File Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
statement 237 378 62.7
branch 60 188 31.9
condition 18 83 21.6
subroutine 41 63 65.0
pod 20 29 68.9
total 376 741 50.7

line stmt bran cond sub pod time code
1             #line 1
2 2     2   1470 package Test::Base;
  2         6  
  2         87  
3 2     2   1520 use 5.006001;
  2         11570  
  2         19  
4 2     2   10835 use Spiffy 0.30 -Base;
  2     2   5  
  2     2   74  
  2         10  
  2         5  
  2         64  
  2         10  
  2         3  
  2         11  
5             use Spiffy ':XXX';
6             our $VERSION = '0.60';
8             my @test_more_exports;
9 2     2   788 BEGIN {
10             @test_more_exports = qw(
11             ok isnt like unlike is_deeply cmp_ok
12             skip todo_skip pass fail
13             eq_array eq_hash eq_set
14             plan can_ok isa_ok diag
15             use_ok
16             $TODO
17             );
18             }
19 2     2   1434  
  2         6  
  2         25  
20 2     2   630 use Test::More import => \@test_more_exports;
  2         3  
  2         1123  
21             use Carp;
23             our @EXPORT = (@test_more_exports, qw(
24             is no_diff
26             blocks next_block first_block
27             delimiters spec_file spec_string
28             filters filters_delay filter_arguments
29             run run_compare run_is run_is_deeply run_like run_unlike
30             skip_all_unless_require is_deep run_is_deep
31             WWW XXX YYY ZZZ
32             tie_output no_diag_on_only
34             find_my_self default_object
36             croak carp cluck confess
37             ));
39             field '_spec_file';
40             field '_spec_string';
41             field _filters => [qw(norm trim)];
42             field _filters_map => {};
43             field spec =>
44             -init => '$self->_spec_init';
45             field block_list =>
46             -init => '$self->_block_list_init';
47             field _next_list => [];
48             field block_delim =>
49             -init => '$self->block_delim_default';
50             field data_delim =>
51             -init => '$self->data_delim_default';
52             field _filters_delay => 0;
53             field _no_diag_on_only => 0;
55             field block_delim_default => '===';
56             field data_delim_default => '---';
58             my $default_class;
59             my $default_object;
60             my $reserved_section_names = {};
61 6     6 1 7  
62 6   66     45 sub default_object {
63 6         36 $default_object ||= $default_class->new;
64             return $default_object;
65             }
67             my $import_called = 0;
68 2     2   19 sub import() {
69 2 50       19 $import_called = 1;
70             my $class = (grep /^-base$/i, @_)
71             ? scalar(caller)
72 2 50       9 : $_[0];
73 2         5 if (not defined $default_class) {
74             $default_class = $class;
75             }
76             # else {
77             # croak "Can't use $class after using $default_class"
78             # unless $default_class->isa($class);
79             # }
80 2 50       11  
81 2         2 unless (grep /^-base$/i, @_) {
82 2         11 my @args;
83 0 0       0 for (my $ii = 1; $ii <= $#_; ++$ii) {
84 0         0 if ($_[$ii] eq '-package') {
85             ++$ii;
86 0         0 } else {
87             push @args, $_[$ii];
88             }
89 2 50       7 }
90             Test::More->import(import => \@test_more_exports, @args)
91             if @args;
92             }
93 2         8
94 2         43 _strict_warnings();
95             goto &Spiffy::import;
96             }
98             # Wrap Test::Builder::plan
99             my $plan_code = \&Test::Builder::plan;
100             my $Have_Plan = 0;
101 2     2   12 {
  2         4  
  2         15680  
102             no warnings 'redefine';
103 2     2   5 *Test::Builder::plan = sub {
104 2         12 $Have_Plan = 1;
105             goto &$plan_code;
106             };
107             }
109             my $DIED = 0;
110             $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { $DIED = 1; die @_ };
