File Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
statement 34 46 73.9
branch 11 18 61.1
condition 3 3 100.0
subroutine 5 6 83.3
pod 1 1 100.0
total 54 74 72.9

line stmt bran cond sub pod time code
1 1     1   21610 use strict;
  1         2  
  1         34  
2 1     1   5 use warnings;
  1         2  
  1         44  
4             package Gentoo::Dependency::AST;
5             BEGIN {
6 1     1   438 $Gentoo::Dependency::AST::AUTHORITY = 'cpan:KENTNL';
7             }
8             {
9             $Gentoo::Dependency::AST::VERSION = '0.001001';
10             }
12             # ABSTRACT: Convert a canonicalized (R|P|)DEPEND into an Abstract Syntax Tree
17             sub _carp {
18 0     0   0 require Carp;
19 0         0 goto &Carp::carp;
20             }
22             sub parse_dep_string {
23 1     1 1 15 my ( $class, $string ) = @_;
24 1         832 require Gentoo::Dependency::AST::State;
25 1         14 my $state = Gentoo::Dependency::AST::State->new();
26 1 50       102 my @tokens = grep { defined and length } split /\s+/msx, $string;
  40         140  
27 1     33   8 my $sub_skip_tokens = sub { splice @tokens, 0, $_[0], () };
  33         77  
29 1         5 while (@tokens) {
30 33 50       65 if ( not defined $tokens[0] ) {
31 0         0 _carp('Undefined token!');
32 0         0 next;
33             }
34 33 100 100     133 if ( defined $tokens[1] and $tokens[1] eq q[(] ) {
35 6 100       25 if ( $tokens[0] =~ /\A!(.*)[?]\z/msx ) {
36 1         5 $state->enter_notuse_group($1);
37 1         2 $sub_skip_tokens->(2);
38 1         3 next;
39             }
40 5 50       24 if ( $tokens[0] =~ /\A([^!].*)[?]\z/msx ) {
41 5         16 $state->enter_use_group($1);
42 5         11 $sub_skip_tokens->(2);
43 5         14 next;
44             }
45 0 0       0 if ( $tokens[0] eq q[||] ) {
46 0         0 $state->enter_or_group();
47 0         0 $sub_skip_tokens->(2);
48 0         0 next;
49             }
50             }
51 27 50       54 if ( $tokens[0] eq q[(] ) {
52 0         0 $state->enter_and_group($1);
53 0         0 $sub_skip_tokens->(1);
54 0         0 next;
55             }
56 27 100       45 if ( $tokens[0] eq q[)] ) {
57 6         19 $state->exit_group($1);
58 6         14 $sub_skip_tokens->(1);
59 6         18 next;
60             }
61 21         57 $state->add_dep( $tokens[0] );
62 21         39 $sub_skip_tokens->(1);
63             }
64 1 50       5 if ( not $state->state->isa('Gentoo::Dependency::AST::Node::TopLevel') ) {
65 0         0 _carp(q[Parse was inbalanced]);
66             }
67 1         23 return $state->state;
68             }
70             1;
72             __END__