity => 11, answer => "family name / surname / clan ", description => "うじ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "uji.wav" };
174             push @set, { question => "气", complexity => 12, answer => "spirit / steam / breath ", description => "きがまえ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "kigamae.wav" };
175             push @set, { question => "水", complexity => 12, answer => "water ", description => "すい", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "sui.wav" };
176             push @set, { question => "氵", complexity => 13, answer => "water ", description => "すい", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "sui.wav" };
177             push @set, { question => "氺", complexity => 14, answer => "water ", description => "すい", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "sui.wav" };
178             push @set, { question => "火", complexity => 12, answer => "fire ", description => "ひ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "hi.wav" };
179             push @set, { question => "灬", complexity => 13, answer => "fire ", description => "ひ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "hi.wav" };
180             push @set, { question => "爪", complexity => 12, answer => "claw / nail / talon ", description => "つめ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "tsume.wav" };
181             push @set, { question => "爫", complexity => 13, answer => "claw / nail / talon ", description => "つめ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "tsume.wav" };
182             push @set, { question => "父", complexity => 12, answer => "father ", description => "ちち", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "chichi.wav" };
183             push @set, { question => "爻", complexity => 12, answer => "mix / associate with / double 'X' radical ", description => "こう", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "kou.wav" };
184             push @set, { question => "爿", complexity => 12, answer => "split wood / piece of wood ", description => "しょう", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "shou.wav" };
185             push @set, { question => "片", complexity => 13, answer => "slice / sheet / side / kata radical ", description => "かた", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "kata.wav" };
186             push @set, { question => "牙", complexity => 13, answer => "tusk / fang ", description => "が", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "ga.wav" };
187             push @set, { question => "牛", complexity => 13, answer => "cow / cattle / ox ", description => "うし", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "ushi.wav" };
188             push @set, { question => "牜", complexity => 14, answer => "cow / cattle / ox ", description => "うし", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "ushi.wav" };
189             push @set, { question => "犬", complexity => 13, answer => "dog ", description => "いぬ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "inu.wav" };
190             push @set, { question => "犭", complexity => 14, answer => "dog ", description => "いぬ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "inu.wav" };
191             push @set, { question => "玄", complexity => 13, answer => "occult / mysterious / dark ", description => "げん", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "gen.wav" };
192             push @set, { question => "玉", complexity => 13, answer => "gem / stone / jewell / ball / jade ", description => "たま", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "tama.wav" };
193             push @set, { question => "王", complexity => 14, answer => "king, monarch ", description => "おう", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "ou.wav" };
194             push @set, { question => "瓜", complexity => 14, answer => "melon ", description => "うり", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "uri.wav" };
195             push @set, { question => "瓦", complexity => 14, answer => "tile ", description => "かわら", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "kawara.wav" };
196             push @set, { question => "甘", complexity => 14, answer => "sweet ", description => "あま", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "ama.wav" };
197             push @set, { question => "生", complexity => 14, answer => "life ", description => "せい", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "sei.wav" };
198             push @set, { question => "用", complexity => 14, answer => "use / purpose ", description => "よう", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "you.wav" };
199             push @set, { question => "田", complexity => 15, answer => "rice field, rice paddy ", description => "た", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "ta.wav" };
200             push @set, { question => "疋", complexity => 15, answer => "head (of cattle) ", description => "ひき", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "hiki.wav" };
201             push @set, { question => "疒", complexity => 15, answer => "sickness / disease ", description => "だく", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "daku.wav" };
202             push @set, { question => "癶", complexity => 15, answer => "dotted tent radical ", description => "はつ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "hatsu.wav" };
203             push @set, { question => "白", complexity => 15, answer => "white / blank ", description => "しろ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "shiro.wav" };
204             push @set, { question => "皮", complexity => 15, answer => "skin, hide ", description => "かわ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "kawa.wav" };
205             push @set, { question => "皿", complexity => 15, answer => "plate, counter for plates or helpings ", description => "さら", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "sara.wav" };