111 10     10 0 13  
  10         20  
112 60     60 0 320 sub block_class { $self->find_class('Block') }
  60         116  
113             sub filter_class { $self->find_class('Filter') }
114 70     70 0 80  
115 70         94 sub find_class {
116 70         125 my $suffix = shift;
117 70 100       236 my $class = ref($self) . "::$suffix";
118 2         4 return $class if $class->can('new');
119 2 50       16 $class = __PACKAGE__ . "::$suffix";
120 2         139 return $class if $class->can('new');
121 2 50       9480 eval "require $class";
122 0         0 return $class if $class->can('new');
123             die "Can't find a class for $suffix";
124             }
125 0     0 0 0  
126 0 0       0 sub check_late {
127 0         0 if ($self->{block_list}) {
128 0         0 my $caller = (caller(1))[3];
129 0         0 $caller =~ s/.*:://;
130             croak "Too late to call $caller()"
131             }
132             }
134 10 100   10 0 35 sub find_my_self() {
135             my $self = ref($_[0]) eq $default_class
136             ? splice(@_, 0, 1)
137 10         24 : default_object();
138             return $self, @_;
139             }
141 2     2 1 19 sub blocks() {
142             (my ($self), @_) = find_my_self(@_);
143 2 50       8  
144             croak "Invalid arguments passed to 'blocks'"
145 2 50 33     9 if @_ > 1;
146             croak sprintf("'%s' is invalid argument to blocks()", shift(@_))
147             if @_ && $_[0] !~ /^[a-zA-Z]\w*$/;
148 2         67  
149             my $blocks = $self->block_list;
150 2   50     12
151 0         0 my $section_name = shift || '';
152 2 50       7 my @blocks = $section_name
153             ? (grep { exists $_->{$section_name} } @$blocks)
154             : (@$blocks);
155 2 50       18  
156             return scalar(@blocks) unless wantarray;
157 0 0       0
158             return (@blocks) if $self->_filters_delay;
159 0         0  
160 0 0       0 for my $block (@blocks) {
161             $block->run_filters
162             unless $block->is_filtered;
163             }
164 0         0  
165             return (@blocks);
166             }
168 2     2 1 5 sub next_block() {
169 2         40 (my ($self), @_) = find_my_self(@_);
170 2 50       17 my $list = $self->_next_list;
171 2         3 if (@$list == 0) {
  2         40  
172 2         62 $list = [@{$self->block_list}, undef];
173             $self->_next_list($list);
174 2         13 }
175 2 50 33     44 my $block = shift @$list;
176 2         20 if (defined $block and not $block->is_filtered) {
177             $block->run_filters;
178 2         32 }
179             return $block;
180             }
182 2     2 1 5 sub first_block() {
183 2         40 (my ($self), @_) = find_my_self(@_);
184 2         24 $self->_next_list([]);
185             $self->next_block;
186             }
188 0     0 1 0 sub filters_delay() {
189 0 0       0 (my ($self), @_) = find_my_self(@_);
190             $self->_filters_delay(defined $_[0] ? shift : 1);
191             }
193 0     0 0 0 sub no_diag_on_only() {
194 0 0       0 (my ($self), @_) = find_my_self(@_);
195             $self->_no_diag_on_only(defined $_[0] ? shift : 1);
196             }
198 0     0 1 0 sub delimiters() {
199 0         0 (my ($self), @_) = find_my_self(@_);
200 0         0 $self->check_late;
201 0   0     0 my ($block_delimiter, $data_delimiter) = @_;
202 0   0     0 $block_delimiter ||= $self->block_delim_default;
203 0         0 $data_delimiter ||= $self->data_delim_default;
204 0         0 $self->block_delim($block_delimiter);
205 0         0 $self->data_delim($data_delimiter);
206             return $self;
207             }
209 0     0 1 0 sub spec_file() {
210 0         0 (my ($self), @_) = find_my_self(@_);
211 0         0 $self->check_late;
212 0         0 $self->_spec_file(shift);
213             return $self;
214             }
216 0     0 1 0 sub spec_string() {
217 0         0 (my ($self), @_) = find_my_self(@_);
218 0         0 $self->check_late;
219 0         0 $self->_spec_string(shift);
220             return $self;
221             }
223 2     2 1 7 sub filters() {
