File Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
statement 30 31 96.7
branch 6 8 75.0
condition 6 11 54.5
subroutine 8 8 100.0
pod 2 3 66.6
total 52 61 85.2

line stmt bran cond sub pod time code
1             package HealthCheck::Diagnostic::RemoteHealth;
2 1     1   239962 use parent 'HealthCheck::Diagnostic::WebRequest';
  1         8  
  1         8  
3 1     1   59504 use strict;
  1         7  
  1         22  
4 1     1   5 use warnings;
  1         2  
  1         24  
6 1     1   741 use JSON;
  1         10998  
  1         5  
8             # ABSTRACT: Get results from an HTTP HealthCheck
9 1     1   152 use version;
  1         2  
  1         7  
10             our $VERSION = 'v0.1.1'; # VERSION
12             sub new {
13 1     1 1 94 my ($class, @params) = @_;
15             my %params = @params == 1 && ( ref $params[0] || '' ) eq 'HASH'
16 1 50 33     10 ? %{ $params[0] } : @params;
  0         0  
18             # Allows 200 and 503 codes by default.
19 1   50     10 $params{status_code} //= '200, 503';
21 1         12 return $class->SUPER::new(
22             id => 'remotehealth',
23             label => 'RemoteHealth',
24             %params,
25             );
26             }
28             sub run {
29 6     6 1 23620 my ($self, %params) = @_;
30 6         28 my $result = $self->next::method(%params);
32             # Throws away the HTTP status check if OK,
33             # since it's implied to be successful
34             # if it retrieves the encoded JSON object.
35             return $result->{results}->[1]
36 6 50       65 if @{$result->{results} || []} == 2
37 6 100 66     2694 and $result->{results}->[0]->{status} eq 'OK';
38 2         13 return $result;
39             }
41             # Checking for content regex from JSON seems unnecessary, so this has been
42             # repurposed to return the decoded JSON object.
43             sub check_content {
44 4     4 0 8043 my ($self, $response) = @_;
46 4         8 local $@;
47 4         9 my $remote_result = eval { decode_json($response->content) };
  4         21  
48             return {
49 4 100 66     101 status => 'CRITICAL',
50             info => 'Could not decode JSON.',
51             data => $response->content,
52             } if $@ or ref($remote_result) ne 'HASH';
54 3         16 return { results => [ $remote_result ] };
55             }
57             1;
59             __END__