File Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
statement 12 687 1.7
branch 1 314 0.3
condition 0 108 0.0
subroutine 4 26 15.3
pod 22 22 100.0
total 39 1157 3.3

line stmt bran cond sub pod time code
1             package Device::ELM327;
3 1     1   25278 use strict;
  1         2  
  1         47  
4 1     1   5 use warnings;
  1         2  
  1         34  
5 1     1   2323 use Data::Dumper;
  1         11901  
  1         194  
7             my $null = "\x0";
8             my $lf = "\xa";
9             my $cr = "\xd";
10             my $max_ports_to_search = 64;
11             my @has_sub_command = (0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0);
13             BEGIN
14             {
15 1 50   1   7 if ($^O eq "MSWin32")
16             {
17 0         0 require Win32::SerialPort;
18             }
19             else
20             {
21 1         1454 require Device::SerialPort;
22 1         64509 Device::SerialPort->import(qw( :PARAM :STAT 0.07 ));
23             }
24             }
26             =head1 NAME
28             Device::ELM327 - Methods for reading OBD data with an ELM327 module.
30             =head1 VERSION
32             Version 0.12
34             =cut
36             our $VERSION = '0.12';
38             #*****************************************************************
40             =head1 SYNOPSIS
42             This module provides a Perl interface to a device containing an Elm Electronics ELM327 OBD Interpreter and provides access to the following functions:
44             Read OBD parameters and extract individual values from results.
45             Read OBD Trouble Codes and expand them to their full form.
46             Reset OBD Trouble Codes.
47             Read ELM327 parameters.
48             Write and write the ELM327 data byte.
49             Calibrate ELM327 Voltage.
50             Switchable diagnostic trace and replay function for debugging.
52             The module is written entirely in Perl and works with both Linux and Windows. Depending on which operating system it is run on it uses either the Win32::SerialPort or Device::SerialPort module (which you'll need to install first) so it should work on any platform that supports one of them.
54             use Device::ELM327;
56             my $obd = Device::ELM327->new();
58             # Read status information...
59             $obd->Show("ELM identity");
60             $obd->Show("Vehicle Identification Number");
61             $obd->Show("Engine RPM");
62             $obd->ShowTroubleCodes();
64             undef $obd;
66             =head1 SUBROUTINES/METHODS
69             =head2 new - the constructor for the module.
71             To open the device and have it search for an ELM module:
73             my $obd = Device::ELM327->new();
75             If you know the port name (e.g. 'COM5', '/dev/ttyUSB7' etc) it may be
76             quicker to pass it into the function:
78             my $obd = Device::ELM327->new($port_name);
80             To override the default serial port settings (38400, no parity, 8 data
81             bits, 1 stop bit, no handshaking), you can pass values with or instead
82             of the port name:
84             my $port_details = "/dev/ttyUSB0:115200:none:8:1:none";
85             my $obd = Device::ELM327->new($port_details);
87             The port name may be left out:
89             my $port_details = "115200:none:8:1:none";
91             It is also ok to just define the port name and/or baud rate and use
92             default values for parity, data bits, stop bits and handshake:
94             my $port_details = "/dev/ttyUSB0:115200";
96             or
98             my $port_details = "115200";
100             If you want extra debugging information, it can be enabled by setting
101             $debug_level to a positive number in the range 1 to 3, with more
102             information being displayed as the number increases:
104             my $obd = Device::ELM327->new($port_name, $debug_level);
106             A value of either undef or "" can be passed for the $port_name:
108             my $obd = Device::ELM327->new("", $debug_level);
110             The module can replay previously captured debugging information:
112             my $obd = Device_ELM327->new(undef, $debug_level, $replay_filename);
114             To produce a file containing replayable data simply set $debug_level to
115             1 or higher and pipe the output to a text file:
117             perl>test_output.txt
119             =cut
121             sub new
122             {
123 0     0 1   my ($class, $port_details, $debug_level, $replay_filename) = @_;
124 0           my $self = bless { }, $class;
126 0           $self->{'version'} = $VERSION;
128 0           $self->{'debug_level'} = 0;
129 0 0         if (defined($debug_level))
130             {
131 0           $self->{'debug_level'} = $debug_level;
132             }
134 0           $self->{'ELM_type'} = "NONE";
135 0           $self->{'bus_type'} = "unknown";
136 0           $self->{'replay_file'} = 0;
137 0           $self->{'replay_response'} = ();
139 0           $self->{'last_command'} = 0;
140 0           $self->{'last_sub_command'} = 0;
141 0           $self->{'response'} = (); # Array of strings, one per line of the response.
142 0           $self->{'response_length'} = 0; # Total number of characters in the response.
143 0           $self->{'results'} = {};
145 0           $self->{'number_of_results'} = 0;
146 0           $self->{'command_addresses'} = [];
147 0           $self->{'command_results'} = [];
149 0           $self->{'trouble_codes'} = [];
151             # Status codes
152 0           $self->{'status_meanings'} = {
153             "ok" => "No errors detected",
154             "Zero length response" => "No data was returned by the ECU",
155             "NO DATA" => "A 'NO DATA' response was returned by the ELM",
156             "STOPPED" => "A 'STOPPED' response was returned by the ELM",
157             "Port not ok" => "The connection to the ELM module failed",
158             "Negative response" => "The vehicle returned a negative response",
159             "Unsupported name" => "The vehicle does not support this value",
160             "Unrecognised name" => " does not recognise this value",
161             "General Reject" => "Service was rejected. ECU did not specify the reason",
162             "Service Not Supported" => "The ECU does not support the requested service",
163             "Sub Function Not Supported - Invalid Format" => "The ECU does not support the arguments of the request message or the format of the argument bytes do not match the prescribed format for the service",
164             "Busy - Repeat Request" => "The ECU is temporarily too busy to perform the requested operation",
165             "Conditions Not Correct or Request Sequence Error" => "ECU prerequisite conditions not met. Have commands been issued in the correct order?",
166             "Request Correctly Received - Response Pending" => "Correct command and parameters received, but ECU is busy. Response will follow.",
167             };
170             # Negative response codes (received with a 7F Negative Response Service Identifier)
171 0           $self->{'negative_response_codes'} = {
172             "0" => "ok",
173             "10" => "General Reject",
174             "11" => "Service Not Supported",
175             "12" => "Sub Function Not Supported - Invalid Format",
176             "21" => "Busy - Repeat Request",
177             "22" => "Conditions Not Correct or Request Sequence Error",
178             "78" => "Request Correctly Received - Response Pending",
179             };
182             # ISO Standard Test Id's for use with function 6.
183 0           $self->{'Standardized_Test_IDs'} = {
184             "0" => {name => "ISO/SAE reserved"},
185             "1" => {name => "Rich to lean sensor threshold voltage (constant)"},
186             "2" => {name => "Lean to rich sensor threshold voltage (constant)"},
187             "3" => {name => "Low sensor voltage for switch time calculation (constant)"},
188             "4" => {name => "High sensor voltage for switch time calculation (constant)"},
189             "5" => {name => "Rich to lean sensor switch time (calculated)"},
190             "6" => {name => "Lean to rich sensor switch time (calculated)"},
191             "7" => {name => "Minimum sensor voltage for test cycle (calculated)"},
192             "8" => {name => "Maximum sensor voltage for test cycle (calculated)"},
193             "9" => {name => "Time between sensor transitions (calculated)"},
194             "10" => {name => "Sensor period (calculated)"},
195             "11" => {name => "Exponential Weighted Moving Average misfire counts for last ten driving cycles"},
196             "12" => {name => "Misfire counts for last/current driving cycles"},
197             "13" => {name => "Reserved for future standardization"},
198             };
201             # ISO Unit and scaling identifiers
202 0           $self->{'unit_and_scaling_identifiers'} = {
203             "1" => {description => "Raw Value", modifier =>"+0", unit => ""},
204             "2" => {description => "Raw Value", modifier =>"/10", unit => ""},
205             "3" => {description => "Raw Value", modifier =>"/100", unit => ""},
206             "4" => {description => "Raw Value", modifier =>"/100", unit => ""},
207             "5" => {description => "Raw Value", modifier =>"*0.0000305", unit => ""},
208             "6" => {description => "Raw Value", modifier =>"*0.000305", unit => ""},
209             "7" => {description => "rotational frequency", modifier =>"/4", unit => "rpm"},
210             "8" => {description => "Speed", modifier =>"/100", unit => "km/h"},
211             "9" => {description => "Speed", modifier =>"+0", unit => "km/h"},
212             "10" => {description => "Voltage", modifier =>"*0.000122", unit => "V"},
213             "11" => {description => "Voltage", modifier =>"/1000", unit => "V"},
214             "12" => {description => "Voltage", modifier =>"/100", unit => "V"},
215             "13" => {description => "Current", modifier =>"*0.00390625", unit => "mA"},
216             "14" => {description => "Current", modifier =>"*0.001", unit => "mA"},
217             "15" => {description => "Current", modifier =>"*0.01", unit => "mA"},
218             "16" => {description => "Time", modifier =>"+0", unit => "ms"},
219             "17" => {description => "Time", modifier =>"/10", unit => "s"},
220             "18" => {description => "Time", modifier =>"+0", unit => "s"},
221             "19" => {description => "Resistance", modifier =>"/1000", unit => "Ohm"},
222             "20" => {description => "Resistance", modifier =>"/1000", unit => "kOhm"},
223             "21" => {description => "Resistance", modifier =>"+0", unit => "kOhm"},
224             "22" => {description => "Temperature", modifier =>"/10-40", unit => "°C"},
225             "23" => {description => "Pressure (Gauge)", modifier =>"*0.01", unit => "kPa"},
226             "24" => {description => "Pressure (Air pressure)", modifier =>"*0.0117", unit => "kPa"},
227             "25" => {description => "Pressure (Fuel pressure)", modifier =>"*0.079", unit => "kPa"},
228             "26" => {description => "Pressure (Gauge)", modifier =>"+0", unit => "kPa"},
229             "27" => {description => "Pressure (Diesel pressure)", modifier =>"*10", unit => "kPa"},
230             "28" => {description => "Angle", modifier =>"*0.01", unit => "°"},
231             "29" => {description => "Angle", modifier =>"/2", unit => "°"},
232             "30" => {description => "Equivalence ratio (lambda)", modifier =>"*0.0000305", unit => "lambda"},
233             "31" => {description => "Air/Fuel Ratio", modifier =>"*0.05", unit => "A/F ratio"},
234             "32" => {description => "Ratio", modifier =>"*0.0039062", unit => ""},
235             "33" => {description => "Frequency", modifier =>"/1000", unit => "Hz"},
236             "34" => {description => "Frequency", modifier =>"+0", unit => "Hz"},
237             "35" => {description => "Frequency", modifier =>"/1000", unit => "MHz"},
238             "36" => {description => "Counts", modifier =>"+0", unit => "counts"},
239             "37" => {description => "Distance", modifier =>"+0", unit => "km"},
240             "38" => {description => "Voltage per time", modifier =>"/1000", unit => "V/ms"},
241             "39" => {description => "Mass per time", modifier =>"/100", unit => "g/s"},
242             "40" => {description => "Mass per time", modifier =>"+0", unit => "g/s"},
243             "41" => {description => "Pressure per time", modifier =>"/1000", unit => "kPa/s"},
244             "42" => {description => "Mass per time", modifier =>"/1000", unit => "kg/h"},
245             "43" => {description => "Switches", modifier =>"+0", unit => "switches"},
246             "44" => {description => "Mass per cylinder", modifier =>"/100", unit => "g/cyl"},
247             "45" => {description => "Mass per stroke", modifier =>"/100", unit => "mg/stroke"},
248             "46" => {description => "True/False", modifier =>"+0", unit => ""},
249             "47" => {description => "Percent", modifier =>"/100", unit => "%"},
250             "48" => {description => "Percent", modifier =>"*0.001526", unit => "%"},
251             "49" => {description => "volume", modifier =>"/1000", unit => "L"},
252             "50" => {description => "length", modifier =>"*0.0007747", unit => "mm"},
253             "51" => {description => "Equivalence ratio (lambda)", modifier =>"*0.00024414", unit => "lambda"},
254             "52" => {description => "Time", modifier =>"+0", unit => "min"},
255             "53" => {description => "Time", modifier =>"/100", unit => "s"},
256             "54" => {description => "Weight", modifier =>"/100", unit => "g"},
257             "55" => {description => "Weight", modifier =>"/10", unit => "g"},
258             "56" => {description => "Weight", modifier =>"+0", unit => "g"},
259             "57" => {description => "Percent", modifier =>"/100", unit => "%"},
261             "129" => {description => "Raw Value", modifier =>"+0", unit => ""},
262             "130" => {description => "Raw Value", modifier =>"/10", unit => ""},
263             "131" => {description => "Raw Value", modifier =>"/100", unit => ""},
264             "132" => {description => "Raw Value", modifier =>"/1000", unit => ""},
265             "133" => {description => "Raw Value", modifier =>"*0.0000305", unit => ""},
266             "134" => {description => "Raw Value", modifier =>"*0.000305", unit => ""},
268             "138" => {description => "Voltage", modifier =>"*0.000122", unit => "V"},
269             "139" => {description => "Voltage", modifier =>"/1000", unit => "V"},
270             "140" => {description => "Voltage", modifier =>"/100", unit => "V"},
271             "141" => {description => "Current", modifier =>"*0.00390625", unit => "mA"},
272             "142" => {description => "Current", modifier =>"*0.001", unit => "mA"},
274             "144" => {description => "Time", modifier =>"/1000", unit => "s"},
276             "150" => {description => "Temperature", modifier =>"/10", unit => "°C"},
278             "156" => {description => "Angle", modifier =>"*0.01", unit => "°"},
279             "157" => {description => "Angle", modifier =>"/2", unit => "°"},
281             "168" => {description => "Mass per time", modifier =>"+0", unit => "g/s"},
282             "169" => {description => "Pressure per time", modifier =>"/4", unit => "Pa/s"},
284             "175" => {description => "Percent", modifier =>"/100", unit => "%"},
285             "176" => {description => "Percent", modifier =>"*0.003052", unit => "%"},
286             "177" => {description => "Voltage per time", modifier =>"*2", unit => "V/ms"},
288             "253" => {description => "Pressure (absolute)", modifier =>"*0.001", unit => "kPa"},
289             "254" => {description => "Pressure (vacuum)", modifier =>"/4", unit => "Pa"},
291             };
293 0           $self->{'get'} = {
294             "ELM identity" => { command => "AT I", available => 1, result => [{type => "AT", modifier =>"", unit=>""}] },
295             "Stored data byte" => { command => "AT RD", available => 1, result => [{type => "AT", modifier =>"", unit=>""}] },
296             "Input Voltage" => { command => "AT RV", available => 1, result => [{type => "AT", modifier =>'=~ s/V//', unit=>"V"}] },
297             "Ignition state" => { command => "AT IGN", available => 1, result => [{type => "AT", modifier =>"", unit=>""}] },
299             "01 PIDs supported (01-20)" => { command => "01 00", available => 1,
300             result => [
301             {name => "Monitor status since DTCs cleared", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
302             # {name => "DTC that caused required freeze frame data storage", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&64", unit => ""},
303             {name => "Fuel systems status", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
304             {name => "Calculated LOAD Value!", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
305             {name => "Engine Coolant Temperature", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
306             {name => "Short Term Fuel Trim - Bank 1/3", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
307             {name => "Long Term Fuel Trim - Bank 1/3", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
308             {name => "Short Term Fuel Trim - Bank 2/4", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
310             {name => "Long Term Fuel Trim - Bank 2/4", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
311             {name => "Fuel Rail Pressure (gauge)", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
312             {name => "Intake Manifold Absolute Pressure", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
313             {name => "Engine RPM", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
314             {name => "Vehicle Speed Sensor", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
315             {name => "Ignition Timing Advance for #1 Cylinder", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
316             {name => "Intake Air Temperature", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
317             {name => "Air Flow Rate from Mass Air Flow Sensor", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
319             {name => "Absolute Throttle Position", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
320             {name => "Commanded Secondary Air Status", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
321             {name => "Location of oxygen sensors 13", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
322             {name => "Bank 1 - Sensor 1", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
323             {name => "Bank 1 - Sensor 2", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
325             {name => "Bank 1 - Sensor 3", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
326             {name => "Bank 1 - Sensor 4", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
327             {name => "Bank 2 - Sensor 1 13", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
329             {name => "Bank 2 - Sensor 2 13", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
330             {name => "Bank 2 - Sensor 3", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
331             {name => "Bank 2 - Sensor 4", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
332             {name => "Bank 3 - Sensor 2", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
333             {name => "Bank 4 - Sensor 1", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
334             {name => "Bank 4 - Sensor 2", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
335             {name => "OBD requirements to which vehicle is designed", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
336             {name => "Location of oxygen sensors 1D", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
337             {name => "Bank 2 - Sensor 1 1D", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
338             {name => "Bank 2 - Sensor 2 1D", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
339             {name => "Bank 3 - Sensor 1", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
340             {name => "Auxiliary Input Status", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
341             {name => "Time Since Engine Start", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
342             {name => "01 PIDs supported (21-40)", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
343             ] },
345             "Monitor status since DTCs cleared" => { command => "01 01",
346             result => [
347             {name => "Number of DTCs stored in this ECU", type => "byte_0", modifier => "&127", unit => ""},
348             {name => "Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) Status", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&128", unit => "off,on"},
349             {name => "Misfire monitoring supported", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
350             {name => "Fuel system monitoring supported", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
351             {name => "Comprehensive component monitoring supported", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
352             {name => "Misfire monitoring complete", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&16", unit => "not completed, completed"},
353             {name => "Fuel system monitoring complete", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&32", unit => "not completed, completed"},
354             {name => "Comprehensive component monitoring complete", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&64", unit => "not completed, completed"},
355             {name => "Catalyst monitoring supported", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
356             {name => "Heated catalyst monitoring supported", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
357             {name => "Evaporative system monitoring supported", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
358             {name => "Secondary air system monitoring supported", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
359             {name => "A/C system refrigerant monitoring supported", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
360             {name => "Oxygen sensor monitoring supported", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
361             {name => "Oxygen sensor heater monitoring supported", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
362             {name => "EGR system monitoring supported", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
363             {name => "Catalyst monitoring complete", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&1", unit => "not completed, completed"},
364             {name => "Heated catalyst monitoring complete", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&2", unit => "not completed, completed"},
365             {name => "Evaporative system monitoring complete", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&4", unit => "not completed, completed"},
366             {name => "Secondary air system monitoring complete", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&8", unit => "not completed, completed"},
367             {name => "A/C system refrigerant monitoring complete", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&16", unit => "not completed, completed"},
368             {name => "Oxygen sensor monitoring complete", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&32", unit => "not completed, completed"},
369             {name => "Oxygen sensor heater monitoring complete", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&64", unit => "not completed, completed"},
370             {name => "EGR system monitoring complete", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&128", unit => "not completed, completed"},
371             ] },
372             # DTC that caused required freeze frame data storage (PID 02) only exists for command 2.
