File Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
statement 53 53 100.0
branch 6 8 75.0
condition n/a
subroutine 17 17 100.0
pod 12 12 100.0
total 88 90 97.7

line stmt bran cond sub pod time code
1             package HTTP::Headers::ActionPack::PriorityList;
2             BEGIN {
3 7     7   53729 $HTTP::Headers::ActionPack::PriorityList::AUTHORITY = 'cpan:STEVAN';
4             }
5             {
6             $HTTP::Headers::ActionPack::PriorityList::VERSION = '0.09';
7             }
8             # ABSTRACT: A Priority List
10 7     7   48 use strict;
  7         13  
  7         230  
11 7     7   37 use warnings;
  7         13  
  7         243  
13 7         56 use HTTP::Headers::ActionPack::Util qw[
14             split_header_words
15             join_header_words
16 7     7   3011 ];
  7         22  
18 7     7   3923 use parent 'HTTP::Headers::ActionPack::Core::BaseHeaderList';
  7         602  
  7         47  
20 62     62 1 407 sub BUILDARGS { +{ 'index' => {}, 'items' => {} } }
22             sub BUILD {
23 34     34 1 56 my ($self, @items) = @_;
24 34         185 foreach my $item ( @items ) {
25 5         14 $self->add( @$item )
26             }
27             }
29 236     236 1 2196 sub index { (shift)->{'index'} }
30 638     638 1 2824 sub items { (shift)->{'items'} }
32             sub new_from_string {
33 58     58 1 4425 my ($class, $header_string) = @_;
34 58         250 my $list = $class->new;
35 58         192 foreach my $header ( split_header_words( $header_string ) ) {
36 140         380 $list->add_header_value( $header );
37             }
38 58         266 $list;
39             }
41             sub as_string {
42 5     5 1 13 my $self = shift;
43 18         37 join ', ' => map {
44 5         17 my ($q, $subject) = @{ $_ };
  18         23  
45 18         62 join_header_words( $subject, q => $q );
46             } $self->iterable;
47             }
49             sub add {
50 158     158 1 259 my ($self, $q, $choice) = @_;
51             # XXX - should failure to canonicalize be an error? or should
52             # canonicalize_choice itself throw an error on bad values?
53 158 50       409 $choice = $self->canonicalize_choice($choice)
54             or return;
55 158         935 $q += 0; # be sure to numify this
56 158         330 $self->index->{ $choice } = $q;
57 158 100       411 $self->items->{ $q } = [] unless exists $self->items->{ $q };
58 158         212 push @{ $self->items->{ $q } } => $choice;
  158         304  
59             }
61             sub add_header_value {
62 64     64 1 80 my $self = shift;
63 64         66 my ($choice, %params) = @{ $_[0] };
  64         157  
64 64 100       218 $self->add( exists $params{'q'} ? $params{'q'} : 1.0, $choice );
65             }
67             sub get {
68 7     7 1 1273 my ($self, $q) = @_;
69 7         23 $self->items->{ $q };
70             }
72             sub priority_of {
73 78     78 1 112 my ($self, $choice) = @_;
74 78 50       228 $choice = $self->canonicalize_choice($choice)
75             or return;
76 78         325 $self->index->{ $choice };
77             }
79             sub iterable {
80 39     39 1 57 my $self = shift;
81 77         103 map {
82 39         119 my $q = $_;
83 77         111 map { [ $q, $_ ] } @{ $self->items->{ $q } }
  96         427  
  77         139  
84 39         50 } reverse sort keys %{ $self->items };
85             }
87             sub canonicalize_choice {
88 46     46 1 143 return $_[1];
89             }
91             1;
93             __END__