206             push @set, { question => "目", complexity => 15, answer => "eye / eyeball / eyesight ", description => "もく", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "moku.wav" };
207             push @set, { question => "矛", complexity => 16, answer => "halberd / arms / festival car / float ", description => "ほこ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "hoko.wav" };
208             push @set, { question => "矢", complexity => 16, answer => "dart / arrow ", description => "や", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "ya.wav" };
209             push @set, { question => "石", complexity => 16, answer => "stone, small rock ", description => "いし", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "ishi.wav" };
210             push @set, { question => "示", complexity => 16, answer => "indicate / point out ", description => "しめす", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "shimesu.wav" };
211             push @set, { question => "礻", complexity => 17, answer => "indicate / point out ", description => "しめす", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "shimesu.wav" };
212             push @set, { question => "禸", complexity => 16, answer => "track / gun / legs / rump ", description => "じゅう", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "shuu.wav" };
213             push @set, { question => "禾", complexity => 16, answer => "two branch tree ", description => "か", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "ka.wav" };
214             push @set, { question => "穴", complexity => 16, answer => "hole / cavity / cave ", description => "あな", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "ana.wav" };
215             push @set, { question => "立", complexity => 16, answer => "standing ", description => "た", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "ta.wav" };
216             push @set, { question => "竹", complexity => 16, answer => "bamboo ", description => "たけ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "take.wav" };
217             push @set, { question => "米", complexity => 17, answer => "uncooked rice / America ", description => "こめ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "kome.wav" };
218             push @set, { question => "糸", complexity => 17, answer => "thread, yarn ", description => "いと", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "ito.wav" };
219             push @set, { question => "糹", complexity => 18, answer => "thread, yarn ", description => "いと", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "ito.wav" };
220             push @set, { question => "缶", complexity => 17, answer => "can / jar / tin ", description => "かん", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "kan.wav" };
221             push @set, { question => "网", complexity => 17, answer => "net / mesh ", description => "あみめ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "amime.wav" };
222             push @set, { question => "罒", complexity => 18, answer => "net / mesh ", description => "あみめ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "amime.wav" };
223             push @set, { question => "罓", complexity => 19, answer => "net / mesh ", description => "あみめ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "amime.wav" };
224             push @set, { question => "羊", complexity => 17, answer => "sheep ", description => "よう", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "you.wav" };
225             push @set, { question => "羽", complexity => 19, answer => "feather / wing / bird counter ", description => "は", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "ha.wav" };
226             push @set, { question => "老", complexity => 17, answer => "old / old age / growing old ", description => "おいる", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "oiru.wav" };
227             push @set, { question => "考", complexity => 18, answer => "old / old age / growing old ", description => "おいる", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "oiru.wav" };
228             push @set, { question => "而", complexity => 17, answer => "rake ", description => "じ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "ji.wav" };
229             push @set, { question => "耒", complexity => 17, answer => "plow / 3 branch tree ", description => "らい", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "rai.wav" };
230             push @set, { question => "耳", complexity => 18, answer => "ear / hearing ", description => "みみ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "mimi.wav" };
231             push @set, { question => "聿", complexity => 18, answer => "writing brush ", description => "ふで", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "hude.wav" };
232             push @set, { question => "肉", complexity => 18, answer => "meat ", description => "にく", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "niku.wav" };
233             push @set, { question => "臣", complexity => 18, answer => "retainer / subject ", description => "しん", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "shin.wav" };
234             push @set, { question => "自", complexity => 18, answer => "oneself ", description => "じ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "ji.wav" };
235             push @set, { question => "至", complexity => 18, answer => "reach / achieve / climax ", description => "いたる", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "itaru.wav" };
236             push @set, { question => "臼", complexity => 19, answer => "mortar ", description => "うす", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "usu.wav" };
237             push @set, { question => "舌", complexity => 19, answer => "tongue ", description => "した", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "shita.wav" };
238             push @set, { question => "舛", complexity => 19, answer => "dancing radical ", description => "せん", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "sen.wav" };