224 2 50       9 (my ($self), @_) = find_my_self(@_);
225 2         46 if (ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH') {
226             $self->_filters_map(shift);
227             }
228 0         0 else {
229 0         0 my $filters = $self->_filters;
230             push @$filters, @_;
231 2         29 }
232             return $self;
233             }
235 0     0 1 0 sub filter_arguments() {
236             $Test::Base::Filter::arguments;
237             }
238 0     0 0 0  
239 0 0 0     0 sub have_text_diff {
  0         0  
  0         0  
240             eval { require Text::Diff; 1 } &&
241             $Text::Diff::VERSION >= 0.35 &&
242             $Algorithm::Diff::VERSION >= 1.15;
243             }
245 0     0 1 0 sub is($$;$) {
246 0         0 (my ($self), @_) = find_my_self(@_);
247 0         0 my ($actual, $expected, $name) = @_;
248 0 0 0     0 local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
249             if ($ENV{TEST_SHOW_NO_DIFFS} or
250             not defined $actual or
251             not defined $expected or
252             $actual eq $expected or
253             not($self->have_text_diff) or
254             $expected !~ /\n./s
255 0         0 ) {
256             Test::More::is($actual, $expected, $name);
257             }
258 0 0       0 else {
259 0         0 $name = '' unless defined $name;
260             ok $actual eq $expected,
261             $name . "\n" . Text::Diff::diff(\$expected, \$actual);
262             }
263             }
265 0     0 1 0 sub run(&;$) {
266 0         0 (my ($self), @_) = find_my_self(@_);
267 0         0 my $callback = shift;
  0         0  
268 0 0       0 for my $block (@{$self->block_list}) {
269 0         0 $block->run_filters unless $block->is_filtered;
  0         0  
270             &{$callback}($block);
271             }
272             }
274 2     2   2 my $name_error = "Can't determine section names";
275 2 50       8 sub _section_names {
276 2 50       6 return @_ if @_ == 2;
277             my $block = $self->first_block
278 4         18 or croak $name_error;
279 2 50       16 my @names = grep {
280 2         6 $_ !~ /^(ONLY|LAST|SKIP)$/;
281 2 50       10 } @{$block->{_section_order}[0] || []};
282             croak "$name_error. Need two sections in first block"
283 2         10 unless @names == 2;
284             return @names;
285             }
286 2     2   9  
287 2 50       7 sub _assert_plan {
288             plan('no_plan') unless $Have_Plan;
289             }
290 2     2   7  
291 2 0 33     33 sub END {
292             run_compare() unless $Have_Plan or $DIED or not $import_called;
293             }
295 0     0 1 0 sub run_compare() {
296 0         0 (my ($self), @_) = find_my_self(@_);
297 0         0 $self->_assert_plan;
298 0         0 my ($x, $y) = $self->_section_names(@_);
299 0         0 local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
  0         0  
300 0 0 0     0 for my $block (@{$self->block_list}) {
301 0 0       0 next unless exists($block->{$x}) and exists($block->{$y});
302 0 0       0 $block->run_filters unless $block->is_filtered;
303 0 0       0 if (ref $block->$x) {
304             is_deeply($block->$x, $block->$y,
305             $block->name ? $block->name : ());
306             }
307 0 0       0 elsif (ref $block->$y eq 'Regexp') {
308 0 0       0 my $regexp = ref $y ? $y : $block->$y;
309             like($block->$x, $regexp, $block->name ? $block->name : ());
310             }
311 0 0       0 else {
312             is($block->$x, $block->$y, $block->name ? $block->name : ());
313             }
314             }
315             }
317 0     0 1 0 sub run_is() {
318 0         0 (my ($self), @_) = find_my_self(@_);
319 0         0 $self->_assert_plan;
320 0         0 my ($x, $y) = $self->_section_names(@_);
321 0         0 local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
  0         0  
322 0 0 0     0 for my $block (@{$self->block_list}) {
323 0 0       0 next unless exists($block->{$x}) and exists($block->{$y});
324 0 0       0 $block->run_filters unless $block->is_filtered;
325             is($block->$x, $block->$y,