373             "Fuel systems status" => { command => "01 03",
374             result => [
375             {name => "Fuel system 1 status", type => "byte_0", modifier => "&31", unit => "",
376             alternatives => [
377             {value => 1, meaning => "Open loop - has not yet satisfied conditions to go closed loop"},
378             {value => 2, meaning => "Closed loop - using oxygen sensor(s) as feedback for fuel control"},
379             {value => 4, meaning => "Open loop due to driving conditions (e.g., power enrichment, deceleration enleanment)"},
380             {value => 8, meaning => "Open loop - due to detected system fault"},
381             {value => 16, meaning => "Closed loop, but fault with at least one oxygen sensor - may be using single oxygen sensor for fuel control"}
382             ]
383             },
384             {name => "Fuel system 2 status", type => "byte_1", modifier => "&31", unit => "",
385             alternatives => [
386             {value => 1, meaning => "Open loop - has not yet satisfied conditions to go closed loop"},
387             {value => 2, meaning => "Closed loop - using oxygen sensor(s) as feedback for fuel control"},
388             {value => 4, meaning => "Open loop due to driving conditions (e.g., power enrichment, deceleration enleanment)"},
389             {value => 8, meaning => "Open loop - due to detected system fault"},
390             {value => 16, meaning => "Closed loop, but fault with at least one oxygen sensor - may be using single oxygen sensor for fuel control"}
391             ]
392             }
393             ] },
395             "Calculated LOAD Value!" => { command => "01 04", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}] },
396             "Engine Coolant Temperature" => { command => "01 05", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "-40", unit => "°C"}] },
398             "Short Term Fuel Trim - Bank 1/3" => { command => "01 06",
399             result => [
400             {name => "Short Term Fuel Trim - Bank 1", type => "signed_byte_0", modifier => "*100/128", unit => "%"},
401             {name => "Short Term Fuel Trim - Bank 3", type => "signed_byte_1", modifier => "*100/128", unit => "%"},
402             ] },
404             "Long Term Fuel Trim - Bank 1/3" => { command => "01 07",
405             result => [
406             {name => "Long Term Fuel Trim - Bank 1", type => "signed_byte_0", modifier => "*100/128", unit => "%"},
407             {name => "Long Term Fuel Trim - Bank 3", type => "signed_byte_1", modifier => "*100/128", unit => "%"},
408             ] },
410             "Short Term Fuel Trim - Bank 2/4" => { command => "01 08",
411             result => [
412             {name => "Short Term Fuel Trim - Bank 2", type => "signed_byte_0", modifier => "*100/128", unit => "%"},
413             {name => "Short Term Fuel Trim - Bank 4", type => "signed_byte_1", modifier => "*100/128", unit => "%"},
414             ] },
416             "Long Term Fuel Trim - Bank 2/4" => { command => "01 09",
417             result => [
418             {name => "Long Term Fuel Trim - Bank 2", type => "signed_byte_0", modifier => "*100/128", unit => "%"},
419             {name => "Long Term Fuel Trim - Bank 4", type => "signed_byte_1", modifier => "*100/128", unit => "%"},
420             ] },
423             "Fuel Rail Pressure (gauge)" => { command => "01 0A", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "*3", unit => "kPa"}] },
424             "Intake Manifold Absolute Pressure" => { command => "01 0B", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "*1", unit => "kPa"}] },
425             "Engine RPM" => { command => "01 0C", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "/4", unit => "RPM"}] },
426             "Vehicle Speed Sensor" => { command => "01 0D", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "+0", unit => "km/h"}] },
427             "Ignition Timing Advance for #1 Cylinder" => { command => "01 0E", result => [{type => "signed_byte_0", modifier => "/2", unit => "°"}] },
428             "Intake Air Temperature" => { command => "01 0F", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "-40", unit => "°C"}] },
429             "Air Flow Rate from Mass Air Flow Sensor" => { command => "01 10", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "/100", unit => "g/s"}] },
430             "Absolute Throttle Position" => { command => "01 11", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}] },
431             "Commanded Secondary Air Status" => { command => "01 12", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "",
432             alternatives => [
433             {value => 1, meaning => "upstream of first catalytic converter"},
434             {value => 2, meaning => "downstream of first catalytic converter inlet"},
435             {value => 4, meaning => "atmosphere / off"}
436             ] }
437             ] },
439             "Location of oxygen sensors 13" => { command => "01 13",
440             result => [
441             {name => "Bank 1 - Sensor 1 present", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&1", unit => "not present,present"},
442             {name => "Bank 1 - Sensor 2 present", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&2", unit => "not present,present"},
443             {name => "Bank 1 - Sensor 3 present", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&4", unit => "not present,present"},
444             {name => "Bank 1 - Sensor 4 present", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&8", unit => "not present,present"},
445             {name => "Bank 2 - Sensor 1 present", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&16", unit => "not present,present"},
446             {name => "Bank 2 - Sensor 2 present", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&32", unit => "not present,present"},
447             {name => "Bank 2 - Sensor 3 present", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&64", unit => "not present,present"},
448             {name => "Bank 2 - Sensor 4 present", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&128", unit => "not present,present"}
449             ] },
451             "Bank 1 - Sensor 1" => { command => "01 14",
452             result => [
453             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Output Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_0", modifier => "*0.005", unit => "V"},
454             {name => "Short Term Fuel Trim (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_1", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}
455             ] },
457             "Bank 1 - Sensor 2" => { command => "01 15",
458             result => [
459             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Output Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_0", modifier => "*0.005", unit => "V"},
460             {name => "Short Term Fuel Trim (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_1", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}
461             ] },
463             "Bank 1 - Sensor 3" => { command => "01 16",
464             result => [
465             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Output Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_0", modifier => "*0.005", unit => "V"},
466             {name => "Short Term Fuel Trim (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_1", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}
467             ] },
469             "Bank 1 - Sensor 4" => { command => "01 17",
470             result => [
471             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Output Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_0", modifier => "*0.005", unit => "V"},
472             {name => "Short Term Fuel Trim (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_1", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}
473             ] },
475             "Bank 2 - Sensor 1 13" => { command => "01 18",
476             result => [
477             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Output Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_0", modifier => "*0.005", unit => "V"},
478             {name => "Short Term Fuel Trim (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_1", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}
479             ] },
481             "Bank 2 - Sensor 2 13" => { command => "01 19",
482             result => [
483             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Output Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_0", modifier => "*0.005", unit => "V"},
484             {name => "Short Term Fuel Trim (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_1", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}
485             ] },
487             "Bank 2 - Sensor 3" => { command => "01 1A",
488             result => [
489             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Output Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_0", modifier => "*0.005", unit => "V"},
490             {name => "Short Term Fuel Trim (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_1", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}
491             ] },
493             "Bank 2 - Sensor 4" => { command => "01 1B",
494             result => [
495             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Output Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_0", modifier => "*0.005", unit => "V"},
496             {name => "Short Term Fuel Trim (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_1", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}
497             ] },
500             "Bank 2 - Sensor 1 1D" => { command => "01 16",
501             result => [
502             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Output Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_0", modifier => "*0.005", unit => "V"},
503             {name => "Short Term Fuel Trim (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_1", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}
504             ] },
506             "Bank 2 - Sensor 2 1D" => { command => "01 17",
507             result => [
508             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Output Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_0", modifier => "*0.005", unit => "V"},
509             {name => "Short Term Fuel Trim (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_1", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}
510             ] },
512             "Bank 3 - Sensor 1" => { command => "01 18",
513             result => [
514             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Output Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_0", modifier => "*0.005", unit => "V"},
515             {name => "Short Term Fuel Trim (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_1", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}
516             ] },
518             "Bank 3 - Sensor 2" => { command => "01 19",
519             result => [
520             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Output Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_0", modifier => "*0.005", unit => "V"},
521             {name => "Short Term Fuel Trim (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_1", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}
522             ] },
524             "Bank 4 - Sensor 1" => { command => "01 1A",
525             result => [
526             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Output Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_0", modifier => "*0.005", unit => "V"},
527             {name => "Short Term Fuel Trim (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_1", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}
528             ] },
530             "Bank 4 - Sensor 2" => { command => "01 1B",
531             result => [
532             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Output Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_0", modifier => "*0.005", unit => "V"},
533             {name => "Short Term Fuel Trim (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_1", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}
534             ] },
537             "OBD requirements to which vehicle is designed" => { command => "01 1C", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "+0", unit => "",
538             alternatives => [
539             {value => 1, meaning => "OBD II (California ARB)"},
540             {value => 2, meaning => "OBD (Federal EPA)"},
541             {value => 3, meaning => "OBD and OBD II"},
542             {value => 4, meaning => "OBD I"},
543             {value => 5, meaning => "Not OBD compliant"},
544             {value => 6, meaning => "EOBD"},
545             {value => 7, meaning => "EOBD and OBD II"},
546             {value => 8, meaning => "EOBD and OBD"},
547             {value => 9, meaning => "EOBD, OBD and OBD II"},
548             {value => 10, meaning => "JOBD"},
549             {value => 11, meaning => "JOBD and OBD II"},
550             {value => 12, meaning => "JOBD and EOBD"},
551             {value => 13, meaning => "JOBD, EOBD, and OBD II"}
552             ] }
553             ] },
555             "Location of oxygen sensors 1D" => { command => "01 1D",
556             result => [
557             {name => "Bank 1 - Sensor 1 present", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&1", unit => "not present,present"},
558             {name => "Bank 1 - Sensor 2 present", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&2", unit => "not present,present"},
559             {name => "Bank 2 - Sensor 1 present", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&4", unit => "not present,present"},
560             {name => "Bank 2 - Sensor 2 present", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&8", unit => "not present,present"},
561             {name => "Bank 3 - Sensor 1 present", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&16", unit => "not present,present"},
562             {name => "Bank 3 - Sensor 2 present", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&32", unit => "not present,present"},
563             {name => "Bank 4 - Sensor 1 present", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&64", unit => "not present,present"},
564             {name => "Bank 4 - Sensor 2 present", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&128", unit => "not present,present"},
565             ] },
567             "Auxiliary Input Status" => { command => "01 1E", result => [{name => "Power Take Off (PTO) Status", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&1", unit => "off,on"}] },
568             "Time Since Engine Start" => { command => "01 1F", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*10", unit => "s"}] },
570             "01 PIDs supported (21-40)" => { command => "01 20",
571             result => [
572             {name => "Distance Travelled While MIL is Activated", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
573             {name => "Fuel Rail Pressure relative to manifold vacuum", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
574             {name => "Fuel Rail Pressure", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
575             {name => "Bank 1 - Sensor 1 (wide range O2S)", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
576             {name => "Bank 1 - Sensor 2 (wide range O2S)", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
578             {name => "Bank 1 - Sensor 3 (wide range O2S)", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
579             {name => "Bank 1 - Sensor 4 (wide range O2S)", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
580             {name => "Bank 2 - Sensor 1 (wide range O2S) 13", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
581             {name => "Bank 2 - Sensor 1 (wide range O2S) 1D", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
582             {name => "Bank 2 - Sensor 2 (wide range O2S) 1D", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
583             {name => "Bank 3 - Sensor 1 (wide range O2S)", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
585             {name => "Bank 2 - Sensor 2 (wide range O2S) 13", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
586             {name => "Bank 2 - Sensor 3 (wide range O2S)", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
587             {name => "Bank 2 - Sensor 4 (wide range O2S)", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
588             {name => "Bank 3 - Sensor 2 (wide range O2S)", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
589             {name => "Bank 4 - Sensor 1 (wide range O2S)", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
590             {name => "Bank 4 - Sensor 2 (wide range O2S)", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
592             {name => "Commanded EGR", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
593             {name => "EGR Error", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
594             {name => "Commanded Evaporative Purge", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
595             {name => "Fuel Level Input", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
596             {name => "Number of warm-ups since diagnostic trouble codes cleared", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
598             {name => "Distance since diagnostic trouble codes cleared", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
599             {name => "Evap System Vapor Pressure", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
600             {name => "Barometric Pressure", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
601             {name => "Bank 1 - Sensor 1 (wide range O2S) current", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
602             {name => "Bank 1 - Sensor 2 (wide range O2S) current", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
603             {name => "Bank 1 - Sensor 3 (wide range O2S) current", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
604             {name => "Bank 1 - Sensor 4 (wide range O2S) current", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
605             {name => "Bank 2 - Sensor 1 (wide range O2S) current 13", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
607             {name => "Bank 2 - Sensor 1 (wide range O2S) current 1D", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
608             {name => "Bank 2 - Sensor 2 (wide range O2S) current 1D", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
609             {name => "Bank 3 - Sensor 1 (wide range O2S) current", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
611             {name => "Bank 2 - Sensor 2 (wide range O2S) current 13", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
612             {name => "Bank 2 - Sensor 3 (wide range O2S) current", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
613             {name => "Bank 2 - Sensor 4 (wide range O2S) current", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
614             {name => "Bank 3 - Sensor 2 (wide range O2S) current", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
615             {name => "Bank 4 - Sensor 1 (wide range O2S) current", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
616             {name => "Bank 4 - Sensor 2 (wide range O2S) current", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
617             {name => "Catalyst Temperature Bank 1, Sensor 1", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
618             {name => "Catalyst Temperature Bank 1, Sensor 2", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
619             {name => "Catalyst Temperature Bank 2, Sensor 1", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
620             {name => "Catalyst Temperature Bank 2, Sensor 2", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
621             {name => "01 PIDs supported (41-60)", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
622             ] },
624             "Distance Travelled While MIL is Activated" => { command => "01 21", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "+0", unit => "km"}] },
625             "Fuel Rail Pressure relative to manifold vacuum" => { command => "01 22", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.079", unit => "kPa"}] },
626             "Fuel Rail Pressure" => { command => "01 23", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*10", unit => "kPa"}] },
628             "Bank 1 - Sensor 1 (wide range O2S)" => { command => "01 24",
629             result => [
630             {name => "Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
631             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "V"}
632             ] },
634             "Bank 1 - Sensor 2 (wide range O2S)" => { command => "01 25",
635             result => [
636             {name => "Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
637             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "V"}
638             ] },
640             "Bank 1 - Sensor 3 (wide range O2S)" => { command => "01 26",
641             result => [
642             {name => "Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
643             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "V"}
644             ] },
646             "Bank 1 - Sensor 4 (wide range O2S)" => { command => "01 27",
647             result => [
648             {name => "Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
649             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "V"}
650             ] },
652             "Bank 2 - Sensor 1 (wide range O2S) 13" => { command => "01 28",
653             result => [
654             {name => "Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
655             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "V"}
656             ] },
658             "Bank 2 - Sensor 2 (wide range O2S) 13" => { command => "01 29",
659             result => [
660             {name => "Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
661             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "V"}
662             ] },
664             "Bank 2 - Sensor 3 (wide range O2S)" => { command => "01 2A",
665             result => [
666             {name => "Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
667             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "V"}
668             ] },
670             "Bank 2 - Sensor 4 (wide range O2S)" => { command => "01 2B",
671             result => [
672             {name => "Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
673             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "V"}
674             ] },
677             "Bank 2 - Sensor 1 (wide range O2S) 1D" => { command => "01 26",
678             result => [
679             {name => "Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
680             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "V"}
681             ] },
683             "Bank 2 - Sensor 2 (wide range O2S) 1D" => { command => "01 27",
684             result => [
685             {name => "Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
686             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "V"}
687             ] },
689             "Bank 3 - Sensor 1 (wide range O2S)" => { command => "01 28",
690             result => [
691             {name => "Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
692             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "V"}
693             ] },
695             "Bank 3 - Sensor 2 (wide range O2S)" => { command => "01 29",
696             result => [
697             {name => "Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
698             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "V"}
699             ] },
701             "Bank 4 - Sensor 1 (wide range O2S)" => { command => "01 2A",
702             result => [
703             {name => "Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
704             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "V"}
705             ] },
707             "Bank 4 - Sensor 2 (wide range O2S)" => { command => "01 2B",
708             result => [
709             {name => "Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
710             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "V"}
711             ] },
713             "Commanded EGR" => { command => "01 2C", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}] },
714             "EGR Error" => { command => "01 2D", result => [{type => "signed_byte_0", modifier => "*100/128", unit => "%"}] },
715             "Commanded Evaporative Purge" => { command => "01 2E", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}] },
716             "Fuel Level Input" => { command => "01 2F", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}] },
717             "Number of warm-ups since diagnostic trouble codes cleared" => { command => "01 30", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "+0", unit => ""}] },
718             "Distance since diagnostic trouble codes cleared" => { command => "01 31", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "+0", unit => "km"}] },
719             "Evap System Vapor Pressure" => { command => "01 32", result => [{type => "signed_word_0", modifier => "*0.25", unit => "Pa"}] },
720             "Barometric Pressure" => { command => "01 33", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "+0", unit => "kPa"}] },
722             "Bank 1 - Sensor 1 (wide range O2S) current" => { command => "01 34",
723             result => [
724             {name => "Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
725             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Current (Bx-Sy)", type => "signed_word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "A"}
726             ] },
728             "Bank 1 - Sensor 2 (wide range O2S) current" => { command => "01 35",
729             result => [
730             {name => "Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
731             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Current (Bx-Sy)", type => "signed_word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "A"}
732             ] },
734             "Bank 1 - Sensor 3 (wide range O2S) current" => { command => "01 36",
735             result => [
736             {name => "Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
737             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Current (Bx-Sy)", type => "signed_word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "A"}
738             ] },
740             "Bank 1 - Sensor 4 (wide range O2S) current" => { command => "01 37",
741             result => [
742             {name => "Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
743             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Current (Bx-Sy)", type => "signed_word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "A"}
744             ] },
746             "Bank 2 - Sensor 1 (wide range O2S) current 13" => { command => "01 38",
747             result => [
748             {name => "Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
749             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Current (Bx-Sy)", type => "signed_word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "A"}
750             ] },
752             "Bank 2 - Sensor 2 (wide range O2S) current 13" => { command => "01 39",
753             result => [
754             {name => "Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
755             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Current (Bx-Sy)", type => "signed_word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "A"}
756             ] },
758             "Bank 2 - Sensor 3 (wide range O2S) current" => { command => "01 3A",
759             result => [
760             {name => "Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
761             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Current (Bx-Sy)", type => "signed_word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "A"}
762             ] },
764             "Bank 2 - Sensor 4 (wide range O2S) current" => { command => "01 3B",
765             result => [
766             {name => "Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
767             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Current (Bx-Sy)", type => "signed_word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "A"}
768             ] },
771             "Bank 2 - Sensor 1 (wide range O2S) current 1D" => { command => "01 36",
772             result => [
773             {name => "Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
774             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Current (Bx-Sy)", type => "signed_word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "A"}
775             ] },
777             "Bank 2 - Sensor 2 (wide range O2S) current 1D" => { command => "01 37",
778             result => [
779             {name => "Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
780             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Current (Bx-Sy)", type => "signed_word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "A"}
781             ] },
783             "Bank 3 - Sensor 1 (wide range O2S) current" => { command => "01 38",
784             result => [
785             {name => "Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
786             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Current (Bx-Sy)", type => "signed_word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "A"}
787             ] },
789             "Bank 3 - Sensor 2 (wide range O2S) current" => { command => "01 39",
790             result => [
791             {name => "Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
792             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Current (Bx-Sy)", type => "signed_word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "A"}
793             ] },
795             "Bank 4 - Sensor 1 (wide range O2S) current" => { command => "01 3A",
796             result => [
797             {name => "Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
798             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Current (Bx-Sy)", type => "signed_word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "A"}
799             ] },
801             "Bank 4 - Sensor 2 (wide range O2S) current" => { command => "01 3B",
802             result => [
803             {name => "Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
804             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Current (Bx-Sy)", type => "signed_word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "A"}
805             ] },
807             "Catalyst Temperature Bank 1, Sensor 1" => { command => "01 3C", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "/10-40", unit => "°C"}] },
808             "Catalyst Temperature Bank 1, Sensor 2" => { command => "01 3D", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "/10-40", unit => "°C"}] },
809             "Catalyst Temperature Bank 2, Sensor 1" => { command => "01 3E", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "/10-40", unit => "°C"}] },
810             "Catalyst Temperature Bank 2, Sensor 2" => { command => "01 3F", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "/10-40", unit => "°C"}] },
812             "01 PIDs supported (41-60)" => { command => "01 40",
813             result => [
814             {name => "Monitor status this driving cycle", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
815             {name => "Control Module Voltage", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
816             {name => "Absolute Load Value", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
817             {name => "Commanded Equivalence Ratio", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
818             {name => "Relative Throttle Position", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
