File Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
statement 11 23 47.8
branch 0 4 0.0
condition 0 3 0.0
subroutine 4 7 57.1
pod 0 1 0.0
total 15 38 39.4

line stmt bran cond sub pod time code
2             package Importer::Zim::Bogus;
3             $Importer::Zim::Bogus::VERSION = '0.12.1';
4             # ABSTRACT: Bogus Importer::Zim backend
6 1     1   1040 use 5.010001;
  1         3  
8 1     1   5 use Importer::Zim::Utils qw(DEBUG carp);
  1         1  
  1         4  
10             sub import {
11 0     0     require Importer::Zim::Base;
12 0           goto &Importer::Zim::Base::import_into;
13             }
15             sub export_to {
16 0     0 0   my $t = shift;
17 0 0 0       @_ = %{ $_[0] } if @_ == 1 && ref $_[0] eq 'HASH';
18 0 0         @_ = map { $_ & 1 ? $_[$_] : "${t}::$_[$_]" } 0 .. $#_;
19 0           goto &_export_to;
20             }
22             sub _export_to {
23 0     0     my %imports = @_;
25 0           carp
26             qq{WARNING! Using bogus Importer::Zim backend (you may need to install a proper backend)};
28 1     1   6 no strict 'refs';
  1         7  
  1         61  
29 0           for ( keys %imports ) {
30 0           *$_ = $imports{$_};
31             }
32             }
34 1     1   6 no Importer::Zim::Utils qw(DEBUG carp);
  1         1  
  1         3  
36             1;
38             #pod =encoding utf8
39             #pod
40             #pod =head1 SYNOPSIS
41             #pod
42             #pod use Importer::Zim::Bogus 'Scalar::Util' => 'blessed';
43             #pod use Importer::Zim::Bogus 'Scalar::Util' =>
44             #pod ( 'blessed' => { -as => 'typeof' } );
45             #pod
46             #pod use Importer::Zim::Bogus 'Mango::BSON' => ':bson';
47             #pod
48             #pod use Importer::Zim::Bogus 'Foo' => { -version => '3.0' } => 'foo';
49             #pod
50             #pod use Importer::Zim::Bogus 'Krazy::Taco' => qw(tacos burritos poop);
51             #pod
52             #pod =head1 DESCRIPTION
53             #pod
54             #pod "Is it supposed to be stupid?"
55             #pod – Zim
56             #pod
57             #pod This is a fallback backend for L.
58             #pod Only used when you have no installed legit backend.
59             #pod It does no cleaning at all – so it is a polluting module such
60             #pod as the regular L.
61             #pod
62             #pod The reason it exists is to provide a "working" L
63             #pod after installing L and its nominal dependencies.
64             #pod It will annoy you with warnings until a proper backend is installed.
65             #pod
66             #pod =head1 DEBUGGING
67             #pod
68             #pod You can set the C environment variable
69             #pod for get some diagnostics information printed to C.
70             #pod
71             #pod IMPORTER_ZIM_DEBUG=1
72             #pod
73             #pod =head1 SEE ALSO
74             #pod
75             #pod L
76             #pod
77             #pod =cut
79             __END__