File Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
statement 36 41 87.8
branch 6 16 37.5
condition 1 3 33.3
subroutine 7 7 100.0
pod n/a
total 50 67 74.6

line stmt bran cond sub pod time code
1             #! /usr/local/bin/perl
3 1     1   6 use strict;
  1         2  
  1         24  
4 1     1   4 use Cwd;
  1         1  
  1         72  
5 1     1   5 use File::Basename;
  1         1  
  1         91  
6 1     1   5 use File::Spec;
  1         1  
  1         152  
8             sub magic_number_matches {
9 1 50   1   25 return 0 unless -e '_build/magicnum';
10 1         2 my $FH;
11 1 50       97 open $FH, '<','_build/magicnum' or return 0;
12 1         13 my $filenum = <$FH>;
13 1         8 close $FH;
14 1         14 return $filenum == 656963;
15             }
17 1         3 my $progname;
18             my $orig_dir;
19             BEGIN {
20 1     1   4 $^W = 1; # Use warnings
21 1         66 $progname = basename($0);
22 1         1919 $orig_dir = Cwd::cwd();
23 1         13 my $base_dir = '/root/.cpan/build/Nasm-X86-202104013-0';
24 1 50       14 if (!magic_number_matches()) {
25 0 0       0 unless (chdir($base_dir)) {
26 0         0 die ("Couldn't chdir($base_dir), aborting\n");
27             }
28 0 0       0 unless (magic_number_matches()) {
29 0         0 die ("Configuration seems to be out of date, please re-run 'perl Build.PL' again.\n");
30             }
31             }
32 1         6 unshift @INC,
33             (
35             );
36 1 50       31 if ($INC[-1] ne '.') {
37 1         91 push @INC, '.';
38             }
40             }
42 1 50       4 close(*DATA) unless eof(*DATA); # ensure no open handles to this script
44 1     1   673 use Module::Build;
  1         65876  
  1         1295  
45 1         18 Module::Build->VERSION(q{0.4224});
47             # Some platforms have problems setting $^X in shebang contexts, fix it up here
48 1         7 $^X = Module::Build->find_perl_interpreter;
50 1 50 33     278015 if (-e 'Build.PL' and not Module::Build->up_to_date('Build.PL', $progname)) {
51 0         0 warn "Warning: Build.PL has been altered. You may need to run 'perl Build.PL' again.\n";
52             }
54             # This should have just enough arguments to be able to bootstrap the rest.
55 1         115 my $build = Module::Build->resume (
56             properties => {
57             config_dir => '_build',
58             orig_dir => $orig_dir,
59             },
60             );
62 1         594203 $build->dispatch;