819             {name => "Ambiant Air Temperature", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
820             {name => "Absolute Throttle Position B", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
821             {name => "Absolute Throttle Position C", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
823             {name => "Absolute Throttle Position D", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
824             {name => "Absolute Throttle Position E", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
825             {name => "Absolute Throttle Position F", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
826             {name => "Commanded Throttle Actuator Control", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
827             {name => "Minutes run by the engine while MIL activated", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
828             {name => "Time since diagnostic trouble codes cleared", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
829             {name => "External Test Equipment Configuration Information #1", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
830             {name => "External Test Equipment Configuration Information #2", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
832             {name => "Type of fuel currently being utilized by the vehicle", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
833             {name => "Alcohol Fuel Percentage", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
834             {name => "Absolute Evap System Vapour Pressure", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
835             {name => "Evap System Vapour Pressure", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
836             {name => "Short Term Secondary O2 Sensor Fuel Trim - Bank 1", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
837             {name => "Long Term Secondary O2 Sensor Fuel Trim - Bank 1", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
838             {name => "Short Term Secondary O2 Sensor Fuel Trim - Bank 2", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
839             {name => "Long Term Secondary O2 Sensor Fuel Trim - Bank 2", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
840             {name => "Short Term Secondary O2 Sensor Fuel Trim - Bank 3", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
841             {name => "Long Term Secondary O2 Sensor Fuel Trim - Bank 3", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
842             {name => "Short Term Secondary O2 Sensor Fuel Trim - Bank 4", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
843             {name => "Long Term Secondary O2 Sensor Fuel Trim - Bank 4", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
845             {name => "Fuel Rail Pressure (absolute)", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
846             {name => "Relative Accelerator Pedal Position", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
847             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
848             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
849             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
850             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
851             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
852             # {name => "01 PIDs supported (61-80)", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
853             ] },
856             "Monitor status this driving cycle" => { command => "01 41",
857             result => [
858             {name => "Misfire monitoring Enable Status", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&1", unit => "not enabled,enabled"},
859             {name => "Fuel system monitoring Enable Status", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&2", unit => "not enabled,enabled"},
860             {name => "Comprehensive component monitoring Enable Status", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&4", unit => "not enabled,enabled"},
861             {name => "Misfire monitoring Completion Status", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&16", unit => "not completed,completed"},
862             {name => "Fuel system monitoring Completion Status", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&32", unit => "not completed,completed"},
863             {name => "Comprehensive component monitoring Completion Status", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&64", unit => "not completed,completed"},
864             {name => "Catalyst monitoring Enable Status", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&1", unit => "not enabled,enabled"},
865             {name => "Heated catalyst monitoring Enable Status", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&2", unit => "not enabled,enabled"},
866             {name => "Evaporative system monitoring Enable Status", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&4", unit => "not enabled,enabled"},
867             {name => "Secondary air system monitoring Enable Status", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&8", unit => "not enabled,enabled"},
868             {name => "A/C system refrigerant monitoring Enable Status", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&16", unit => "not enabled,enabled"},
869             {name => "Oxygen sensor monitoring Enable Status", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&32", unit => "not enabled,enabled"},
870             {name => "Oxygen sensor heater monitoring Enable Status", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&64", unit => "not enabled,enabled"},
871             {name => "EGR monitoring Enable Status", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&128", unit => "not enabled,enabled"},
872             {name => "Catalyst monitoring Completion Status", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&1", unit => "not completed,completed"},
873             {name => "Heated catalyst monitoring Completion Status", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&2", unit => "not completed,completed"},
874             {name => "Evaporative system monitoring Completion Status", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&4", unit => "not completed,completed"},
875             {name => "Secondary air system monitoring Completion Status", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&8", unit => "not completed,completed"},
876             {name => "A/C system refrigerant monitoring Completion Status", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&16", unit => "not completed,completed"},
877             {name => "Oxygen sensor monitoring Completion Status", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&32", unit => "not completed,completed"},
878             {name => "Oxygen sensor heater monitoring Completion Status", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&64", unit => "not completed,completed"},
879             {name => "EGR monitoring Completion Status", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&128", unit => "not completed,completed"}
880             ] },
882             "Control Module Voltage" => { command => "01 42", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.001", unit => "V"}] },
883             "Absolute Load Value" => { command => "01 43", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}] },
884             "Commanded Equivalence Ratio" => { command => "01 44", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""}] },
885             "Relative Throttle Position" => { command => "01 45", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}] },
886             "Ambiant Air Temperature" => { command => "01 46", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "-40", unit => "°C"}] },
887             "Absolute Throttle Position B" => { command => "01 47", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}] },
888             "Absolute Throttle Position C" => { command => "01 48", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}] },
889             "Accelerator Pedal Position D" => { command => "01 49", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}] },
890             "Accelerator Pedal Position E" => { command => "01 4A", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}] },
891             "Accelerator Pedal Position F" => { command => "01 4B", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}] },
892             "Commanded Throttle Actuator Control" => { command => "01 4C", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}] },
893             "Minutes run by the engine while MIL activated" => { command => "01 4D", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "+0", unit => "min"}] },
894             "Time since diagnostic trouble codes cleared" => { command => "01 4E", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "+0", unit => "min"}] },
895             "External Test Equipment Configuration Information #1" => { command => "01 4F",
896             result => [
897             {name => "Maximum value for Equivalence Ratio", type => "byte_0", modifier => "+0", unit => ""},
898             {name => "Maximum value for Oxygen Sensor Voltage", type => "byte_1", modifier => "+0", unit => "V"},
899             {name => "Maximum value for Oxygen Sensor Current", type => "byte_2", modifier => "+0", unit => "mA"},
900             {name => "Maximum value for Intake Manifold Absolute Pressure", type => "byte_3", modifier => "+0", unit => "kPa"},
901             ] },
902             "External Test Equipment Configuration Information #2" => { command => "01 50",
903             result => [
904             {name => "Maximum value for Air Flow Rate from Mass Air Flow Sensor", type => "byte_0", modifier => "+0", unit => "g/s"}
905             ] },
907             "Type of fuel currently being utilized by the vehicle" => { command => "01 51", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "+0", unit => "",
908             alternatives => [
909             {value => 1, meaning => "Gasoline/petrol"},
910             {value => 2, meaning => "Methanol"},
911             {value => 3, meaning => "Ethanol"},
912             {value => 4, meaning => "Diesel"},
913             {value => 5, meaning => "Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)"},
914             {value => 6, meaning => "Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)"},
915             {value => 7, meaning => "Propane"},
916             {value => 8, meaning => "Battery/electric"},
917             {value => 9, meaning => "Bi-fuel vehicle using gasoline"},
918             {value => 10, meaning => "Bi-fuel vehicle using methanol"},
919             {value => 11, meaning => "Bi-fuel vehicle using ethanol"},
920             {value => 12, meaning => "Bi-fuel vehicle using LPG"},
921             {value => 13, meaning => "Bi-fuel vehicle using CNG"},
922             {value => 14, meaning => "Bi-fuel vehicle using propane"},
923             {value => 15, meaning => "Bi-fuel vehicle using battery"}
924             ] }
925             ] },
927             "Alcohol Fuel Percentage" => { command => "01 52", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}] },
928             "Absolute Evap System Vapour Pressure" => { command => "01 53", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "/200", unit => "kPa"}] },
929             "Evap System Vapour Pressure" => { command => "01 54", result => [{type => "signed_word_0", modifier => "+1", unit => "Pa"}] },
930             "Short Term Secondary O2 Sensor Fuel Trim - Bank 1" => { command => "01 55", result => [{type => "signed_byte_0", modifier => "*100/128", unit => "%"}] },
931             "Long Term Secondary O2 Sensor Fuel Trim - Bank 1" => { command => "01 56", result => [{type => "signed_byte_0", modifier => "*100/128", unit => "%"}] },
932             "Short Term Secondary O2 Sensor Fuel Trim - Bank 2" => { command => "01 57", result => [{type => "signed_byte_0", modifier => "*100/128", unit => "%"}] },
933             "Long Term Secondary O2 Sensor Fuel Trim - Bank 2" => { command => "01 58", result => [{type => "signed_byte_0", modifier => "*100/128", unit => "%"}] },
935             "Short Term Secondary O2 Sensor Fuel Trim - Bank 3" => { command => "01 55", result => [{type => "signed_byte_1", modifier => "*100/128", unit => "%"}] },
936             "Long Term Secondary O2 Sensor Fuel Trim - Bank 3" => { command => "01 56", result => [{type => "signed_byte_1", modifier => "*100/128", unit => "%"}] },
937             "Short Term Secondary O2 Sensor Fuel Trim - Bank 4" => { command => "01 57", result => [{type => "signed_byte_1", modifier => "*100/128", unit => "%"}] },
938             "Long Term Secondary O2 Sensor Fuel Trim - Bank 4" => { command => "01 58", result => [{type => "signed_byte_1", modifier => "*100/128", unit => "%"}] },
940             "Fuel Rail Pressure (absolute)" => { command => "01 59", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*10", unit => "kPa"}] },
941             "Relative Accelerator Pedal Position" => { command => "01 5A", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}] },
945             "02 PIDs supported (01-20)" => { command => "02 00", available => 1,
946             result => [
947             {name => "Freeze frame Monitor status since DTCs cleared", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
948             {name => "DTC that caused required freeze frame data storage", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
949             {name => "Freeze frame Fuel systems status", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
950             {name => "Freeze frame Calculated LOAD Value!", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
951             {name => "Freeze frame Engine Coolant Temperature", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
952             {name => "Freeze frame Short Term Fuel Trim - Bank 1/3", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
953             {name => "Freeze frame Long Term Fuel Trim - Bank 1/3", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
954             {name => "Freeze frame Short Term Fuel Trim - Bank 2/4", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
956             {name => "Freeze frame Long Term Fuel Trim - Bank 2/4", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
957             {name => "Freeze frame Fuel Rail Pressure (gauge)", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
958             {name => "Freeze frame Intake Manifold Absolute Pressure", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
959             {name => "Freeze frame Engine RPM", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
960             {name => "Freeze frame Vehicle Speed Sensor", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
961             {name => "Freeze frame Ignition Timing Advance for #1 Cylinder", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
962             {name => "Freeze frame Intake Air Temperature", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
963             {name => "Freeze frame Air Flow Rate from Mass Air Flow Sensor", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
965             {name => "Freeze frame Absolute Throttle Position", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
966             {name => "Freeze frame Commanded Secondary Air Status", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
967             {name => "Freeze frame Location of oxygen sensors 13", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
968             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 1 - Sensor 1", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
969             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 1 - Sensor 2", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
971             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 1 - Sensor 3", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
972             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 1 - Sensor 4", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
973             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 2 - Sensor 1 13", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
975             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 2 - Sensor 2 13", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
976             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 2 - Sensor 3", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
977             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 2 - Sensor 4", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
978             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 3 - Sensor 2", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
979             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 4 - Sensor 1", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
980             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 4 - Sensor 2", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
981             {name => "Freeze frame OBD requirements to which vehicle is designed", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
982             {name => "Freeze frame Location of oxygen sensors 1D", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
983             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 2 - Sensor 1 1D", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
984             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 2 - Sensor 2 1D", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
985             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 3 - Sensor 1", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
986             {name => "Freeze frame Auxiliary Input Status", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
987             {name => "Freeze frame Time Since Engine Start", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
988             {name => "02 PIDs supported (21-40)", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
989             ] },
991             "Freeze frame Monitor status since DTCs cleared" => { command => "02 01",
992             result => [
993             {name => "Freeze frame Number of DTCs stored in this ECU", type => "byte_0", modifier => "&127", unit => ""},
994             {name => "Freeze frame Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) Status", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&128", unit => "off,on"},
995             {name => "Freeze frame Misfire monitoring supported", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
996             {name => "Freeze frame Fuel system monitoring supported", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
997             {name => "Freeze frame Comprehensive component monitoring supported", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
998             {name => "Freeze frame Misfire monitoring complete", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&16", unit => "not completed, completed"},
999             {name => "Freeze frame Fuel system monitoring complete", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&32", unit => "not completed, completed"},
1000             {name => "Freeze frame Comprehensive component monitoring complete", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&64", unit => "not completed, completed"},
1001             {name => "Freeze frame Catalyst monitoring supported", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1002             {name => "Freeze frame Heated catalyst monitoring supported", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1003             {name => "Freeze frame Evaporative system monitoring supported", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1004             {name => "Freeze frame Secondary air system monitoring supported", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1005             {name => "Freeze frame A/C system refrigerant monitoring supported", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1006             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen sensor monitoring supported", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1007             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen sensor heater monitoring supported", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1008             {name => "Freeze frame EGR system monitoring supported", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1009             {name => "Freeze frame Catalyst monitoring complete", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&1", unit => "not completed, completed"},
1010             {name => "Freeze frame Heated catalyst monitoring complete", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&2", unit => "not completed, completed"},
1011             {name => "Freeze frame Evaporative system monitoring complete", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&4", unit => "not completed, completed"},
1012             {name => "Freeze frame Secondary air system monitoring complete", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&8", unit => "not completed, completed"},
1013             {name => "Freeze frame A/C system refrigerant monitoring complete", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&16", unit => "not completed, completed"},
1014             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen sensor monitoring complete", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&32", unit => "not completed, completed"},
1015             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen sensor heater monitoring complete", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&64", unit => "not completed, completed"},
1016             {name => "Freeze frame EGR system monitoring complete", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&128", unit => "not completed, completed"},
1017             ] },
1019             "DTC that caused required freeze frame data storage" => { command => "02 02", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "+0", unit => ""}] },
1021             "Freeze frame Fuel systems status" => { command => "02 03",
1022             result => [
1023             {name => "Freeze frame Fuel system 1 status", type => "byte_0", modifier => "&31", unit => "",
1024             alternatives => [
1025             {value => 1, meaning => "Open loop - has not yet satisfied conditions to go closed loop"},
1026             {value => 2, meaning => "Closed loop - using oxygen sensor(s) as feedback for fuel control"},
1027             {value => 4, meaning => "Open loop due to driving conditions (e.g., power enrichment, deceleration enleanment)"},
1028             {value => 8, meaning => "Open loop - due to detected system fault"},
1029             {value => 16, meaning => "Closed loop, but fault with at least one oxygen sensor - may be using single oxygen sensor for fuel control"}
1030             ]
1031             },
1032             {name => "Freeze frame Fuel system 2 status", type => "byte_1", modifier => "&31", unit => "",
1033             alternatives => [
1034             {value => 1, meaning => "Open loop - has not yet satisfied conditions to go closed loop"},
1035             {value => 2, meaning => "Closed loop - using oxygen sensor(s) as feedback for fuel control"},
1036             {value => 4, meaning => "Open loop due to driving conditions (e.g., power enrichment, deceleration enleanment)"},
1037             {value => 8, meaning => "Open loop - due to detected system fault"},
1038             {value => 16, meaning => "Closed loop, but fault with at least one oxygen sensor - may be using single oxygen sensor for fuel control"}
1039             ]
1040             }
1041             ] },
1043             "Freeze frame Calculated LOAD Value!" => { command => "02 04", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}] },
1044             "Freeze frame Engine Coolant Temperature" => { command => "02 05", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "-40", unit => "°C"}] },
1046             "Freeze frame Short Term Fuel Trim - Bank 1/3" => { command => "02 06",
1047             result => [
1048             {name => "Freeze frame Short Term Fuel Trim - Bank 1", type => "signed_byte_0", modifier => "*100/128", unit => "%"},
1049             {name => "Freeze frame Short Term Fuel Trim - Bank 3", type => "signed_byte_1", modifier => "*100/128", unit => "%"},
1050             ] },
1052             "Freeze frame Long Term Fuel Trim - Bank 1/3" => { command => "02 07",
1053             result => [
1054             {name => "Freeze frame Long Term Fuel Trim - Bank 1", type => "signed_byte_0", modifier => "*100/128", unit => "%"},
1055             {name => "Freeze frame Long Term Fuel Trim - Bank 3", type => "signed_byte_1", modifier => "*100/128", unit => "%"},
1056             ] },
1058             "Freeze frame Short Term Fuel Trim - Bank 2/4" => { command => "02 08",
1059             result => [
1060             {name => "Freeze frame Short Term Fuel Trim - Bank 2", type => "signed_byte_0", modifier => "*100/128", unit => "%"},
1061             {name => "Freeze frame Short Term Fuel Trim - Bank 4", type => "signed_byte_1", modifier => "*100/128", unit => "%"},
1062             ] },
1064             "Freeze frame Long Term Fuel Trim - Bank 2/4" => { command => "02 09",
1065             result => [
1066             {name => "Freeze frame Long Term Fuel Trim - Bank 2", type => "signed_byte_0", modifier => "*100/128", unit => "%"},
1067             {name => "Freeze frame Long Term Fuel Trim - Bank 4", type => "signed_byte_1", modifier => "*100/128", unit => "%"},
1068             ] },
1071             "Freeze frame Fuel Rail Pressure (gauge)" => { command => "02 0A", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "*3", unit => "kPa"}] },
1072             "Freeze frame Intake Manifold Absolute Pressure" => { command => "02 0B", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "*1", unit => "kPa"}] },
1073             "Freeze frame Engine RPM" => { command => "02 0C", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "/4", unit => "RPM"}] },
1074             "Freeze frame Vehicle Speed Sensor" => { command => "02 0D", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "+0", unit => "km/h"}] },
1075             "Freeze frame Ignition Timing Advance for #1 Cylinder" => { command => "02 0E", result => [{type => "signed_byte_0", modifier => "/2", unit => "°"}] },
1076             "Freeze frame Intake Air Temperature" => { command => "02 0F", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "-40", unit => "°C"}] },
1077             "Freeze frame Air Flow Rate from Mass Air Flow Sensor" => { command => "02 10", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "/100", unit => "g/s"}] },
1078             "Freeze frame Absolute Throttle Position" => { command => "02 11", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}] },
1079             "Freeze frame Commanded Secondary Air Status" => { command => "02 12", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "",
1080             alternatives => [
1081             {value => 1, meaning => "upstream of first catalytic converter"},
1082             {value => 2, meaning => "downstream of first catalytic converter inlet"},
1083             {value => 4, meaning => "atmosphere / off"}
1084             ] }
1085             ] },
1087             "Freeze frame Location of oxygen sensors 13" => { command => "02 13",
1088             result => [
1089             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 1 - Sensor 1 present", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&1", unit => "not present,present"},
1090             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 1 - Sensor 2 present", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&2", unit => "not present,present"},
1091             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 1 - Sensor 3 present", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&4", unit => "not present,present"},
1092             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 1 - Sensor 4 present", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&8", unit => "not present,present"},
1093             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 2 - Sensor 1 present", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&16", unit => "not present,present"},
1094             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 2 - Sensor 2 present", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&32", unit => "not present,present"},
1095             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 2 - Sensor 3 present", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&64", unit => "not present,present"},
1096             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 2 - Sensor 4 present", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&128", unit => "not present,present"}
1097             ] },
1099             "Freeze frame Bank 1 - Sensor 1" => { command => "02 14",
1100             result => [
1101             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen Sensor Output Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_0", modifier => "*0.005", unit => "V"},
1102             {name => "Freeze frame Short Term Fuel Trim (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_1", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}
1103             ] },
1105             "Freeze frame Bank 1 - Sensor 2" => { command => "02 15",
1106             result => [
1107             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen Sensor Output Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_0", modifier => "*0.005", unit => "V"},
1108             {name => "Freeze frame Short Term Fuel Trim (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_1", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}
1109             ] },
1111             "Freeze frame Bank 1 - Sensor 3" => { command => "02 16",
1112             result => [
1113             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen Sensor Output Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_0", modifier => "*0.005", unit => "V"},
1114             {name => "Freeze frame Short Term Fuel Trim (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_1", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}
1115             ] },
1117             "Freeze frame Bank 1 - Sensor 4" => { command => "02 17",
1118             result => [
1119             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen Sensor Output Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_0", modifier => "*0.005", unit => "V"},
1120             {name => "Freeze frame Short Term Fuel Trim (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_1", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}
1121             ] },
1123             "Freeze frame Bank 2 - Sensor 1 13" => { command => "02 18",
1124             result => [
1125             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen Sensor Output Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_0", modifier => "*0.005", unit => "V"},
1126             {name => "Freeze frame Short Term Fuel Trim (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_1", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}
1127             ] },
1129             "Freeze frame Bank 2 - Sensor 2 13" => { command => "02 19",
1130             result => [
1131             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen Sensor Output Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_0", modifier => "*0.005", unit => "V"},
1132             {name => "Freeze frame Short Term Fuel Trim (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_1", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}
1133             ] },
1135             "Freeze frame Bank 2 - Sensor 3" => { command => "02 1A",
1136             result => [
1137             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen Sensor Output Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_0", modifier => "*0.005", unit => "V"},