239             push @set, { question => "舟", complexity => 19, answer => "boat / ship / vessel ", description => "しゅう", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "shuu.wav" };
240             push @set, { question => "艮", complexity => 19, answer => "stopping /good radical ", description => "こん", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "kon.wav" };
241             push @set, { question => "色", complexity => 19, answer => "color ", description => "いろ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "iro.wav" };
242             push @set, { question => "艸", complexity => 19, answer => "grass ", description => "くさ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "kusa.wav" };
243             push @set, { question => "艹", complexity => 20, answer => "grass ", description => "くさ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "kusa.wav" };
244             push @set, { question => "虍", complexity => 20, answer => "tiger / tiger stripes ", description => "こ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "ko.wav" };
245             push @set, { question => "虫", complexity => 20, answer => "insect / worm ", description => "むし", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "mushi.wav" };
246             push @set, { question => "血", complexity => 20, answer => "blood ", description => "ち", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "chi.wav" };
247             push @set, { question => "行", complexity => 20, answer => "go / to go ", description => "い", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "i.wav" };
248             push @set, { question => "衣", complexity => 20, answer => "clothes / garment / dressing ", description => "い", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "i.wav" };
249             push @set, { question => "衤", complexity => 21, answer => "clothes / garment / dressing ", description => "い", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "i.wav" };
250             push @set, { question => "西", complexity => 20, answer => "west ", description => "にし", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "nishi.wav" };
251             push @set, { question => "襾", complexity => 21, answer => "west ", description => "にし", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "nishi.wav" };
252             push @set, { question => "見", complexity => 22, answer => "see / look / show ", description => "み", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "mi.wav" };
253             push @set, { question => "角", complexity => 22, answer => "angle / corner / square ", description => "かど", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "kado.wav" };
254             push @set, { question => "言", complexity => 21, answer => "to say / speech ", description => "げん", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "gen.wav" };
255             push @set, { question => "訁", complexity => 22, answer => "to say / speech ", description => "げん", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "gen.wav" };
256             push @set, { question => "谷", complexity => 21, answer => "valley, ravine ", description => "たに", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "tani.wav" };
257             push @set, { question => "豆", complexity => 21, answer => "beans / pea / midget", description => "まめ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "mame.wav" };
258             push @set, { question => "豕", complexity => 21, answer => "pig / hog / boar ", description => "し", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "shi.wav" };
259             push @set, { question => "豸", complexity => 21, answer => "badger / snake / legless insect ", description => "ち", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "chi.wav" };
260             push @set, { question => "貝", complexity => 21, answer => "shellfish / shell ", description => "ばい", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "bai.wav" };
261             push @set, { question => "赤", complexity => 21, answer => "red / crimson ", description => "せき", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "seki.wav" };
262             push @set, { question => "走", complexity => 22, answer => "run ", description => "そう", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "sou.wav" };
263             push @set, { question => "赱", complexity => 23, answer => "run ", description => "そう", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "sou.wav" };
264             push @set, { question => "足", complexity => 22, answer => "leg / foot ", description => "あし", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "ashi.wav" };
265             push @set, { question => "身", complexity => 22, answer => "person / one's station in life ", description => "しん", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "shin.wav" };
266             push @set, { question => "車", complexity => 22, answer => "car ", description => "くるま", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "kuruma.wav" };
267             push @set, { question => "辛", complexity => 22, answer => "spicy / bitter / hot ", description => "から", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "kara.wav" };
268             push @set, { question => "辰", complexity => 22, answer => "dragon ", description => "たつ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "tatsu.wav" };
269             push @set, { question => "辵", complexity => 22, answer => "walk / road radical ", description => "ちゃく", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "chaku.wav" };
270             push @set, { question => "辶", complexity => 23, answer => "walk / road radical ", description => "ちゃく", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "chaku.wav" };
271             push @set, { question => "邑", complexity => 22, answer => "village / rural community ", description => "ゆう", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "yuu.wav" };