326             $block->name ? $block->name : ()
327             );
328             }
329             }
331 2     2 1 6 sub run_is_deeply() {
332 2         9 (my ($self), @_) = find_my_self(@_);
333 2         8 $self->_assert_plan;
334 2         6 my ($x, $y) = $self->_section_names(@_);
  2         55  
335 10 50 33     99 for my $block (@{$self->block_list}) {
336 10 100       293 next unless exists($block->{$x}) and exists($block->{$y});
337 10 50       90 $block->run_filters unless $block->is_filtered;
338             is_deeply($block->$x, $block->$y,
339             $block->name ? $block->name : ()
340             );
341             }
342             }
344 0     0 1 0 sub run_like() {
345 0         0 (my ($self), @_) = find_my_self(@_);
346 0         0 $self->_assert_plan;
347 0         0 my ($x, $y) = $self->_section_names(@_);
  0         0  
348 0 0 0     0 for my $block (@{$self->block_list}) {
349 0 0       0 next unless exists($block->{$x}) and defined($y);
350 0 0       0 $block->run_filters unless $block->is_filtered;
351 0 0       0 my $regexp = ref $y ? $y : $block->$y;
352             like($block->$x, $regexp,
353             $block->name ? $block->name : ()
354             );
355             }
356             }
358 0     0 1 0 sub run_unlike() {
359 0         0 (my ($self), @_) = find_my_self(@_);
360 0         0 $self->_assert_plan;
361 0         0 my ($x, $y) = $self->_section_names(@_);
  0         0  
362 0 0 0     0 for my $block (@{$self->block_list}) {
363 0 0       0 next unless exists($block->{$x}) and defined($y);
364 0 0       0 $block->run_filters unless $block->is_filtered;
365 0 0       0 my $regexp = ref $y ? $y : $block->$y;
366             unlike($block->$x, $regexp,
367             $block->name ? $block->name : ()
368             );
369             }
370             }
372 0     0 0 0 sub skip_all_unless_require() {
373 0         0 (my ($self), @_) = find_my_self(@_);
374 0 0       0 my $module = shift;
375             eval "require $module; 1"
376             or Test::More::plan(
377             skip_all => "$module failed to load"
378             );
379             }
381 0     0 1 0 sub is_deep() {
382 0         0 (my ($self), @_) = find_my_self(@_);
383 0         0 require Test::Deep;
384             Test::Deep::cmp_deeply(@_);
385             }
387 0     0 0 0 sub run_is_deep() {
388 0         0 (my ($self), @_) = find_my_self(@_);
389 0         0 $self->_assert_plan;
390 0         0 my ($x, $y) = $self->_section_names(@_);
  0         0  
391 0 0 0     0 for my $block (@{$self->block_list}) {
392 0 0       0 next unless exists($block->{$x}) and exists($block->{$y});
393 0 0       0 $block->run_filters unless $block->is_filtered;
394             is_deep($block->$x, $block->$y,
395             $block->name ? $block->name : ()
396             );
397             }
398             }
399 2     2   3  
400 2         4 sub _pre_eval {
401 2 50       16 my $spec = shift;
402             return $spec unless $spec =~
403 0         0 s/\A\s*<<<(.*?)>>>\s*$//sm;
404 0         0 my $eval_code = $1;
405 0 0       0 eval "package main; $eval_code";
406 0         0 croak $@ if $@;
407             return $spec;
408             }
409 2     2   19  
410 2         40 sub _block_list_init {
411 2         22 my $spec = $self->spec;
412 2         42 $spec = $self->_pre_eval($spec);
413 2         342 my $cd = $self->block_delim;
414 2         11 my @hunks = ($spec =~ /^(\Q${cd}\E.*?(?=^\Q${cd}\E|\z))/msg);
415 2         43 my $blocks = $self->_choose_blocks(@hunks);
416 2         14 $self->block_list($blocks); # Need to set early for possible filter use
417 2         5 my $seq = 1;
418 10         210 for my $block (@$blocks) {
419 10         201 $block->blocks_object($self);
420             $block->seq_num($seq++);
421 2         21 }
422             return $blocks;
423             }
424 2     2   4  
425 2         4 sub _choose_blocks {
426 2         7 my $blocks = [];
427 10         109 for my $hunk (@_) {
428 10 50       23 my $block = $self->_make_block($hunk);
429 0 0       0 if (exists $block->{ONLY}) {
430             diag "I found ONLY: maybe you're debugging?"