1138             {name => "Freeze frame Short Term Fuel Trim (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_1", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}
1139             ] },
1141             "Freeze frame Bank 2 - Sensor 4" => { command => "02 1B",
1142             result => [
1143             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen Sensor Output Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_0", modifier => "*0.005", unit => "V"},
1144             {name => "Freeze frame Short Term Fuel Trim (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_1", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}
1145             ] },
1148             "Freeze frame Bank 2 - Sensor 1 1D" => { command => "02 16",
1149             result => [
1150             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen Sensor Output Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_0", modifier => "*0.005", unit => "V"},
1151             {name => "Freeze frame Short Term Fuel Trim (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_1", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}
1152             ] },
1154             "Freeze frame Bank 2 - Sensor 2 1D" => { command => "02 17",
1155             result => [
1156             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen Sensor Output Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_0", modifier => "*0.005", unit => "V"},
1157             {name => "Freeze frame Short Term Fuel Trim (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_1", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}
1158             ] },
1160             "Freeze frame Bank 3 - Sensor 1" => { command => "02 18",
1161             result => [
1162             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen Sensor Output Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_0", modifier => "*0.005", unit => "V"},
1163             {name => "Freeze frame Short Term Fuel Trim (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_1", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}
1164             ] },
1166             "Freeze frame Bank 3 - Sensor 2" => { command => "02 19",
1167             result => [
1168             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen Sensor Output Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_0", modifier => "*0.005", unit => "V"},
1169             {name => "Freeze frame Short Term Fuel Trim (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_1", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}
1170             ] },
1172             "Freeze frame Bank 4 - Sensor 1" => { command => "02 1A",
1173             result => [
1174             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen Sensor Output Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_0", modifier => "*0.005", unit => "V"},
1175             {name => "Freeze frame Short Term Fuel Trim (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_1", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}
1176             ] },
1178             "Freeze frame Bank 4 - Sensor 2" => { command => "02 1B",
1179             result => [
1180             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen Sensor Output Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_0", modifier => "*0.005", unit => "V"},
1181             {name => "Freeze frame Short Term Fuel Trim (Bx-Sy)", type => "byte_1", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}
1182             ] },
1185             "Freeze frame OBD requirements to which vehicle is designed" => { command => "02 1C", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "+0", unit => "",
1186             alternatives => [
1187             {value => 1, meaning => "OBD II (California ARB)"},
1188             {value => 2, meaning => "OBD (Federal EPA)"},
1189             {value => 3, meaning => "OBD and OBD II"},
1190             {value => 4, meaning => "OBD I"},
1191             {value => 5, meaning => "Not OBD compliant"},
1192             {value => 6, meaning => "EOBD"},
1193             {value => 7, meaning => "EOBD and OBD II"},
1194             {value => 8, meaning => "EOBD and OBD"},
1195             {value => 9, meaning => "EOBD, OBD and OBD II"},
1196             {value => 10, meaning => "JOBD"},
1197             {value => 11, meaning => "JOBD and OBD II"},
1198             {value => 12, meaning => "JOBD and EOBD"},
1199             {value => 13, meaning => "JOBD, EOBD, and OBD II"}
1200             ] }
1201             ] },
1203             "Freeze frame Location of oxygen sensors 1D" => { command => "02 1D",
1204             result => [
1205             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 1 - Sensor 1 present", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&1", unit => "not present,present"},
1206             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 1 - Sensor 2 present", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&2", unit => "not present,present"},
1207             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 2 - Sensor 1 present", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&4", unit => "not present,present"},
1208             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 2 - Sensor 2 present", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&8", unit => "not present,present"},
1209             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 3 - Sensor 1 present", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&16", unit => "not present,present"},
1210             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 3 - Sensor 2 present", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&32", unit => "not present,present"},
1211             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 4 - Sensor 1 present", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&64", unit => "not present,present"},
1212             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 4 - Sensor 2 present", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&128", unit => "not present,present"},
1213             ] },
1215             "Freeze frame Auxiliary Input Status" => { command => "02 1E", result => [{name => "Freeze frame Power Take Off (PTO) Status", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&1", unit => "off,on"}] },
1216             "Freeze frame Time Since Engine Start" => { command => "02 1F", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*10", unit => "s"}] },
1218             "02 PIDs supported (21-40)" => { command => "02 20",
1219             result => [
1220             {name => "Freeze frame Distance Travelled While MIL is Activated", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1221             {name => "Freeze frame Fuel Rail Pressure relative to manifold vacuum", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1222             {name => "Freeze frame Fuel Rail Pressure", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1223             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 1 - Sensor 1 (wide range O2S)", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1224             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 1 - Sensor 2 (wide range O2S)", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1226             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 1 - Sensor 3 (wide range O2S)", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1227             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 1 - Sensor 4 (wide range O2S)", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1228             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 2 - Sensor 1 (wide range O2S) 13", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1229             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 2 - Sensor 1 (wide range O2S) 1D", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1230             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 2 - Sensor 2 (wide range O2S) 1D", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1231             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 3 - Sensor 1 (wide range O2S)", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1233             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 2 - Sensor 2 (wide range O2S) 13", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1234             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 2 - Sensor 3 (wide range O2S)", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1235             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 2 - Sensor 4 (wide range O2S)", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1236             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 3 - Sensor 2 (wide range O2S)", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1237             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 4 - Sensor 1 (wide range O2S)", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1238             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 4 - Sensor 2 (wide range O2S)", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1240             {name => "Freeze frame Commanded EGR", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1241             {name => "Freeze frame EGR Error", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1242             {name => "Freeze frame Commanded Evaporative Purge", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1243             {name => "Freeze frame Fuel Level Input", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1244             {name => "Freeze frame Number of warm-ups since diagnostic trouble codes cleared", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1246             {name => "Freeze frame Distance since diagnostic trouble codes cleared", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1247             {name => "Freeze frame Evap System Vapor Pressure", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1248             {name => "Freeze frame Barometric Pressure", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1249             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 1 - Sensor 1 (wide range O2S) current", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1250             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 1 - Sensor 2 (wide range O2S) current", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1251             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 1 - Sensor 3 (wide range O2S) current", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1252             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 1 - Sensor 4 (wide range O2S) current", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1253             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 2 - Sensor 1 (wide range O2S) current 13", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1255             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 2 - Sensor 1 (wide range O2S) current 1D", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1256             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 2 - Sensor 2 (wide range O2S) current 1D", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1257             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 3 - Sensor 1 (wide range O2S) current", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1259             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 2 - Sensor 2 (wide range O2S) current 13", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1260             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 2 - Sensor 3 (wide range O2S) current", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1261             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 2 - Sensor 4 (wide range O2S) current", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1262             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 3 - Sensor 2 (wide range O2S) current", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1263             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 4 - Sensor 1 (wide range O2S) current", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1264             {name => "Freeze frame Bank 4 - Sensor 2 (wide range O2S) current", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1265             {name => "Freeze frame Catalyst Temperature Bank 1, Sensor 1", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1266             {name => "Freeze frame Catalyst Temperature Bank 1, Sensor 2", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1267             {name => "Freeze frame Catalyst Temperature Bank 2, Sensor 1", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1268             {name => "Freeze frame Catalyst Temperature Bank 2, Sensor 2", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1269             {name => "02 PIDs supported (41-60)", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1270             ] },
1272             "Freeze frame Distance Travelled While MIL is Activated" => { command => "02 21", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "+0", unit => "km"}] },
1273             "Freeze frame Fuel Rail Pressure relative to manifold vacuum" => { command => "02 22", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.079", unit => "kPa"}] },
1274             "Freeze frame Fuel Rail Pressure" => { command => "02 23", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*10", unit => "kPa"}] },
1276             "Freeze frame Bank 1 - Sensor 1 (wide range O2S)" => { command => "02 24",
1277             result => [
1278             {name => "Freeze frame Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
1279             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen Sensor Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "V"}
1280             ] },
1282             "Freeze frame Bank 1 - Sensor 2 (wide range O2S)" => { command => "02 25",
1283             result => [
1284             {name => "Freeze frame Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
1285             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen Sensor Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "V"}
1286             ] },
1288             "Freeze frame Bank 1 - Sensor 3 (wide range O2S)" => { command => "02 26",
1289             result => [
1290             {name => "Freeze frame Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
1291             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen Sensor Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "V"}
1292             ] },
1294             "Freeze frame Bank 1 - Sensor 4 (wide range O2S)" => { command => "02 27",
1295             result => [
1296             {name => "Freeze frame Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
1297             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen Sensor Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "V"}
1298             ] },
1300             "Freeze frame Bank 2 - Sensor 1 (wide range O2S) 13" => { command => "02 28",
1301             result => [
1302             {name => "Freeze frame Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
1303             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen Sensor Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "V"}
1304             ] },
1306             "Freeze frame Bank 2 - Sensor 2 (wide range O2S) 13" => { command => "02 29",
1307             result => [
1308             {name => "Freeze frame Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
1309             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen Sensor Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "V"}
1310             ] },
1312             "Freeze frame Bank 2 - Sensor 3 (wide range O2S)" => { command => "02 2A",
1313             result => [
1314             {name => "Freeze frame Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
1315             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen Sensor Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "V"}
1316             ] },
1318             "Freeze frame Bank 2 - Sensor 4 (wide range O2S)" => { command => "02 2B",
1319             result => [
1320             {name => "Freeze frame Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
1321             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen Sensor Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "V"}
1322             ] },
1325             "Freeze frame Bank 2 - Sensor 1 (wide range O2S) 1D" => { command => "02 26",
1326             result => [
1327             {name => "Freeze frame Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
1328             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen Sensor Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "V"}
1329             ] },
1331             "Freeze frame Bank 2 - Sensor 2 (wide range O2S) 1D" => { command => "02 27",
1332             result => [
1333             {name => "Freeze frame Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
1334             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen Sensor Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "V"}
1335             ] },
1337             "Freeze frame Bank 3 - Sensor 1 (wide range O2S)" => { command => "02 28",
1338             result => [
1339             {name => "Freeze frame Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
1340             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen Sensor Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "V"}
1341             ] },
1343             "Freeze frame Bank 3 - Sensor 2 (wide range O2S)" => { command => "02 29",
1344             result => [
1345             {name => "Freeze frame Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
1346             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen Sensor Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "V"}
1347             ] },
1349             "Freeze frame Bank 4 - Sensor 1 (wide range O2S)" => { command => "02 2A",
1350             result => [
1351             {name => "Freeze frame Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
1352             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen Sensor Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "V"}
1353             ] },
1355             "Freeze frame Bank 4 - Sensor 2 (wide range O2S)" => { command => "02 2B",
1356             result => [
1357             {name => "Freeze frame Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
1358             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen Sensor Voltage (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "V"}
1359             ] },
1361             "Freeze frame Commanded EGR" => { command => "02 2C", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}] },
1362             "Freeze frame EGR Error" => { command => "02 2D", result => [{type => "signed_byte_0", modifier => "*100/128", unit => "%"}] },
1363             "Freeze frame Commanded Evaporative Purge" => { command => "02 2E", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}] },
1364             "Freeze frame Fuel Level Input" => { command => "02 2F", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}] },
1365             "Freeze frame Number of warm-ups since diagnostic trouble codes cleared" => { command => "02 30", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "+0", unit => ""}] },
1366             "Freeze frame Distance since diagnostic trouble codes cleared" => { command => "02 31", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "+0", unit => "km"}] },
1367             "Freeze frame Evap System Vapor Pressure" => { command => "02 32", result => [{type => "signed_word_0", modifier => "*0.25", unit => "Pa"}] },
1368             "Freeze frame Barometric Pressure" => { command => "02 33", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "+0", unit => "kPa"}] },
1370             "Freeze frame Bank 1 - Sensor 1 (wide range O2S) current" => { command => "02 34",
1371             result => [
1372             {name => "Freeze frame Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
1373             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen Sensor Current (Bx-Sy)", type => "signed_word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "A"}
1374             ] },
1376             "Freeze frame Bank 1 - Sensor 2 (wide range O2S) current" => { command => "02 35",
1377             result => [
1378             {name => "Freeze frame Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
1379             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen Sensor Current (Bx-Sy)", type => "signed_word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "A"}
1380             ] },
1382             "Freeze frame Bank 1 - Sensor 3 (wide range O2S) current" => { command => "02 36",
1383             result => [
1384             {name => "Freeze frame Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
1385             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen Sensor Current (Bx-Sy)", type => "signed_word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "A"}
1386             ] },
1388             "Freeze frame Bank 1 - Sensor 4 (wide range O2S) current" => { command => "02 37",
1389             result => [
1390             {name => "Freeze frame Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
1391             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen Sensor Current (Bx-Sy)", type => "signed_word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "A"}
1392             ] },
1394             "Freeze frame Bank 2 - Sensor 1 (wide range O2S) current 13" => { command => "02 38",
1395             result => [
1396             {name => "Freeze frame Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
1397             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen Sensor Current (Bx-Sy)", type => "signed_word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "A"}
1398             ] },
1400             "Freeze frame Bank 2 - Sensor 2 (wide range O2S) current 13" => { command => "02 39",
1401             result => [
1402             {name => "Freeze frame Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
1403             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen Sensor Current (Bx-Sy)", type => "signed_word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "A"}
1404             ] },
1406             "Freeze frame Bank 2 - Sensor 3 (wide range O2S) current" => { command => "02 3A",
1407             result => [
1408             {name => "Freeze frame Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
1409             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen Sensor Current (Bx-Sy)", type => "signed_word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "A"}
1410             ] },
1412             "Freeze frame Bank 2 - Sensor 4 (wide range O2S) current" => { command => "02 3B",
1413             result => [
1414             {name => "Freeze frame Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
1415             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen Sensor Current (Bx-Sy)", type => "signed_word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "A"}
1416             ] },
1419             "Freeze frame Bank 2 - Sensor 1 (wide range O2S) current 1D" => { command => "02 36",
1420             result => [
1421             {name => "Freeze frame Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
1422             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen Sensor Current (Bx-Sy)", type => "signed_word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "A"}
1423             ] },
1425             "Freeze frame Bank 2 - Sensor 2 (wide range O2S) current 1D" => { command => "02 37",
1426             result => [
1427             {name => "Freeze frame Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
1428             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen Sensor Current (Bx-Sy)", type => "signed_word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "A"}
1429             ] },
1431             "Freeze frame Bank 3 - Sensor 1 (wide range O2S) current" => { command => "02 38",
1432             result => [
1433             {name => "Freeze frame Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
1434             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen Sensor Current (Bx-Sy)", type => "signed_word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "A"}
1435             ] },
1437             "Freeze frame Bank 3 - Sensor 2 (wide range O2S) current" => { command => "02 39",
1438             result => [
1439             {name => "Freeze frame Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
1440             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen Sensor Current (Bx-Sy)", type => "signed_word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "A"}
1441             ] },
1443             "Freeze frame Bank 4 - Sensor 1 (wide range O2S) current" => { command => "02 3A",
1444             result => [
1445             {name => "Freeze frame Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
1446             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen Sensor Current (Bx-Sy)", type => "signed_word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "A"}
1447             ] },
1449             "Freeze frame Bank 4 - Sensor 2 (wide range O2S) current" => { command => "02 3B",
1450             result => [
1451             {name => "Freeze frame Equivalence Ratio (lambda) (Bx-Sy)", type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""},
1452             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen Sensor Current (Bx-Sy)", type => "signed_word_1", modifier => "*0.000122", unit => "A"}
1453             ] },
1455             "Freeze frame Catalyst Temperature Bank 1, Sensor 1" => { command => "02 3C", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "/10-40", unit => "°C"}] },
1456             "Freeze frame Catalyst Temperature Bank 1, Sensor 2" => { command => "02 3D", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "/10-40", unit => "°C"}] },
1457             "Freeze frame Catalyst Temperature Bank 2, Sensor 1" => { command => "02 3E", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "/10-40", unit => "°C"}] },
1458             "Freeze frame Catalyst Temperature Bank 2, Sensor 2" => { command => "02 3F", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "/10-40", unit => "°C"}] },
1460             "02 PIDs supported (41-60)" => { command => "02 40",
1461             result => [
1462             {name => "Freeze frame Monitor status this driving cycle", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1463             {name => "Freeze frame Control Module Voltage", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1464             {name => "Freeze frame Absolute Load Value", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1465             {name => "Freeze frame Commanded Equivalence Ratio", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1466             {name => "Freeze frame Relative Throttle Position", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1467             {name => "Freeze frame Ambiant Air Temperature", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1468             {name => "Freeze frame Absolute Throttle Position B", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1469             {name => "Freeze frame Absolute Throttle Position C", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1471             {name => "Freeze frame Absolute Throttle Position D", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1472             {name => "Freeze frame Absolute Throttle Position E", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1473             {name => "Freeze frame Absolute Throttle Position F", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1474             {name => "Freeze frame Commanded Throttle Actuator Control", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1475             {name => "Freeze frame Minutes run by the engine while MIL activated", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1476             {name => "Freeze frame Time since diagnostic trouble codes cleared", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1477             {name => "Freeze frame External Test Equipment Configuration Information #1", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1478             {name => "Freeze frame External Test Equipment Configuration Information #2", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1480             {name => "Freeze frame Type of fuel currently being utilized by the vehicle", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1481             {name => "Freeze frame Alcohol Fuel Percentage", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1482             {name => "Freeze frame Absolute Evap System Vapour Pressure", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1483             {name => "Freeze frame Evap System Vapour Pressure", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1484             {name => "Freeze frame Short Term Secondary O2 Sensor Fuel Trim - Bank 1", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1485             {name => "Freeze frame Long Term Secondary O2 Sensor Fuel Trim - Bank 1", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1486             {name => "Freeze frame Short Term Secondary O2 Sensor Fuel Trim - Bank 2", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1487             {name => "Freeze frame Long Term Secondary O2 Sensor Fuel Trim - Bank 2", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1488             {name => "Freeze frame Short Term Secondary O2 Sensor Fuel Trim - Bank 3", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1489             {name => "Freeze frame Long Term Secondary O2 Sensor Fuel Trim - Bank 3", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1490             {name => "Freeze frame Short Term Secondary O2 Sensor Fuel Trim - Bank 4", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1491             {name => "Freeze frame Long Term Secondary O2 Sensor Fuel Trim - Bank 4", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1493             {name => "Freeze frame Fuel Rail Pressure (absolute)", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1494             {name => "Freeze frame Relative Accelerator Pedal Position", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1495             # {name => "Freeze frame ", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1496             # {name => "Freeze frame ", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1497             # {name => "Freeze frame ", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1498             # {name => "Freeze frame ", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1499             # {name => "Freeze frame ", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1500             # {name => "02 PIDs supported (61-80)", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1501             ] },
1504             "Freeze frame Monitor status this driving cycle" => { command => "02 41",
1505             result => [
1506             {name => "Freeze frame Misfire monitoring Enable Status", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&1", unit => "not enabled,enabled"},
1507             {name => "Freeze frame Fuel system monitoring Enable Status", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&2", unit => "not enabled,enabled"},
1508             {name => "Freeze frame Comprehensive component monitoring Enable Status", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&4", unit => "not enabled,enabled"},
1509             {name => "Freeze frame Misfire monitoring Completion Status", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&16", unit => "not completed,completed"},
1510             {name => "Freeze frame Fuel system monitoring Completion Status", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&32", unit => "not completed,completed"},
1511             {name => "Freeze frame Comprehensive component monitoring Completion Status", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&64", unit => "not completed,completed"},