272             push @set, { question => "阝", complexity => 23, answer => "village / rural community ", description => "ゆう", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "yuu.wav" };
273             push @set, { question => "酉", complexity => 23, answer => "west / bird / sake radical ", description => "ゆう", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "yuu.wav" };
274             push @set, { question => "釆", complexity => 23, answer => "separate / divide / topped rice radical ", description => "はん", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "han.wav" };
275             push @set, { question => "里", complexity => 23, answer => "village / parent's home ", description => "さと", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "sato.wav" };
276             push @set, { question => "金", complexity => 23, answer => "money, gold ", description => "かね", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "kane.wav" };
277             push @set, { question => "釒", complexity => 24, answer => "money, gold ", description => "かね", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "kane.wav" };
278             push @set, { question => "長", complexity => 23, answer => "long, leader ", description => "ちょう", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "chou.wav" };
279             push @set, { question => "镸", complexity => 24, answer => "long, leader ", description => "ちょう", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "chou.wav" };
280             push @set, { question => "門", complexity => 23, answer => "gate ", description => "もん", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "mon.wav" };
281             push @set, { question => "阜", complexity => 24, answer => "hill / mound ", description => "ふう", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "huu.wav" };
282             push @set, { question => "阝", complexity => 25, answer => "hill / mound ", description => "ふう", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "huu.wav" };
283             push @set, { question => "隶", complexity => 24, answer => "extend / slave radical ", description => "たい", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "tai.wav" };
284             push @set, { question => "隹", complexity => 24, answer => "old bird radical ", description => "さい", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "sai.wav" };
285             push @set, { question => "雨", complexity => 24, answer => "rain ", description => "あめ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "ame.wav" };
286             push @set, { question => "青", complexity => 24, answer => "blue / green / green light ", description => "あお", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "ao.wav" };
287             push @set, { question => "靑", complexity => 25, answer => "blue / green / green light ", description => "あお", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "ao.wav" };
288             push @set, { question => "非", complexity => 24, answer => "wrong / mistake ", description => "ひ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "hi.wav" };
289             push @set, { question => "面", complexity => 24, answer => "mask / face / surface ", description => "めん", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "men.wav" };
290             push @set, { question => "靣", complexity => 25, answer => "mask / face / surface ", description => "めん", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "men.wav" };
291             push @set, { question => "革", complexity => 25, answer => "leather / pelt / become serious ", description => "かぐ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "kagu.wav" };
292             push @set, { question => "韋", complexity => 25, answer => "tanned leather radical ", description => "そむく", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "somuku.wav" };
293             push @set, { question => "韭", complexity => 25, answer => "leek radical ", description => "きょう", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "kyou.wav" };
294             push @set, { question => "音", complexity => 25, answer => "sound / noise ", description => "おと", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "oto.wav" };
295             push @set, { question => "頁", complexity => 25, answer => "page / leaf ", description => "けつ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "ketsu.wav" };
296             push @set, { question => "風", complexity => 25, answer => "wind / air / manner ", description => "ふう", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "huu.wav" };
297             push @set, { question => "飛", complexity => 26, answer => "fly / skip over / scatter ", description => "ひ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "hi.wav" };
298             push @set, { question => "食", complexity => 26, answer => "food / eat ", description => "しょく", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "shoku.wav" };
299             push @set, { question => "飠", complexity => 27, answer => "food / eat ", description => "しょく", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "shoku.wav" };
300             push @set, { question => "首", complexity => 26, answer => "neck / song counter ", description => "しゅ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "shu.wav" };
301             push @set, { question => "香", complexity => 26, answer => "incense / smell / perfume ", description => "こう", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "kou.wav" };
302             push @set, { question => "馬", complexity => 26, answer => "horse ", description => "ば", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "ba.wav" };
303             push @set, { question => "骨", complexity => 26, answer => "bone / skeleton ", description => "こつ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "kotsu.wav" };
304             push @set, { question => "高", complexity => 26, answer => "tall / high / expensive ", description => "こう", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "kou.wav" };