431 0         0 unless $self->_no_diag_on_only;
432             return [$block];
433 10 50       20 }
434 10         13 next if exists $block->{SKIP};
435 10 50       26 push @$blocks, $block;
436 0         0 if (exists $block->{LAST}) {
437             return $blocks;
438             }
439 2         5 }
440             return $blocks;
441             }
442 20     20   22  
443 20         22 sub _check_reserved {
444 20 50 33     93 my $id = shift;
445             croak "'$id' is a reserved name. Use something else.\n"
446             if $reserved_section_names->{$id} or
447             $id =~ /^_/;
448             }
449 10     10   12  
450 10         12 sub _make_block {
451 10         190 my $hunk = shift;
452 10         227 my $cd = $self->block_delim;
453 10         114 my $dd = $self->data_delim;
454 10 50       260 my $block = $self->block_class->new;
455 10         21 $hunk =~ s/\A\Q${cd}\E[ \t]*(.*)\s+// or die;
456 10         134 my $name = $1;
457 10         18 my @parts = split /^\Q${dd}\E +\(?(\w+)\)? *(.*)?\n/m, $hunk;
458 10   50     39 my $description = shift @parts;
459 10 50       21 $description ||= '';
460 10         20 unless ($description =~ /\S/) {
461             $description = $name;
462 10         39 }
463 10         26 $description =~ s/\s*\z//;
464             $block->set_value(description => $description);
465 10         14
466 10         29 my $section_map = {};
467 10         32 my $section_order = [];
468 20         36 while (@parts) {
469 20         41 my ($type, $filters, $value) = splice(@parts, 0, 3);
470 20 50       35 $self->_check_reserved($type);
471 20 50       31 $value = '' unless defined $value;
472 20 50       38 $filters = '' unless defined $filters;
473 0 0       0 if ($filters =~ /:(\s|\z)/) {
474             croak "Extra lines not allowed in '$type' section"
475 0         0 if $value =~ /\S/;
476 0 0       0 ($filters, $value) = split /\s*:(?:\s+|\z)/, $filters, 2;
477 0         0 $value = '' unless defined $value;
478             $value =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
479 20         56 }
480             $section_map->{$type} = {
481             filters => $filters,
482 20         33 };
483 20         31 push @$section_order, $type;
484             $block->set_value($type, $value);
485 10         19 }
486 10         19 $block->set_value(name => $name);
487 10         23 $block->set_value(_section_map => $section_map);
488 10         23 $block->set_value(_section_order => $section_order);
489             return $block;
490             }
491 2     2   19  
492 2 50       42 sub _spec_init {
493             return $self->_spec_string
494 2         21 if $self->_spec_string;
495 2         3 local $/;
496 2 50       46 my $spec;
497 0 0       0 if (my $spec_file = $self->_spec_file) {
498 0         0 open FILE, $spec_file or die $!;
499 0         0 $spec = ;
500             close FILE;
501             }
502 2         15 else {
503             $spec = do {
504 2     2   23 package main;
  2         4  
  2         1070  
505 2         52 no warnings 'once';
506             ;
507             };
508 2         12 }
509             return $spec;
510             }
512 2     2   17 sub _strict_warnings() {
513 2         4 require Filter::Util::Call;
514             my $done = 0;
515             Filter::Util::Call::filter_add(
516 2 50   2   1774 sub {
517 2         6 return 0 if $done;
518 2         25 my ($data, $end) = ('', '');
519 46 50       80 while (my $status = Filter::Util::Call::filter_read()) {
520 46 100       97 return $status if $status < 0;
521 2         5 if (/^__(?:END|DATA)__\r?$/) {
522 2         6 $end = $_;
523             last;
524 44         131 }
525 44         139 $data .= $_;
526             $_ = '';
527 2         8 }
528 2         51 $_ = "use strict;use warnings;$data$end";
529             $done = 1;
530 2         16 }
531             );
532             }
534 0     0 1 0 sub tie_output() {
535 0 0       0 my $handle = shift;
536 0         0 die "No buffer to tie" unless @_;
537             tie *$handle, 'Test::Base::Handle', $_[0];
538             }
539 0     0 1 0  
540 0         0 sub no_diff {
541             $ENV{TEST_SHOW_NO_DIFFS} = 1;
542             }
544             package Test::Base::Handle;
546 0     0   0 sub TIEHANDLE() {
547 0         0 my $class = shift;
548             bless \ $_[0], $class;
549             }
550 0     0   0  
551 0         0 sub PRINT {
552             $$self .= $_ for @_;
553             }
555             #===============================================================================
556             # Test::Base::Block
557             #
558             # This is the default class for accessing a Test::Base block object.