1512             {name => "Freeze frame Catalyst monitoring Enable Status", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&1", unit => "not enabled,enabled"},
1513             {name => "Freeze frame Heated catalyst monitoring Enable Status", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&2", unit => "not enabled,enabled"},
1514             {name => "Freeze frame Evaporative system monitoring Enable Status", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&4", unit => "not enabled,enabled"},
1515             {name => "Freeze frame Secondary air system monitoring Enable Status", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&8", unit => "not enabled,enabled"},
1516             {name => "Freeze frame A/C system refrigerant monitoring Enable Status", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&16", unit => "not enabled,enabled"},
1517             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen sensor monitoring Enable Status", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&32", unit => "not enabled,enabled"},
1518             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen sensor heater monitoring Enable Status", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&64", unit => "not enabled,enabled"},
1519             {name => "Freeze frame EGR monitoring Enable Status", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&128", unit => "not enabled,enabled"},
1520             {name => "Freeze frame Catalyst monitoring Completion Status", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&1", unit => "not completed,completed"},
1521             {name => "Freeze frame Heated catalyst monitoring Completion Status", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&2", unit => "not completed,completed"},
1522             {name => "Freeze frame Evaporative system monitoring Completion Status", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&4", unit => "not completed,completed"},
1523             {name => "Freeze frame Secondary air system monitoring Completion Status", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&8", unit => "not completed,completed"},
1524             {name => "Freeze frame A/C system refrigerant monitoring Completion Status", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&16", unit => "not completed,completed"},
1525             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen sensor monitoring Completion Status", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&32", unit => "not completed,completed"},
1526             {name => "Freeze frame Oxygen sensor heater monitoring Completion Status", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&64", unit => "not completed,completed"},
1527             {name => "Freeze frame EGR monitoring Completion Status", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&128", unit => "not completed,completed"}
1528             ] },
1530             "Freeze frame Control Module Voltage" => { command => "02 42", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.001", unit => "V"}] },
1531             "Freeze frame Absolute Load Value" => { command => "02 43", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}] },
1532             "Freeze frame Commanded Equivalence Ratio" => { command => "02 44", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*0.0000305", unit => ""}] },
1533             "Freeze frame Relative Throttle Position" => { command => "02 45", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}] },
1534             "Freeze frame Ambiant Air Temperature" => { command => "02 46", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "-40", unit => "°C"}] },
1535             "Freeze frame Absolute Throttle Position B" => { command => "02 47", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}] },
1536             "Freeze frame Absolute Throttle Position C" => { command => "02 48", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}] },
1537             "Freeze frame Accelerator Pedal Position D" => { command => "02 49", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}] },
1538             "Freeze frame Accelerator Pedal Position E" => { command => "02 4A", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}] },
1539             "Freeze frame Accelerator Pedal Position F" => { command => "02 4B", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}] },
1540             "Freeze frame Commanded Throttle Actuator Control" => { command => "02 4C", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}] },
1541             "Freeze frame Minutes run by the engine while MIL activated" => { command => "02 4D", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "+0", unit => "min"}] },
1542             "Freeze frame Time since diagnostic trouble codes cleared" => { command => "02 4E", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "+0", unit => "min"}] },
1543             "Freeze frame External Test Equipment Configuration Information #1" => { command => "02 4F",
1544             result => [
1545             {name => "Freeze frame Maximum value for Equivalence Ratio", type => "byte_0", modifier => "+0", unit => ""},
1546             {name => "Freeze frame Maximum value for Oxygen Sensor Voltage", type => "byte_1", modifier => "+0", unit => "V"},
1547             {name => "Freeze frame Maximum value for Oxygen Sensor Current", type => "byte_2", modifier => "+0", unit => "mA"},
1548             {name => "Freeze frame Maximum value for Intake Manifold Absolute Pressure", type => "byte_3", modifier => "+0", unit => "kPa"},
1549             ] },
1550             "Freeze frame External Test Equipment Configuration Information #2" => { command => "02 50",
1551             result => [
1552             {name => "Freeze frame Maximum value for Air Flow Rate from Mass Air Flow Sensor", type => "byte_0", modifier => "+0", unit => "g/s"}
1553             ] },
1555             "Freeze frame Type of fuel currently being utilized by the vehicle" => { command => "02 51", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "+0", unit => "",
1556             alternatives => [
1557             {value => 1, meaning => "Gasoline/petrol"},
1558             {value => 2, meaning => "Methanol"},
1559             {value => 3, meaning => "Ethanol"},
1560             {value => 4, meaning => "Diesel"},
1561             {value => 5, meaning => "Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)"},
1562             {value => 6, meaning => "Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)"},
1563             {value => 7, meaning => "Propane"},
1564             {value => 8, meaning => "Battery/electric"},
1565             {value => 9, meaning => "Bi-fuel vehicle using gasoline"},
1566             {value => 10, meaning => "Bi-fuel vehicle using methanol"},
1567             {value => 11, meaning => "Bi-fuel vehicle using ethanol"},
1568             {value => 12, meaning => "Bi-fuel vehicle using LPG"},
1569             {value => 13, meaning => "Bi-fuel vehicle using CNG"},
1570             {value => 14, meaning => "Bi-fuel vehicle using propane"},
1571             {value => 15, meaning => "Bi-fuel vehicle using battery"}
1572             ] }
1573             ] },
1575             "Freeze frame Alcohol Fuel Percentage" => { command => "02 52", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}] },
1576             "Freeze frame Absolute Evap System Vapour Pressure" => { command => "02 53", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "/200", unit => "kPa"}] },
1577             "Freeze frame Evap System Vapour Pressure" => { command => "02 54", result => [{type => "signed_word_0", modifier => "+1", unit => "Pa"}] },
1578             "Freeze frame Short Term Secondary O2 Sensor Fuel Trim - Bank 1" => { command => "02 55", result => [{type => "signed_byte_0", modifier => "*100/128", unit => "%"}] },
1579             "Freeze frame Long Term Secondary O2 Sensor Fuel Trim - Bank 1" => { command => "02 56", result => [{type => "signed_byte_0", modifier => "*100/128", unit => "%"}] },
1580             "Freeze frame Short Term Secondary O2 Sensor Fuel Trim - Bank 2" => { command => "02 57", result => [{type => "signed_byte_0", modifier => "*100/128", unit => "%"}] },
1581             "Freeze frame Long Term Secondary O2 Sensor Fuel Trim - Bank 2" => { command => "02 58", result => [{type => "signed_byte_0", modifier => "*100/128", unit => "%"}] },
1583             "Freeze frame Short Term Secondary O2 Sensor Fuel Trim - Bank 3" => { command => "02 55", result => [{type => "signed_byte_1", modifier => "*100/128", unit => "%"}] },
1584             "Freeze frame Long Term Secondary O2 Sensor Fuel Trim - Bank 3" => { command => "02 56", result => [{type => "signed_byte_1", modifier => "*100/128", unit => "%"}] },
1585             "Freeze frame Short Term Secondary O2 Sensor Fuel Trim - Bank 4" => { command => "02 57", result => [{type => "signed_byte_1", modifier => "*100/128", unit => "%"}] },
1586             "Freeze frame Long Term Secondary O2 Sensor Fuel Trim - Bank 4" => { command => "02 58", result => [{type => "signed_byte_1", modifier => "*100/128", unit => "%"}] },
1588             "Freeze frame Fuel Rail Pressure (absolute)" => { command => "02 59", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*10", unit => "kPa"}] },
1589             "Freeze frame Relative Accelerator Pedal Position" => { command => "02 5A", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "*100/255", unit => "%"}] },
1592             "Emission-related diagnostic trouble codes" => { command => "03", available => 1,
1593             result => [
1594             {name => "DTC#1", type => "word_0", modifier => "+0", unit => ""},
1595             {name => "DTC#2", type => "word_1", modifier => "+0", unit => ""},
1596             {name => "DTC#3", type => "word_2", modifier => "+0", unit => ""},
1597             ] },
1599             "05 TIDs supported (01-20)" => { command => "05 00",
1600             result => [
1601             {name => "Rich to lean sensor threshold voltage", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1602             {name => "Lean to rich sensor threshold voltage", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1603             {name => "Low sensor voltage for switch time calculation", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1604             {name => "High sensor voltage for switch time calculation", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1605             {name => "Rich to lean sensor switch time", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1606             {name => "Lean to rich sensor switch time", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1607             {name => "Minimum sensor voltage for test cycle", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1608             {name => "Maximum sensor voltage for test cycle", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1610             {name => "Time between sensor transitions", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1611             {name => "Sensor period", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1612             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1613             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1614             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1615             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1616             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1617             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1619             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1620             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1621             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1622             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1623             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1624             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1625             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1626             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1628             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1629             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1630             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1631             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1632             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1633             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1634             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1635             # {name => "05 TIDs supported (21-40)", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1636             ] },
1638             "Rich to lean sensor threshold voltage" => { command => "05 01", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "*0.005", unit => "V"}] },
1639             "Lean to rich sensor threshold voltage" => { command => "05 02", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "*0.005", unit => "V"}] },
1640             "Low sensor voltage for switch time calculation" => { command => "05 03", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "*0.005", unit => "V"}] },
1641             "High sensor voltage for switch time calculation" => { command => "05 04", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "*0.005", unit => "V"}] },
1643             "Rich to lean sensor switch time" => { command => "05 05",
1644             result => [
1645             {type => "byte_0", modifier => "*0.004", unit => "s"},
1646             {name => "Rich to lean sensor switch time - low limit", type => "byte_1", modifier => "*0.004", unit => "s"},
1647             {name => "Rich to lean sensor switch time - high limit", type => "byte_2", modifier => "*0.004", unit => "s"},
1648             ] },
1650             "Lean to rich sensor switch time" => { command => "05 06",
1651             result => [
1652             {type => "byte_0", modifier => "*0.004", unit => "s"},
1653             {name => "Lean to rich sensor switch time - low limit", type => "byte_1", modifier => "*0.004", unit => "s"},
1654             {name => "Lean to rich sensor switch time - high limit", type => "byte_2", modifier => "*0.004", unit => "s"},
1655             ] },
1657             "Minimum sensor voltage for test cycle" => { command => "05 07",
1658             result => [
1659             {type => "byte_0", modifier => "*0.005", unit => "V"},
1660             {name => "Minimum sensor voltage for test cycle - low limit", type => "byte_1", modifier => "*0.005", unit => "V"},
1661             {name => "Minimum sensor voltage for test cycle - high limit", type => "byte_2", modifier => "*0.005", unit => "V"},
1662             ] },
1664             "Maximum sensor voltage for test cycle" => { command => "05 08",
1665             result => [
1666             {type => "byte_0", modifier => "*0.005", unit => "V"},
1667             {name => "Maximum sensor voltage for test cycle - low limit", type => "byte_1", modifier => "*0.005", unit => "V"},
1668             {name => "Maximum sensor voltage for test cycle - high limit", type => "byte_2", modifier => "*0.005", unit => "V"},
1669             ] },
1671             "Time between sensor transitions" => { command => "05 09",
1672             result => [
1673             {type => "byte_0", modifier => "*0.04", unit => "s"},
1674             {name => "Time between sensor transitions - low limit", type => "byte_1", modifier => "*0.04", unit => "s"},
1675             {name => "Time between sensor transitions - high limit", type => "byte_2", modifier => "*0.04", unit => "s"},
1676             ] },
1678             "Sensor period" => { command => "05 0A",
1679             result => [
1680             {type => "byte_0", modifier => "*0.04", unit => "s"},
1681             {name => "Sensor period - low limit", type => "byte_1", modifier => "*0.04", unit => "s"},
1682             {name => "Sensor period - high limit", type => "byte_2", modifier => "*0.04", unit => "s"},
1683             ] },
1686             "06 MIDs supported (01-20)" => { command => "06 00",
1687             result => [
1688             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Monitor Bank 1 - Sensor 1", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1689             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Monitor Bank 1 - Sensor 2", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1690             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Monitor Bank 1 - Sensor 3", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1691             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Monitor Bank 1 - Sensor 4", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1692             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Monitor Bank 2 - Sensor 1", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1693             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Monitor Bank 2 - Sensor 2", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1694             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Monitor Bank 2 - Sensor 3", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1695             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Monitor Bank 2 - Sensor 4", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1697             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Monitor Bank 3 - Sensor 1", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1698             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Monitor Bank 3 - Sensor 2", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1699             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Monitor Bank 3 - Sensor 3", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1700             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Monitor Bank 3 - Sensor 4", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1701             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Monitor Bank 4 - Sensor 1", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1702             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Monitor Bank 4 - Sensor 2", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1703             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Monitor Bank 4 - Sensor 3", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1704             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Monitor Bank 4 - Sensor 4", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1706             # 11 -1F reserved by ISO/SAE
1707             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1708             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1709             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1710             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1711             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1712             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1713             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1714             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1716             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1717             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1718             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1719             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1720             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1721             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1722             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1723             {name => "06 MIDs supported (21-40)", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1724             ] },
1726             "Oxygen Sensor Monitor Bank 1 - Sensor 1" => { command => "06 01", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1727             "Oxygen Sensor Monitor Bank 1 - Sensor 2" => { command => "06 02", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1728             "Oxygen Sensor Monitor Bank 1 - Sensor 3" => { command => "06 03", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1729             "Oxygen Sensor Monitor Bank 1 - Sensor 4" => { command => "06 04", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1730             "Oxygen Sensor Monitor Bank 2 - Sensor 1" => { command => "06 05", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1731             "Oxygen Sensor Monitor Bank 2 - Sensor 2" => { command => "06 06", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1732             "Oxygen Sensor Monitor Bank 2 - Sensor 3" => { command => "06 07", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1733             "Oxygen Sensor Monitor Bank 2 - Sensor 4" => { command => "06 08", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1734             "Oxygen Sensor Monitor Bank 3 - Sensor 1" => { command => "06 09", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1735             "Oxygen Sensor Monitor Bank 3 - Sensor 2" => { command => "06 0A", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1736             "Oxygen Sensor Monitor Bank 3 - Sensor 3" => { command => "06 0B", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1737             "Oxygen Sensor Monitor Bank 3 - Sensor 4" => { command => "06 0C", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1738             "Oxygen Sensor Monitor Bank 4 - Sensor 1" => { command => "06 0D", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1739             "Oxygen Sensor Monitor Bank 4 - Sensor 2" => { command => "06 0E", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1740             "Oxygen Sensor Monitor Bank 4 - Sensor 3" => { command => "06 0F", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1741             "Oxygen Sensor Monitor Bank 4 - Sensor 4" => { command => "06 10", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1743             "06 MIDs supported (21-40)" => { command => "06 20",
1744             result => [
1745             {name => "Catalyst Monitor Bank 1", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1746             {name => "Catalyst Monitor Bank 2", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1747             {name => "Catalyst Monitor Bank 3", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1748             {name => "Catalyst Monitor Bank 4", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1749             # {name => "", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1750             # {name => "", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1751             # {name => "", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1752             # {name => "", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1754             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1755             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1756             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1757             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1758             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1759             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1760             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1761             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1763             {name => "EGR Monitor Bank 1", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1764             {name => "EGR Monitor Bank 2", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1765             {name => "EGR Monitor Bank 3", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1766             {name => "EGR Monitor Bank 4", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1767             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1768             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1769             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1770             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1772             {name => "EVAP Monitor (Cap Off)", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1773             {name => "EVAP Monitor (0,090)", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1774             {name => "EVAP Monitor (0,040)", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1775             {name => "EVAP Monitor (0,020)", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1776             {name => "Purge Flow Monitor", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1777             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1778             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1779             {name => "06 MIDs supported (41-60)", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1780             ] },
1782             "Catalyst Monitor Bank 1" => { command => "06 21", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1783             "Catalyst Monitor Bank 2" => { command => "06 22", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1784             "Catalyst Monitor Bank 3" => { command => "06 23", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1785             "Catalyst Monitor Bank 4" => { command => "06 24", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1787             "EGR Monitor Bank 1" => { command => "06 31", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1788             "EGR Monitor Bank 2" => { command => "06 32", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1789             "EGR Monitor Bank 3" => { command => "06 33", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1790             "EGR Monitor Bank 4" => { command => "06 34", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1792             "EVAP Monitor (Cap Off)" => { command => "06 39", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1793             "EVAP Monitor (0,090)" => { command => "06 3A", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1794             "EVAP Monitor (0,040)" => { command => "06 3B", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1795             "EVAP Monitor (0,020)" => { command => "06 3C", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1796             "Purge Flow Monitor" => { command => "06 3D", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1799             "06 MIDs supported (41-60)" => { command => "06 40",
1800             result => [
1801             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Heater Monitor Bank 1 - Sensor 1", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1802             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Heater Monitor Bank 1 - Sensor 2", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1803             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Heater Monitor Bank 1 - Sensor 3", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1804             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Heater Monitor Bank 1 - Sensor 4", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1805             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Heater Monitor Bank 2 - Sensor 1", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1806             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Heater Monitor Bank 2 - Sensor 2", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1807             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Heater Monitor Bank 2 - Sensor 3", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1808             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Heater Monitor Bank 2 - Sensor 4", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1810             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Heater Monitor Bank 3 - Sensor 1", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1811             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Heater Monitor Bank 3 - Sensor 2", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1812             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Heater Monitor Bank 3 - Sensor 3", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1813             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Heater Monitor Bank 3 - Sensor 4", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1814             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Heater Monitor Bank 4 - Sensor 1", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1815             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Heater Monitor Bank 4 - Sensor 2", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1816             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Heater Monitor Bank 4 - Sensor 3", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1817             {name => "Oxygen Sensor Heater Monitor Bank 4 - Sensor 4", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1819             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1820             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1821             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1822             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1823             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1824             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1825             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1826             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1828             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1829             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1830             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1831             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1832             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1833             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1834             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1835             {name => "06 MIDs supported (61-80)", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1836             ] },
1838             "Oxygen Sensor Heater Monitor Bank 1 - Sensor 1" => { command => "06 41", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1839             "Oxygen Sensor Heater Monitor Bank 1 - Sensor 2" => { command => "06 42", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1840             "Oxygen Sensor Heater Monitor Bank 1 - Sensor 3" => { command => "06 43", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1841             "Oxygen Sensor Heater Monitor Bank 1 - Sensor 4" => { command => "06 44", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1842             "Oxygen Sensor Heater Monitor Bank 2 - Sensor 1" => { command => "06 45", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1843             "Oxygen Sensor Heater Monitor Bank 2 - Sensor 2" => { command => "06 46", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1844             "Oxygen Sensor Heater Monitor Bank 2 - Sensor 3" => { command => "06 47", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1845             "Oxygen Sensor Heater Monitor Bank 2 - Sensor 4" => { command => "06 48", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1846             "Oxygen Sensor Heater Monitor Bank 3 - Sensor 1" => { command => "06 49", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1847             "Oxygen Sensor Heater Monitor Bank 3 - Sensor 2" => { command => "06 4A", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1848             "Oxygen Sensor Heater Monitor Bank 3 - Sensor 3" => { command => "06 4B", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1849             "Oxygen Sensor Heater Monitor Bank 3 - Sensor 4" => { command => "06 4C", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1850             "Oxygen Sensor Heater Monitor Bank 4 - Sensor 1" => { command => "06 4D", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1851             "Oxygen Sensor Heater Monitor Bank 4 - Sensor 2" => { command => "06 4E", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1852             "Oxygen Sensor Heater Monitor Bank 4 - Sensor 3" => { command => "06 4F", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1853             "Oxygen Sensor Heater Monitor Bank 4 - Sensor 4" => { command => "06 50", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1857             "06 MIDs supported (61-80)" => { command => "06 60",