305             push @set, { question => "髙", complexity => 27, answer => "tall / high / expensive ", description => "こう", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "kou.wav" };
306             push @set, { question => "髟", complexity => 26, answer => "long hair radical ", description => "ひょう", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "hyou.wav" };
307             push @set, { question => "鬥", complexity => 26, answer => "fighting radical / broken gate radical ", description => "とう", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "tou.wav" };
308             push @set, { question => "鬯", complexity => 27, answer => "fragrant herbs ", description => "ちょう", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "chou.wav" };
309             push @set, { question => "鬲", complexity => 27, answer => "tripod / three legged pot ", description => "かく", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "kaku.wav" };
310             push @set, { question => "鬼", complexity => 27, answer => "ghost / demon / ogre / devil ", description => "き", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "ki.wav" };
311             push @set, { question => "魚", complexity => 27, answer => "fish ", description => "ぎょ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "kyo.wav" };
312             push @set, { question => "鳥", complexity => 27, answer => "bird / chicken ", description => "ちょう", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "chou.wav" };
313             push @set, { question => "鹵", complexity => 27, answer => "salt ", description => "ろ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "ro.wav" };
314             push @set, { question => "鹿", complexity => 27, answer => "deer ", description => "しか", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "shika.wav" };
315             push @set, { question => "麥", complexity => 28, answer => "wheat radical ", description => "ばく", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "baku.wav" };
316             push @set, { question => "麻", complexity => 28, answer => "hemp / flax ", description => "ま", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "ma.wav" };
317             push @set, { question => "黄", complexity => 28, answer => "yellow ", description => "おう", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "ou.wav" };
318             push @set, { question => "黍", complexity => 28, answer => "millet ", description => "きび", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "kibi.wav" };
319             push @set, { question => "黒", complexity => 28, answer => "black ", description => "くろ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "kuro.wav" };
320             push @set, { question => "黹", complexity => 29, answer => "sewing radical ", description => "ち", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "chi.wav" };
321             push @set, { question => "黽", complexity => 28, answer => "frog / amphibian / industry ", description => "ぼう", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "bou.wav" };
322             push @set, { question => "黾", complexity => 29, answer => "frog / amphibian / industry ", description => "ぼう", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "bou.wav" };
323             push @set, { question => "鼎", complexity => 29, answer => "three legged pot / tripod ", description => "てい", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "tei.wav" };
324             push @set, { question => "鼓", complexity => 29, answer => "drum / beat ", description => "こ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "ko.wav" };
325             push @set, { question => "鼠", complexity => 29, answer => "rat / mouse / dark grey ", description => "そ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "so.wav" };
326             push @set, { question => "齊", complexity => 29, answer => "alike / even / uniform / same ", description => "せい", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "sei.wav" };
327             push @set, { question => "齒", complexity => 28, answer => "tooth / molar / cog ", description => "し", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "shi.wav" };
328             push @set, { question => "歯", complexity => 29, answer => "tooth / molar / cog ", description => "し", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "shi.wav" };
329             push @set, { question => "齿", complexity => 30, answer => "tooth / molar / cog ", description => "し", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab2, audio_file => "shi.wav" };
330             push @set, { question => "龍", complexity => 28, answer => "dragon / imperial ", description => "りゅう ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "ryuu.wav" };
331             push @set, { question => "竜", complexity => 29, answer => "dragon / imperial ", description => "りゅう ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "ryuu.wav" };
332             push @set, { question => "龜", complexity => 28, answer => "turtle, tortoise ", description => "かめ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "kame.wav" };
333             push @set, { question => "亀", complexity => 29, answer => "turtle, tortoise ", description => "かめ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "kame.wav" };
334             push @set, { question => "龟", complexity => 30, answer => "turtle, tortoise ", description => "かめ", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "kame.wav" };
335             push @set, { question => "龠", complexity => 30, answer => "flute ", description => "やく", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "yaku.wav" };
336             push @set, { question => "文", complexity => 30, answer => "sentence ", description => "ぶん", question_type => "text", answer_type => "multi", audiobank => $ab, audio_file => "bun.wav" };
340             sub get_set {
341 0     0 1   return @set;
342             }
344             1; # End of Quiz::Flashcards::Sets::Kanji_Radicals::English