559             #===============================================================================
560             package Test::Base::Block;
561             our @ISA = qw(Spiffy);
563             our @EXPORT = qw(block_accessor);
564 0     0   0  
565 0         0 sub AUTOLOAD {
566             return;
567             }
569 12     12   21 sub block_accessor() {
570 2     2   13 my $accessor = shift;
  2         10  
  2         435  
571 12 50       61 no strict 'refs';
572             return if defined &$accessor;
573 80     80   95 *$accessor = sub {
574 80 50       145 my $self = shift;
575 0         0 if (@_) {
576             Carp::croak "Not allowed to set values for '$accessor'";
577 80 50       75 }
  80         240  
578             my @list = @{$self->{$accessor} || []};
579 80 100       269 return wantarray
580             ? (@list)
581 12         84 : $list[0];
582             };
583             }
585             block_accessor 'name';
586             block_accessor 'description';
587             Spiffy::field 'seq_num';
588             Spiffy::field 'is_filtered';
589             Spiffy::field 'blocks_object';
590             Spiffy::field 'original_values' => {};
591 130     130   143  
592 2     2   12 sub set_value {
  2         9  
  2         460  
593 130         136 no strict 'refs';
594 130 100       317 my $accessor = shift;
595             block_accessor $accessor
596 130         495 unless defined &$accessor;
597             $self->{$accessor} = [@_];
598             }
599 10     10   62  
600 10         75 sub run_filters {
601 10         24 my $map = $self->_section_map;
602 10 50       216 my $order = $self->_section_order;
603             Carp::croak "Attempt to filter a block twice"
604 10         62 if $self->is_filtered;
605 20         47 for my $type (@$order) {
606 20         116 my $filters = $map->{$type}{filters};
607 20         420 my @value = $self->$type;
608 20         171 $self->original_values->{$type} = $value[0];
609 70 50       144 for my $filter ($self->_get_filters($type, $filters)) {
610             $Test::Base::Filter::arguments =
611 70         102 $filter =~ s/=(.*)$// ? $1 : undef;
612 2     2   13 my $function = "main::$filter";
  2         2  
  2         1395  
613 70 100       288 no strict 'refs';
614 10 50 33     72 if (defined &$function) {
615             local $_ =
616             (@value == 1 and not defined($value[0])) ? undef :
617 10         14 join '', @value;
618 10         43 my $old = $_;
619 10 50 33     224 @value = &$function(@value);
620             if (not(@value) or
621             @value == 1 and defined($value[0]) and $value[0] =~ /\A(\d+|)\z/
622 0 0 0     0 ) {
623 0         0 if ($value[0] && $_ eq $old) {
624             Test::Base::diag("Filters returning numbers are supposed to do munging \$_: your filter '$function' apparently doesn't.");
625 0         0 }
626             @value = ($_);
627             }
628             }
629 60         1131 else {
630 60 50       1008 my $filter_object = $self->blocks_object->filter_class->new;
631             die "Can't find a function or method for '$filter' filter\n"
632 60         1400 unless $filter_object->can($filter);
633 60         541 $filter_object->current_block($self);
634             @value = $filter_object->$filter(@value);
635             }
636             # Set the value after each filter since other filters may be
637 70         42190 # introspecting.
638             $self->set_value($type, @value);
639             }
640 10         260 }
641             $self->is_filtered(1);
642             }
643 20     20   35  
644 20         26 sub _get_filters {
645 20   100     58 my $type = shift;
646 20         90 my $string = shift || '';
647 20         31 $string =~ s/\s*(.*?)\s*/$1/;
648 20   100     381 my @filters = ();
649 20 50       584 my $map_filters = $self->blocks_object->_filters_map->{$type} || [];
650 20         33 $map_filters = [ $map_filters ] unless ref $map_filters;
651 20         19 my @append = ();
652 20         408 for (
653             @{$self->blocks_object->_filters},
654             @$map_filters,
655             split(/\s+/, $string),
656 70         567 ) {
657 70 50       127 my $filter = $_;
658 70 50       146 last unless length $filter;
659 0         0 if ($filter =~ s/^-//) {
  0         0  
660             @filters = grep { $_ ne $filter } @filters;
661             }
662 0         0 elsif ($filter =~ s/^\+//) {
663             push @append, $filter;
664             }
665 70         117 else {
666             push @filters, $filter;
667             }
668 20         72 }
669             return @filters, @append;
670             }
672             {
673             %$reserved_section_names = map {
674             ($_, 1);
675             } keys(%Test::Base::Block::), qw( new DESTROY );
676             }
678             __DATA__