1858             result => [
1859             {name => "Heated Catalyst Monitor Bank 1", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1860             {name => "Heated Catalyst Monitor Bank 2", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1861             {name => "Heated Catalyst Monitor Bank 3", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1862             {name => "Heated Catalyst Monitor Bank 4", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1863             # {name => "", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1864             # {name => "", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1865             # {name => "", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1866             # {name => "", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1868             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1869             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1870             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1871             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1872             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1873             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1874             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1875             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1877             {name => "Secondary Air Monitor 1", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1878             {name => "Secondary Air Monitor 2", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1879             {name => "Secondary Air Monitor 3", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1880             {name => "Secondary Air Monitor 4", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1881             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1882             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1883             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1884             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1886             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1887             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1888             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1889             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1890             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1891             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1892             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1893             {name => "06 MIDs supported (81-A0)", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1894             ] },
1896             "Heated Catalyst Monitor Bank 1" => { command => "06 61", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1897             "Heated Catalyst Monitor Bank 2" => { command => "06 62", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1898             "Heated Catalyst Monitor Bank 3" => { command => "06 63", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1899             "Heated Catalyst Monitor Bank 4" => { command => "06 64", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1901             "Secondary Air Monitor 1" => { command => "06 71", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1902             "Secondary Air Monitor 2" => { command => "06 72", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1903             "Secondary Air Monitor 3" => { command => "06 73", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1904             "Secondary Air Monitor 4" => { command => "06 74", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1906             "06 MIDs supported (81-A0)" => { command => "06 80",
1907             result => [
1908             {name => "Fuel System Monitor Bank 1", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1909             {name => "Fuel System Monitor Bank 2", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1910             {name => "Fuel System Monitor Bank 3", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1911             {name => "Fuel System Monitor Bank 4", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1912             # {name => "", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1913             # {name => "", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1914             # {name => "", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1915             # {name => "", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1917             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1918             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1919             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1920             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1921             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1922             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1923             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1924             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1926             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1927             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1928             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1929             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1930             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1931             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1932             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1933             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1935             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1936             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1937             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1938             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1939             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1940             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1941             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1942             {name => "06 MIDs supported (A1-C0)", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1943             ] },
1945             "Fuel System Monitor Bank 1" => { command => "06 81", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1946             "Fuel System Monitor Bank 2" => { command => "06 82", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1947             "Fuel System Monitor Bank 3" => { command => "06 83", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1948             "Fuel System Monitor Bank 4" => { command => "06 84", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1951             "06 MIDs supported (A1-C0)" => { command => "06 A0",
1952             result => [
1953             {name => "Misfire Monitor General Data", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1954             {name => "Misfire Cylinder 1 Data", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1955             {name => "Misfire Cylinder 2 Data", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1956             {name => "Misfire Cylinder 3 Data", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1957             {name => "Misfire Cylinder 4 Data", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1958             {name => "Misfire Cylinder 5 Data", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1959             {name => "Misfire Cylinder 6 Data", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1960             {name => "Misfire Cylinder 7 Data", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1962             {name => "Misfire Cylinder 8 Data", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1963             {name => "Misfire Cylinder 9 Data", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1964             {name => "Misfire Cylinder 10 Data", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1965             {name => "Misfire Cylinder 11 Data", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1966             {name => "Misfire Cylinder 12 Data", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1967             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1968             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1969             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1971             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1972             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1973             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1974             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1975             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1976             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1977             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1978             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1980             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1981             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1982             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1983             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1984             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1985             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1986             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1987             {name => "06 MIDs supported (C1-E0)", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
1988             ] },
1990             "Misfire Monitor General Data" => { command => "06 A1", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1991             "Misfire Cylinder 1 Data" => { command => "06 A2", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1992             "Misfire Cylinder 2 Data" => { command => "06 A3", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1993             "Misfire Cylinder 3 Data" => { command => "06 A4", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1994             "Misfire Cylinder 4 Data" => { command => "06 A5", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1995             "Misfire Cylinder 5 Data" => { command => "06 A6", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1996             "Misfire Cylinder 6 Data" => { command => "06 A7", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1997             "Misfire Cylinder 7 Data" => { command => "06 A8", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1998             "Misfire Cylinder 8 Data" => { command => "06 A9", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
1999             "Misfire Cylinder 9 Data" => { command => "06 AA", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
2000             "Misfire Cylinder 10 Data" => { command => "06 AB", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
2001             "Misfire Cylinder 11 Data" => { command => "06 AC", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
2002             "Misfire Cylinder 12 Data" => { command => "06 AD", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
2006             "06 MIDs supported (C1-E0)" => { command => "06 C0",
2007             result => [
2008             # {name => "", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
2009             # {name => "", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&64", unit => ""},
2010             # {name => "", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&32", unit => ""},
2011             # {name => "", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&16", unit => ""},
2012             # {name => "", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&8", unit => ""},
2013             # {name => "", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&4", unit => ""},
2014             # {name => "", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&2", unit => ""},
2015             # {name => "", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&1", unit => ""},
2017             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&128", unit => ""},
2018             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&64", unit => ""},
2019             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&32", unit => ""},
2020             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&16", unit => ""},
2021             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&8", unit => ""},
2022             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&4", unit => ""},
2023             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&2", unit => ""},
2024             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&1", unit => ""},
2026             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&128", unit => ""},
2027             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&64", unit => ""},
2028             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&32", unit => ""},
2029             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&16", unit => ""},
2030             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&8", unit => ""},
2031             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&4", unit => ""},
2032             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&2", unit => ""},
2033             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&1", unit => ""},
2035             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&128", unit => ""},
2036             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&64", unit => ""},
2037             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&32", unit => ""},
2038             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&16", unit => ""},
2039             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&8", unit => ""},
2040             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&4", unit => ""},
2041             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&2", unit => ""},
2042             {name => "06 MIDs supported (E1-FF)", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
2043             ] },
2045             "06 MIDs supported (E1-FF)" => { command => "06 E0",
2046             result => [
2047             # {name => "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID E1", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
2048             # {name => "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID E2", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&64", unit => ""},
2049             # {name => "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID E3", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&32", unit => ""},
2050             # {name => "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID E4", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&16", unit => ""},
2051             # {name => "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID E5", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&8", unit => ""},
2052             # {name => "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID E6", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&4", unit => ""},
2053             # {name => "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID E7", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&2", unit => ""},
2054             # {name => "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID E8", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&1", unit => ""},
2056             # {name => "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID E9", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&128", unit => ""},
2057             # {name => "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID EA", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&64", unit => ""},
2058             # {name => "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID EB", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&32", unit => ""},
2059             # {name => "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID EC", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&16", unit => ""},
2060             # {name => "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID ED", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&8", unit => ""},
2061             # {name => "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID EE", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&4", unit => ""},
2062             # {name => "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID EF", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&2", unit => ""},
2063             # {name => "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID F0", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&1", unit => ""},
2065             # {name => "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID F1", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&128", unit => ""},
2066             # {name => "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID F2", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&64", unit => ""},
2067             # {name => "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID F3", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&32", unit => ""},
2068             # {name => "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID F4", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&16", unit => ""},
2069             # {name => "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID F5", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&8", unit => ""},
2070             # {name => "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID F6", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&4", unit => ""},
2071             # {name => "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID F7", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&2", unit => ""},
2072             # {name => "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID F8", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&1", unit => ""},
2074             # {name => "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID F9", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&128", unit => ""},
2075             # {name => "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID FA", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&64", unit => ""},
2076             # {name => "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID FB", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&32", unit => ""},
2077             # {name => "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID FC", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&16", unit => ""},
2078             # {name => "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID FD", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&8", unit => ""},
2079             # {name => "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID FE", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&4", unit => ""},
2080             # {name => "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID FF", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&2", unit => ""},
2081             ] },
2083             "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID E1" => { command => "06 E1", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
2084             "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID E2" => { command => "06 E2", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
2085             "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID E3" => { command => "06 E3", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
2086             "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID E4" => { command => "06 E4", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
2087             "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID E5" => { command => "06 E5", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
2088             "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID E6" => { command => "06 E6", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
2089             "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID E7" => { command => "06 E7", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
2090             "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID E8" => { command => "06 E8", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
2091             "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID E9" => { command => "06 E9", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
2092             "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID EA" => { command => "06 EA", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
2093             "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID EB" => { command => "06 EB", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
2094             "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID EC" => { command => "06 EC", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
2095             "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID ED" => { command => "06 ED", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
2096             "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID EE" => { command => "06 EE", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
2097             "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID EF" => { command => "06 EF", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
2098             "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID F0" => { command => "06 F0", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
2099             "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID F1" => { command => "06 F1", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
2100             "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID F2" => { command => "06 F2", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
2101             "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID F3" => { command => "06 F3", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
2102             "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID F4" => { command => "06 F4", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
2103             "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID F5" => { command => "06 F5", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
2104             "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID F6" => { command => "06 F6", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
2105             "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID F7" => { command => "06 F7", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
2106             "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID F8" => { command => "06 F8", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
2107             "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID F9" => { command => "06 F9", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
2108             "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID FA" => { command => "06 FA", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
2109             "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID FB" => { command => "06 FB", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
2110             "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID FC" => { command => "06 FC", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
2111             "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID FD" => { command => "06 FD", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
2112             "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID FE" => { command => "06 FE", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
2113             "Vehicle manufacturer defined OBDMID FF" => { command => "06 FF", result => [{type => "word_0", modifier => "*1", unit => ""}] },
2116             "Emission-related diagnostic trouble codes detected during current or last completed driving cycle" => { command => "07", available => 1,
2117             result => [
2118             {name => "DTC#1", type => "word_0", modifier => "+0", unit => ""},
2119             {name => "DTC#2", type => "word_1", modifier => "+0", unit => ""},
2120             {name => "DTC#3", type => "word_2", modifier => "+0", unit => ""},
2121             ] },
2124             "09 PIDs supported (01-20)" => { command => "09 00", available => 1,
2125             result => [
2126             {name => "MessageCount VIN", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
2127             {name => "Vehicle Identification Number", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
2128             {name => "MessageCount CALID", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
2129             {name => "Calibration Identifications", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&16", unit => "not supported,supported"},
2130             {name => "MessageCount CVN", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&8", unit => "not supported,supported"},
2131             {name => "Calibration Verification Numbers", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&4", unit => "not supported,supported"},
2132             {name => "MessageCount IPT", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&2", unit => "not supported,supported"},
2133             {name => "In-use Performance Tracking", type => "bool_0", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
2135             {name => "MessageCount ECUNAME", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&128", unit => "not supported,supported"},
2136             {name => "ECUNAME", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&64", unit => "not supported,supported"},
2137             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&32", unit => "not supported,supported"},
2138             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&16", unit => ""},
2139             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&8", unit => ""},
2140             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&4", unit => ""},
2141             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&2", unit => ""},
2142             # {name => "", type => "bool_1", modifier => "&1", unit => ""},
2144             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&128", unit => ""},
2145             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&64", unit => ""},
2146             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&32", unit => ""},
2147             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&16", unit => ""},
2148             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&8", unit => ""},
2149             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&4", unit => ""},
2150             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&2", unit => ""},
2151             # {name => "", type => "bool_2", modifier => "&1", unit => ""},
2153             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&128", unit => ""},
2154             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&64", unit => ""},
2155             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&32", unit => ""},
2156             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&16", unit => ""},
2157             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&8", unit => ""},
2158             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&4", unit => ""},
2159             # {name => "", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&2", unit => ""},
2160             # {name => "09 PIDs supported (41-60)", type => "bool_3", modifier => "&1", unit => "not supported,supported"},
2161             ] },
2163             "MessageCount VIN" => { command => "09 01", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "+0", unit => ""}] },
2164             "Vehicle Identification Number" => { command => "09 02", result => [{type => "string_1", modifier => "", unit => ""}] },
2165             "MessageCount CALID" => { command => "09 03", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "+0", unit => ""}] },
2166             "Calibration Identifications" => { command => "09 04", result => [{type => "string_1", modifier => "", unit => ""}] },
2167             "MessageCount CVN" => { command => "09 05", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "+0", unit => ""}] },
2168             "Calibration Verification Numbers" => { command => "09 06", result => [{type => "dword_0", modifier => "+0", unit => ""}] },
2169             "MessageCount IPT" => { command => "09 07", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "+0", unit => ""}] },
2170             "In-use Performance Tracking" => { command => "09 08",
2171             result => [
2172             {name => "OBD Monitoring Conditions Encountered Counts", type => "word_0", modifier => "+0", unit => ""},
2173             {name => "Ignition Counter", type => "word_1", modifier => "+0", unit => ""},
2174             {name => "Catalyst Monitor Completion Counts Bank 1", type => "word_2", modifier => "+0", unit => ""},
2175             {name => "Catalyst Monitor Conditions Encountered Counts Bank 1", type => "word_3", modifier => "+0", unit => ""},
2176             {name => "Catalyst Monitor Completion Counts Bank 2", type => "word_4", modifier => "+0", unit => ""},
2177             {name => "Catalyst Monitor Conditions Encountered Counts Bank 2", type => "word_5", modifier => "+0", unit => ""},
2178             {name => "O2 Sensor Monitor Completion Counts Bank 1", type => "word_6", modifier => "+0", unit => ""},
2179             {name => "O2 Sensor Monitor Conditions Encountered Counts Bank 1", type => "word_7", modifier => "+0", unit => ""},
2180             {name => "O2 Sensor Monitor Completion Counts Bank 2", type => "word_8", modifier => "+0", unit => ""},
2181             {name => "O2 Sensor Monitor Conditions Encountered Counts Bank 2", type => "word_9", modifier => "+0", unit => ""},
2182             {name => "EGR Monitor Completion Condition Counts", type => "word_10", modifier => "+0", unit => ""},
2183             {name => "EGR Monitor Conditions Encountered Counts", type => "word_11", modifier => "+0", unit => ""},
2184             {name => "AIR Monitor Completion Condition Counts (Secondary Air)", type => "word_12", modifier => "+0", unit => ""},
2185             {name => "AIR Monitor Conditions Encountered Counts (Secondary Air)", type => "word_13", modifier => "+0", unit => ""},
2186             {name => "EVAP Monitor Completion Condition Counts", type => "word_14", modifier => "+0", unit => ""},
2187             {name => "EVAP Monitor Conditions Encountered Counts", type => "word_15", modifier => "+0", unit => ""}
2188             ] },
2189             "MessageCount ECUNAME" => { command => "09 09", result => [{type => "byte_0", modifier => "+0", unit => ""}] },
2190             "ECUNAME" => { command => "09 0A", result => [{type => "string_0", modifier => "", unit => ""}] },
2193             "Permanent diagnostic trouble codes" => { command => "0A", available => 1,
2194             result => [
2195             {name => "DTC#1", type => "word_0", modifier => "+0", unit => ""},
2196             {name => "DTC#2", type => "word_1", modifier => "+0", unit => ""},
2197             {name => "DTC#3", type => "word_2", modifier => "+0", unit => ""},
2198             ] },
2200             };
2203 0 0         if (defined($replay_filename))
2204             {
2205 0           $self->Replay($replay_filename);
2207             # $self->ShowReadableValues();
2208             #print Dumper($self->{'get'});
2209             }
2210             else
2211             {
2212 0           $self->OpenPort($port_details);
2213 0           $self->ConfigureDevice();
2214 0           $self->FindAvailableCommands();
2215             }
2217 0           return $self;
2218             }
2221             #*****************************************************************
2223             =head2 PortOK
2225             Returns 1 if the serial port and ELM module are working or 0 if no ELM device could be connected to.
2227             $obd->PortOK();
2228             =cut
2230             sub PortOK
2231             {
2232 0     0 1   my ($self) = @_;
2234 0 0         if ($self->{'port'} == -1)
2235             {
2236 0 0         if ($self->{'debug_level'} > 0) { print "Serial port not initialised!\n"; }
2237 0           return 0;
2238             }
2239             else
2240             {
2241 0           return 1;
2242             }
2243             }
2246             #*****************************************************************
2248             =head2 ShowReadableValues
2250             Displays the list of values that can be read from the ELM/ECU.
2252             $obd->ShowReadableValues();
2253             =cut
2255             sub ShowReadableValues
2256             {
2257 0     0 1   my ($self) = @_;
2259 0           print "Values that the Read and Show functions can fetch from this vehicle:\n\n";
2261 0           while ( my ($parameter_name, $definition) = each %{$self->{'get'}} )
2262             {
2263 0 0 0       if (exists($definition->{'available'}) && $definition->{'available'} == 1)
2264             {
2265 0           print "Value: \"$parameter_name\"\n";
2266 0           print "Returns:\n";
2267 0           foreach my $result (@{$definition->{'result'}})
2268             {
2269 0 0         if (exists($result->{'name'}))
2270             {
2271 0           print "$result->{'name'}";
2272             }
2273             else
2274             {
2275 0           print "$parameter_name";
2276             }
2277 0 0 0       if (exists($result->{'unit'}) && $result->{'unit'} ne "")
2278             {
2279 0           print " ($result->{'unit'})";
2280             }
2281             elsif (substr($result->{'type'}, 0, 4) eq "bool")
2282             {
2283 0           print " (0 or 1)";
2284             }
2285 0           print "\n";
2286             }
2287 0           print "\n";
2288             }
2289             }
2290             }
2293             #*****************************************************************
2295             =head2 Show
2297             When passed the name of an OBD value (e.g. "Engine RPM") in $value_name,
2298             it displays the address of the ECU which returned the value, the name of
2299             the value which was read or the name of one of many parameters returned
2300             followed by the value and the name of any unit associated with the value.
2302             If an error occurred, a message will be displayed instead.
2304             $obd->Show($value_name);
2306             This function calls the 'Read' function.
2307             =cut
2308             sub Show
2309             {
2310 0     0 1   my ($self, $name, $parameter) = @_;
2312 0 0         if ($self->{'debug_level'} > 0) { print "~Show: $name\n"; }
2314 0           my $response = $self->Read($name, $parameter);
2316 0           print "$name:\n";
2318 0 0         if ($response->{'status'} eq "ok")
2319             {
2320 0           foreach my $result (@{$response->{'results'}})
2321             {
2322 0           print "$result->{'address'} - $result->{'name'}: $result->{'value'} $result->{'unit'}.";
2323 0 0         if (exists($result->{'min_limit'}))
2324             {
2325 0           print " Min: $result->{'min_limit'} $result->{'unit'}.";
2326             }
2327 0 0         if (exists($result->{'max_limit'}))
2328             {
2329 0           print " Max: $result->{'max_limit'} $result->{'unit'}.";
2330             }
2331 0           print "\n";
2332             }
2333             }
2334             else
2335             {
2336 0           print "$response->{'status_message'}\n";
2337             }
2338 0           print "\n";
2340 0           return $response;
2341             }
2344             #*****************************************************************
2346             =head2 Read
2348             When passed the name of an OBD value (e.g. "Engine RPM") in $value_name,
2349             it returns a reference to a structure containing a status flag and any
2350             responses:
2352             my $response = $obd->Read($value_name);
2354             if ($response->{'status'} eq "ok")
2355             {
2356             foreach my $result (@{$response->{'results'}})
2357             {
2358             print "$result->{'address'} - $result->{'name'}: $result->{'value'} $result->{'unit'}\n"
2359             }
2360             }
2362             In the example above, $result->{'address'} contains the address of the
2363             ECU which returned the value, $result->{'name'} contains the name of
2364             the value which was read or the name of one of many parameters returned.
2365             $result->{'value'} and $result->{'unit'} contain the value and the name
2366             of any unit associated with the value.
2368             Error conditions are indicated by a value of $response->{'status'} other
2369             than 'ok' and an expanded error message in $response->{'status_message'}
2370             (the default is 'No errors detected' when there is no error).
2372             Error Meaning
2373             ok No errors detected
2374             Zero length response No data was returned by the ECU
2375             NO DATA A 'NO DATA' response was returned by the ELM
2376             STOPPED A 'STOPPED' response was returned by the ELM
2377             Port not ok The connection to the ELM module failed
2378             Negative response The vehicle returned a negative response
2379             Unsupported name The vehicle does not support this value
2380             Unrecognised name does not recognise this value
2381             =cut
2383             sub Read
2384             {
2385 0     0 1   my ($self, $name, $parameter) = @_;
2387 0           my $unit = "";
2389 0           my $results=();
2391 0           my $id;
2392             my $value;
2394 0 0         if ($self->{'debug_level'} > 0) { print "~Read: $name\n"; }
2396 0 0         if (exists($self->{'get'}->{$name}))
2397             {
2398 0 0 0       if (exists($self->{'get'}->{$name}->{'available'}) && $self->{'get'}->{$name}->{'available'} == 1)
2399             {
2400 0           my $command = $self->{'get'}->{$name}->{'command'};
2402 0 0 0       if (substr($name, 0, 12) eq "Freeze frame")
2403             {
2404 0 0         if (defined($parameter))
2405             {
2406 0           $command .= " ";
2407 0           $command .= sprintf("%02X", $parameter);
2408             }
2409             else
2410             {
2411 0           $command .= " 00"; # Default to freeze frame 0.
2412             }
2413             }
2414             elsif (substr($command, 0, 2) eq "05" && substr($command, 0, 5) ne "05 00")
2415             {
2416 0 0         if (defined($parameter))
2417             {
2418 0           $command .= " ";
2419 0           $command .= sprintf("%02X", $parameter);
2420             }
2421             else
2422             {
2423 0           $command .= " 01"; # Default to O2Sensor = Bank 1 - Sensor 1.
2424             }
2425             }
2427 0           $results->{'status'} = $self->Command($command);
2429 0 0         if ($results->{'status'} ne "ok")
2430             {
2431 0           $results->{'status_message'} = $self->{'status_meanings'}->{$results->{'status'}};
2432 0           return $results;
2433             }
2435 0 0 0       if (substr($command, 0, 2) eq "06" && substr($command, 0, 5) ne "06 00"
2436             && substr($command, 0, 5) ne "06 20" && substr($command, 0, 5) ne "06 40"
2437             && substr($command, 0, 5) ne "06 60" && substr($command, 0, 5) ne "06 80"
2438             && substr($command, 0, 5) ne "06 A0" && substr($command, 0, 5) ne "06 C0"
2439             && substr($command, 0, 5) ne "06 E0" && $self->{'bus_type'} eq "CAN") # Command 6 works differently from 1,2,5,9 etc.
2440             {
2441 0           $self->GetResultsCommand06_CAN(\$results);
2442             }
2443             else
2444             {
2445 0           foreach my $result (@{$self->{'get'}->{$name}->{'result'}})
2446             {
2447 0 0         if ($self->{'debug_level'} > 2) { print Dumper($result); }
2448 0 0         if (exists($result->{'name'}))
2449             {
2450 0           $id = $result->{'name'};
2451             }
2452             else
2453             {
2454 0           $id = $name;
2455             }
2457             # Parse the result type...
2458 0           my @type = split('_', , $result->{'type'});
2460 0           my $index = 0;
2461 0           my $sign = 0;
2462 0 0         if ($type[0] eq "signed")
2463             {
2464 0           $sign = 1;
2465 0           $index = 1;
2466             }
2468 0 0         if ($type[$index] eq "AT")
2469             {
2470 0           $value = ${$self->{'response'}}[0];
2472 0 0         if (defined($result->{'modifier'}))
2473             {
2474 0           my $statement = '$value' . $result->{'modifier'};
2475 0           eval( $statement ); # Allow the use of a regex if required
2476 0 0         if ($self->{'debug_level'} > 2) { print "Statement: $statement\n"; }
2477             }
2479 0 0         if ($self->{'debug_level'} > 1) { print "$id, $value$result->{'unit'}\n"; }
2480 0           push @{$results->{'results'}},{name => $id, value => $value, unit => $result->{'unit'}, address => "ELM327"};
2481             }
2482             else
2483             {
2484 0           $value = $self->GetResult($type[$index], $type[$index+1]);
2485 0 0         if ($self->{'debug_level'} > 2) { print "GetResult value: $value\n"; }
2487 0           my $iteration = 0;
2488 0           foreach $value (@{$self->{'command_results'}})
2489             {
2490 0 0         if ($self->{'debug_level'} > 2) { print "Raw value: $value\n"; }
2492 0 0         if ($value ne "no result")
2493             {
2494 0           $unit = $result->{'unit'};
2496 0 0 0       if ($type[$index] eq "byte" && $type[0] eq "signed")
    0 0        
2497             {
2498 0           my $byte_sign_mask = 128;
2499 0           my $byte_value_mask = 127;
2501 0           $value = ($value & $byte_value_mask) - ($value & $byte_sign_mask);
2502             }
2503             elsif ($type[$index] eq "word" && $type[0] eq "signed")
2504             {
2505 0           my $word_sign_mask = 32768;
2506 0           my $word_value_mask = 32767;
2508 0           $value = ($value & $word_value_mask) - ($value & $word_sign_mask);
2509             }
2511 0 0         if ($type[$index] ne "string")
2512             {
2513 0 0         if ($self->{'debug_level'} > 2) { print "$value $result->{'modifier'}\n"; }
2514 0           $value = eval( "$value $result->{'modifier'}" );
2515 0 0         if ($self->{'debug_level'} > 2) { print "$value\n"; }
2517             }
2518             else
2519             {
2520 0           my $statement = '$value' . $result->{'modifier'};
2521 0           eval( $statement ); # Allow the use of a regex if required
2522 0 0         if ($self->{'debug_level'} > 2) { print "Statement: $statement\n"; }
2524             }
2526 0 0         if ($type[$index] eq "bool")
2527             {
2528 0 0         if ($value != 0) { $value = 1; } # Other bits are masked out.
2529 0 0         if ($unit ne "")
2530             {
2531 0           my @meanings = split(',', $unit);
2532 0           $unit = "($meanings[$value])";
2533             }
2534             }
2536 0 0         if (exists($result->{'alternatives'}))
2537             {
2538 0           foreach my $alternative (@{$result->{'alternatives'}})
2539             {
2540 0 0         if ($alternative->{'value'} == $value)
2541             {
2542 0           $value = $alternative->{'meaning'};
2543 0           last;
2544             }
2545             }
2546             }
2547             }
2550 0 0         if ($self->{'debug_level'} > 2) { print "$id, $value $unit\n"; }
2552 0 0 0       if ($command eq "03" || $command eq "07" || $command eq "0A")
2553             {
2554 0           push @{$results->{'results'}},{name => $id, value_read => $value, value => $self->DecodeTroubleCode($value), unit => $unit, address => ${$self->{'command_addresses'}}[$iteration]};
2555             }
2556             else
2557             {
2558 0           push @{$results->{'results'}},{name => $id, value => $value, unit => $unit, address => ${$self->{'command_addresses'}}[$iteration]};
2559             }
2560 0           $iteration++;
2561             }
2562 0           $self->{'command_results'} = [];
2563             }
2564             }
2565             }
2566             }
2567             else
2568             {
2569 0 0         if ($self->{'debug_level'} > 2) { print "Unsupported name: $name\n"; }
2570 0           $results->{'status'} = "Unsupported name";
2571             }
2572             }
2573             else
2574             {
2575 0 0         if ($self->{'debug_level'} > 2) { print "Unrecognised name: $name\n"; }
2576 0           $results->{'status'} = "Unrecognised name";
2577             }
2579 0           $results->{'status_message'} = $self->{'status_meanings'}->{$results->{'status'}};
2580 0           return $results;
2581             }
2584             #*****************************************************************
2586             =head2 ShowTroubleCodes
2588             Display any trouble codes on the console:
2590             $obd->ShowTroubleCodes();
2591             =cut
2593             sub ShowTroubleCodes
2594             {
2595 0     0 1   my ($self) = @_;
2597 0           my $malfunction_indicator_lamp_mask = 128;
2598 0           my $number_of_codes_mask = 127;
2600 0 0         if ($self->{'debug_level'} > 0) { print "ShowTroubleCodes\n"; }
2602 0           $self->Command("01 01"); # Get number of trouble codes
2604 0           my $number_of_codes = $self->GetResult("byte");
2606 0           my $malfunction_indicator_lamp_state = $number_of_codes & $malfunction_indicator_lamp_mask;
2607 0           $number_of_codes &= $number_of_codes_mask;
2609 0           print "Malfunction indicator lamp state: ";
2610 0 0         if ($malfunction_indicator_lamp_state > 0)
2611             {
2612 0           print "ON\n";
2613             }
2614             else
2615             {
2616 0           print "OFF\n";
2617             }
2619 0 0 0       if ($number_of_codes > 0 || $malfunction_indicator_lamp_state > 0)
2620             {
2621 0           print "$number_of_codes trouble code";
2622 0 0         if ($number_of_codes != 1) { print "s"; }
2623 0           print ":\n";
2625 0           $self->Show("Emission-related diagnostic trouble codes");
2626 0           $self->Show("Emission-related diagnostic trouble codes detected during current or last completed driving cycle");
2627             }
2628             else
2629             {
2630 0           print "No trouble codes found.\n";
2631             }
2632             }
2635             #*****************************************************************
2637             =head2 ClearTroubleCodes
2639             Clear any Trouble Codes and sensor data:
2641             $obd->ClearTroubleCodes();
2643             Note that clearing the sensor data will cause the vehicle to run on
2644             default values until it has recalibrated itself. This may affect
2645             performance and fuel economy.
2647             The ISO specification also insists that any user interface which
2648             invokes this function should display an "are you sure?" message
2649             to the user before calling it.
2651             =cut
2653             sub ClearTroubleCodes
2654             {
2655 0     0 1   my ($self) = @_;
2657 0 0         if ($self->{'debug_level'} > 0) { print "~ClearTroubleCodes\n"; }
2658 0           $self->Command("04"); # Clear Trouble Codes and sensor data
2660 0           my $result = $self->GetResult("byte");
2662 0           return $result; # Returns 0 if codes have been cleared or error code.
2663             }
2666             #*****************************************************************
2668             =head2 DecodeTroubleCode
2670             Expand a trouble code (e.g. 4216) to the full ISO code (C0216)
2672             This function is called by 'Read'.
2674             $decoded_code = $obd->DecodeTroubleCode($code);
2675             =cut
2677             sub DecodeTroubleCode
2678             {
2679 0     0 1   my ($self, $code) = @_;
2681 0           my @codes = ("P0","P1","P2","P3","C0","C1","C2","C3","B0","B1","B2","B3","U0","U1","U2","U3");
2683 0           my $code_prefix_mask = 61440;
2684 0           my $code_mask = 4095;
2685 0           my $number_of_codes_mask = 127;
2687 0 0 0       if ($code eq "no result" || $code == 0)
2688             {
2689 0           return "No Trouble Code";
2690             }
2692 0           my $code_prefix = ($code & $code_prefix_mask) >> 12;
2693 0           $code &= $code_mask;
2694 0           $code = sprintf("%03X", $code);
2695 0           my $decoded_code = "$codes[$code_prefix]$code";
2697 0 0         if ($self->{'debug_level'} > 1)
2698             {
2699 0           print "Code prefix: $code_prefix, Code: $code, Decoded: $decoded_code\n";
2700             }
2701 0           return $decoded_code;
2702             }
2705             #*****************************************************************
2707             =head2 CalibrateVoltage
2709             Changes the calibration value used by the ELM module. The value
2710             $Voltage is a string containing a fixed point value of the form:
2711             xx.xx, e.g "11.99", "12.01" etc.
2713             $obd->CalibrateVoltage($Voltage);
2715             The Voltage can be read by calling:
2717             my $response = $obd->read("Input Voltage");
2719             =cut
2721             sub CalibrateVoltage
2722             {
2723 0     0 1   my ($self, $Voltage) = @_;
2725 0 0         if ($self->{'debug_level'} > 0) { print "~CalibrateVoltage: $Voltage\n"; }
2727 0           $self->Command("AT CV $Voltage"); # Calibrate Voltage
2728 0           return ${$self->{'response'}}[0];
2729             }
2732             #*****************************************************************
2734             =head2 ResetVoltage
2736             Resets the ELM module's Voltage calibration to the factory setting:
2738             $obd->ResetVoltage();
2739             =cut
2741             sub ResetVoltage
2742             {
2743 0     0 1   my ($self) = @_;
2745 0 0         if ($self->{'debug_level'} > 0) { print "~ResetVoltage:\n"; }
2747 0           $self->Command("AT CV 0000"); # Reset Voltage to factory setting
2748 0           return ${$self->{'response'}}[0];
2749             }
2752             #*****************************************************************
2754             =head2 WriteStoredDataByte
2756             Writes $byte_value to the ELM module's non-volatile storage area.
2758             $obd->WriteStoredDataByte($byte_value);
2760             The value of this byte can be read using:
2762             $obd->Read("Stored data byte");
2764             =cut
2766             sub WriteStoredDataByte
2767             {
2768 0     0 1   my ($self, $value) = @_;
2770 0 0         if ($self->{'debug_level'} > 0) { print "~WriteStoredDataByte: $value\n"; }
2772 0           $self->Command("AT SD $value"); # Save Data byte value
2773 0           return ${$self->{'response'}}[0];
2774             }
2777             #*****************************************************************
2779             =head2 Command
2781             Send a command to the ELM, read any response and decode it if
2782             was an ECU command.
2783             AT command responses are placed in the $self->{'response'} array.
2784             Responses to ECU commands are written to the $self->{'results'}
2785             structure. On return a status of 0 indicates no errors.
2787             This function is called by other module functions 'Read',
2788             'ClearTroubleCodes' etc., but can be used to send commands that aren't
2789             otherwise supported.
2791             $status = $obd->Command($command_string);
2792             =cut
2794             sub Command
2795             {
2796 0     0 1   my ($self, $command) = @_;
2798 0           my $status = "ok";
2800 0 0         if ($self->{'debug_level'} > 0) { print "~Command: $command\n"; }
2801 0           my @command_parts = split(' ', $command);
2803 0           $status = $self->WriteCommand("$command");
2805             do
2806 0           {
2807 0           $status = $self->ReadResponse();
2809 0 0 0       if ($command_parts[0] ne "AT" && $status eq "ok")
2810             {
2811 0           $self->{'last_command'} = hex($command_parts[0]);
2812 0 0         if ($has_sub_command[$self->{'last_command'}])
2813             {
2814 0           $self->{'last_sub_command'} = hex($command_parts[1]);
2815             }
2816             else
2817             {
2818 0           $self->{'last_sub_command'} = 0;
2819             }
2821 0           $status = $self->DecodeResponse();
2822             }
2824             } while ($status eq "Request Correctly Received - Response Pending");
2826 0           return $status;
2827             }
2830             #*****************************************************************
2832             =head2 GetResult
2834             Returns a value from the last set of results from the ELM/ECU
2836             $type can be one of the following:
2837             bool (1 bit), byte (8 bit), word (16 bit), dword (32 bit) or string.
2838             $number is the zero-based index into the array of results and takes
2839             the type into account such that $number=0 returns the first byte,
2840             word or dword and $number=1, returns the second.
2841             Booleans are treated the same as bytes and require individual bits
2842             to be extracted separately.
2843             For strings, $number is the offset of the start of the string.
2845             This function is called by 'Read'.
2847             $obd->GetResult($type, $number);
2848             =cut
2850             sub GetResult
2851             {
2852 0     0 1   my ($self, $type, $number) = @_;
2854 0           my $result;
2855 0           $self->{'number_of_results'} = 0;
2857 0 0         if (!defined($number)) { $number = 0; }
2859 0 0         if ($self->{'debug_level'} > 1) { print "GetResult: Type: $type: Number: $number\n"; }
2861 0           foreach my $address (sort keys %{$self->{'results'}})
2862             {
2863 0           my $number_of_result_bytes = $self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'response_length'};
2864 0 0 0       if ($self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'command'} == $self->{'last_command'} &&
2865             $self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'sub_command'} == $self->{'last_sub_command'})
2866             {
2867 0 0         if ($type eq "bool")
2868             {
2869 0 0         if ($number_of_result_bytes < ($number+1))
2870             {
2871 0           $result = "no result";
2872             }
2873             else
2874             {
2875 0           $result = ${$self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'result'}}[$number];
2876             }
2877 0           push @{$self->{'command_addresses'}}, $address;
2878 0           push @{$self->{'command_results'}}, $result;
2879 0           $self->{'number_of_results'}++;
2880             }
2881             elsif ($type eq "byte")
2882             {
2883 0 0         if ($number_of_result_bytes < ($number+1))
2884             {
2885 0           $result = "no result";
2886             }
2887             else
2888             {
2889 0           $result = ${$self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'result'}}[$number];
2890             }
2891 0           push @{$self->{'command_addresses'}}, $address;
2892 0           push @{$self->{'command_results'}}, $result;
2893 0           $self->{'number_of_results'}++;
2894             }
2895             elsif ($type eq "word")
2896             {
2897 0 0         if ($number_of_result_bytes < (($number*2)+2))
2898             {
2899 0 0         if ($self->{'debug_level'} > 2) { print "Number of result bytes: $number_of_result_bytes\n"; }
2900 0           $result = "no result";
2901             }
2902             else
2903             {
2904 0           $result = ((${$self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'result'}}[$number*2] * 256) + ${$self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'result'}}[($number*2)+1] );
2905             }
2906 0           push @{$self->{'command_addresses'}}, $address;
2907 0           push @{$self->{'command_results'}}, $result;
2908 0           $self->{'number_of_results'}++;
2909             }
2910             elsif ($type eq "dword")
2911             {
2912 0 0         if ($number_of_result_bytes < (($number*4)+4))
2913             {
2914 0           $result = "no result";
2915             }
2916             else
2917             {
2918 0           $result = ((${$self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'result'}}[$number*4] * 16777216) + ${$self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'result'}}[($number*4)+1] * 65536);
2919 0           $result += ((${$self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'result'}}[($number*4)+2] * 256) + ${$self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'result'}}[($number*4)+3] );
2920             }
2921 0           push @{$self->{'command_addresses'}}, $address;
2922 0           push @{$self->{'command_results'}}, $result;
2923 0           $self->{'number_of_results'}++;
2924             }
2925             elsif ($type eq "string")
2926             {
2927 0 0         if ($number_of_result_bytes < $number)
2928             {
2929 0           $result = "no result";
2930             }
2931             else
2932             {
2933 0           $result = "";
2934 0           foreach (@{$self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'result'}})
2935             {
2936 0 0         if ($number > 0)
2937             {
2938 0           $number--;
2939             }
2940             else
2941             {
2942 0 0 0       if ($_ > 32 && $_ < 127) # Ignore non-printable characters
2943             {
2944 0           $result .= chr($_);
2945             }
2946             }
2947             }
2948             }
2949 0           push @{$self->{'command_addresses'}}, $address;
2950 0           push @{$self->{'command_results'}}, $result;
2951 0           $self->{'number_of_results'}++;
2952             }
2953             }
2954             else
2955             {
2956 0           $result = 0;
2957             }
2958             }
2960 0           return $result;
2961             }
2964             #*****************************************************************
2967             =head2 WriteCommand
2969             Write a command to the serial port unless replay is in progress.
2971             This function is called by the 'Command' function.
2973             $status = $obd->WriteCommand($command_string);
2974             =cut
2976             sub WriteCommand
2977             {
2978 0     0 1   my ($self, $command) = @_;
2980 0           my $status = "ok";
2982 0 0         if ($self->{'debug_level'} > 0) { print "~WriteCommand: $command\n"; }
2984 0 0         if ($self->{'replay_file'} == 0)
2985             {
2986 0 0         if ($self->PortOK)
2987             {
2988 0           $command .= "$cr$lf";
2989 0           $self->{'port'}->write("$command");
2990             }
2991             else
2992             {
2993 0           $status = "Port not ok";
2994             }
2995             }
2997 0           return $status;
2998             }
3000             #*****************************************************************
3002             =head2 ReadResponse
3004             Read the ELM's response from the serial port and put each line
3005             into the $self->{'response'} array.
3006             Turn on debugging for a dump of the response array.
3008             This function is called by the 'Command' function.
3010             $status = $obd->ReadResponse();
3011             =cut
3013             sub ReadResponse
3014             {
3015 0     0 1   my ($self) = @_;
3017 0           my $bytes_to_read = 1;
3018 0           my $count_in = 0;
3019 0           my $string_in = "";
3020 0           my $status = "ok";
3021 0           my $timeout = 4; # Command 01 04 failed when timeout was 2
3022 0           my $line = "";
3023 0           $self->{'response'} = (); # Array of strings, one per line of the response.
3024 0           $self->{'response_length'} = 0;
3026 0 0         if ($self->{'debug_level'} > 1) { print "ReadResponse\n"; }
3028 0 0 0       if ($self->{'replay_file'} == 0 && $self->PortOK)
3029             {
3030             do
3031 0   0       {
3032 0           ($count_in, $string_in) = $self->{'port'}->read($bytes_to_read);
3033 0 0 0       if ($count_in == $bytes_to_read && $string_in ne $null)
3034             {
3035 0           $line .= $string_in;
3036 0           $self->{'response_length'}++;
3037             }
3038             else
3039             {
3040 0           sleep 1;
3041 0           $timeout--;
3042             }
3043             } while ($count_in == 0 && $timeout>0);
3045             do
3046 0           {
3047 0           ($count_in, $string_in) = $self->{'port'}->read($bytes_to_read);
3048 0 0         if ($count_in == $bytes_to_read)
3049             {
3050 0 0 0       if ($string_in ne ">" && $string_in ne $null)
3051             {
3052 0 0         if ($string_in eq $cr)
3053             {
3054 0 0         if ($line ne "")
3055             {
3056 0           push @{$self->{'response'}}, $line;
3057 0           $line = "";
3058             }
3059             }
3060             else
3061             {
3062 0           $line .= $string_in;
3063 0           $self->{'response_length'}++;
3064             }
3065             }
3066             }
3067             } while ($count_in == $bytes_to_read);
3068             }
3069             else
3070             {
3071             # Load in the lines of the response from the replay file
3072 0           while (scalar(@{$self->{'replay_response'}}) > 0)
3073             {
3074 0           $line = shift @{$self->{'replay_response'}};
3075 0           push @{$self->{'response'}}, $line;
3076 0           $self->{'response_length'} += length($line);
3077             }
3078             }
3080 0 0         if ($self->{'response_length'} == 0)
3081             {
3082 0           $status = "Zero length response";
3083             }
3084             elsif ($self->{'response'}[0] eq "NO DATA")
3085             {
3086 0           $status = "NO DATA";
3087             }
3088             elsif ($self->{'response'}[0] eq "STOPPED")
3089             {
3090 0           $status = "STOPPED";
3091             }
3093 0 0         if ($self->{'debug_level'} > 0)
3094             {
3095 0           print "Response\n";
3096 0           foreach (@{$self->{'response'}})
3097             {
3098 0           print "$_\n";
3099             }
3100 0           print "End of response\n";
3101             }
3103 0           return $status;
3104             }
3107             #*****************************************************************
3109             =head2 DecodeResponse
3111             Decode the ECU response (in the $self->{'response'} array) and
3112             write the result to the $self->{'results'} structure.
3114             This function is called by the 'Command' function.
3116             $status = $obd->DecodeResponse();
3117             =cut
3119             sub DecodeResponse
3120             {
3121 0     0 1   my ($self) = @_;
3123 0           my $status = "ok";
3124 0           my $results = {};
3125 0           my $command_mask = 63;
3126 0           my $line_number = 0;
3127 0           my $result_string;
3129 0           $self->{'command_addresses'} = [];
3130 0           $self->{'command_results'} = [];
3131 0           $self->{'number_of_results'} = 0;
3133 0 0         if ($self->{'debug_level'} > 1)
3134             {
3135 0           print "\nDecodeResponse\n";
3136 0           print "Lines: ".scalar(@{$self->{'response'}})."\n";
3137             }
3139 0           for (keys %{$self->{'results'}})
3140             {
3141 0           delete $self->{'results'}->{$_};
3142             }
3144 0           foreach (@{$self->{'response'}})
3145             {
3146 0           my @line_parts = split(' ', $_);
3147 0 0         if (scalar(@line_parts) > 2)
3148             {
3149 0           my $address = shift @line_parts;
3150 0 0         if (length($address) < 3)
3151             {
3152             # Not CAN ($address contains the priority byte)
3153 0 0         if ($self->{'debug_level'} > 4) { print "Response type: SAE J1979\n"; }
3154 0           $line_number++;
3155 0           my $recipient_address = shift @line_parts;
3156 0           $address = shift @line_parts; # Transmitter address
3157 0           $self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'response_code'} = 0;
3158 0           $self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'format'} = "Other";
3159 0           $self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'command'} = (hex(shift @line_parts) & $command_mask);
3160 0 0         if ($self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'command'} == 4) { push(@line_parts, "00"); }
3161 0 0         if ($self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'command'} == $command_mask)
3162             {
3163 0           $self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'command'} = (hex(shift @line_parts));
3164             }
3165 0 0         if ($has_sub_command[$self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'command'}])
3166             {
3167 0           $self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'sub_command'} = hex(shift @line_parts);
3168             }
3169             else
3170             {
3171 0           $self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'sub_command'} = 0;
3172             }
3173 0 0         if ($self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'command'} == 2)
3174             {
3175 0           $self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'frame'} = hex(shift @line_parts);
3176             }
3177             elsif ($self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'command'} == 5)
3178             {
3179 0           $self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'O2sensor'} = hex(shift @line_parts);
3180             }
3181             elsif ($self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'command'} == 6)
3182             {
3183 0           $self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'Limit_type_and_component_id'} = hex(shift @line_parts);
3184             }
3185 0 0         if (exists($self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'response_length'}))
3186             {
3187 0           $self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'response_length'} += hex(scalar(@line_parts));
3188             }
3189             else
3190             {
3191 0           $self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'response_length'} = hex(scalar(@line_parts));
3192             }
3193             }
3194             else
3195             {
3196             # CAN
3197 0 0         if ($self->{'debug_level'} > 4) { print "Response type: CAN\n"; }
3198 0           $self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'response_code'} = 0;
3199 0           $self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'format'} = "CAN";
3200 0           $line_number = hex(shift @line_parts);
3202 0 0         if ($line_number <= 16)
3203             {
3204 0 0         if ($line_number == 16)
3205             {
3206 0           $self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'response_length'} = hex(shift @line_parts);
3207             }
3209 0           $self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'command'} = (hex(shift @line_parts) & $command_mask); # Error code will now be 63 rather than 7F
3211 0 0         if ($line_number < 16)
3212             {
3213 0 0 0       if ($has_sub_command[$self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'command'}] || $self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'command'} == $command_mask)
3214             {
3215 0           $self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'response_length'} = $line_number - 2; # Do not include command and sub-command bytes
3216             }
3217             else
3218             {
3219 0           $self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'response_length'} = $line_number - 1; # Do not include command byte (no sub-command byte)
3220             }
3221             }
3223 0 0         if ($self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'command'} == 4) { push(@line_parts, "00"); } # Command 04 only returns a 44 SID on success. Append a 0 byte to the result.
3225 0 0         if ($self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'command'} == $command_mask) # If there was an error, shift out the real command number.
3226             {
3227 0           $self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'command'} = (hex(shift @line_parts));
3228 0           $self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'response_code'} = $line_parts[0];
3229             }
3230             else
3231             {
3232 0 0         if ($has_sub_command[$self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'command'}])
3233             {
3234 0           $self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'sub_command'} = hex(shift @line_parts);
3235             }
3236             else
3237             {
3238 0           $self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'sub_command'} = 0;
3239             }
3240 0 0         if ($self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'command'} == 2)
3241             {
3242 0           $self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'frame'} = hex(shift @line_parts);
3243             }
3244             }
3245             }
3246             }
3247 0           $self->{'bus_type'} = $self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'format'};
3248 0           $results->{$address}->{$line_number} = join(" ", @line_parts);
3249 0           $self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'response_reason'} = $self->{'negative_response_codes'}->{$self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'response_code'}};
3250 0           $status = $self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'response_reason'};
3251             }
3252             }
3254 0 0         if ($self->{'debug_level'} > 2)
3255             {
3256 0           print "Decoded results:\n";
3257 0           print Dumper($results);
3258             }
3260 0           foreach my $address (sort keys %{$results})
3261             {
3262 0           $result_string = "";
3263 0           foreach my $line (sort keys %{$results->{$address}})
3264             {
3265 0           $result_string .= "$results->{$address}->{$line} ";
3266             }
3267 0           @{$self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'result'}} = split(' ', $result_string);
3270             #Now turn the hex byte strings into numbers...
3271 0           foreach (@{$self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'result'}})
3272             {
3273 0           $_ = hex($_);
3274             }
3275             }
3277 0 0         if ($self->{'debug_level'} > 1)
3278             {
3279 0           print "\nFully decoded results:\n";
3280 0           print Dumper($self->{'results'});
3281             }
3283 0           return $status;
3284             }
3287             #*****************************************************************
3289             =head2 GetResultsCommand06_CAN
3291             Get the results for command 06 on a CAN system.
3293             This function is called by 'Read' and is not intended to be called by
3294             other functions.
3296             $obd->GetResultsCommand06_CAN($results_reference);
3297             =cut
3299             sub GetResultsCommand06_CAN
3300             {
3301 0     0 1   my ($self, $results_ref) = @_;
3303 0           my $results = $$results_ref;
3305 0           foreach my $address (sort keys %{$self->{'results'}})
3306             {
3307 0           my $index = 0;#1;
3308 0           my $number_of_header_bytes = 2; # Allow for TID and OBDMIDID
3309 0           my $number_of_result_bytes = $self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'response_length'} - $number_of_header_bytes;
3310             do
3311 0           {
3312 0 0         if ($index != 0)
3313             {
3314 0           $index++; # Skip over OBDMIDID in subsequent records.
3315             }
3316             # my $obdmid_id = ${$self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'result'}}[$index];
3317 0           my $sdt_id = ${$self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'result'}}[$index];
3318 0           my $uas_id = ${$self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'result'}}[$index+1];
3320 0           my $test_value = ${$self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'result'}}[$index+2] * 256;
3321 0           $test_value += ${$self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'result'}}[$index+3];
3323 0           my $min_test_limit = ${$self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'result'}}[$index+4] * 256;
3324 0           $min_test_limit += ${$self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'result'}}[$index+5];
3326 0           my $max_test_limit = ${$self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'result'}}[$index+6] * 256;
3327 0           $max_test_limit += ${$self->{'results'}->{$address}->{'result'}}[$index+7];
3329 0           my $test_name = "Unrecognised test Id ($sdt_id)";
3331 0 0         if (exists($self->{'Standardized_Test_IDs'}->{$sdt_id}))
3332             {
3333 0           $test_name = $self->{'Standardized_Test_IDs'}->{$sdt_id}->{'name'};
3334             }
3336 0           my $unit = "unknown";
3338 0 0         if ($uas_id >= 128)
3339             {
3340 0           my $word_sign_mask = 32768;
3341 0           my $word_value_mask = 32767;
3343 0           $test_value = ($test_value & $word_value_mask) - ($test_value & $word_sign_mask);
3344 0           $min_test_limit = ($min_test_limit & $word_value_mask) - ($min_test_limit & $word_sign_mask);
3345 0           $max_test_limit = ($max_test_limit & $word_value_mask) - ($max_test_limit & $word_sign_mask);
3346             }
3348 0 0         if (exists($self->{'unit_and_scaling_identifiers'}->{$uas_id}))
3349             {
3350 0           $unit = $self->{'unit_and_scaling_identifiers'}->{$uas_id}->{'unit'};
3352 0           $test_value = eval( "$test_value $self->{'unit_and_scaling_identifiers'}->{$uas_id}->{'modifier'}" );
3353 0           $min_test_limit = eval( "$min_test_limit $self->{'unit_and_scaling_identifiers'}->{$uas_id}->{'modifier'}" );
3354 0           $max_test_limit = eval( "$max_test_limit $self->{'unit_and_scaling_identifiers'}->{$uas_id}->{'modifier'}" );
3355             }
3357 0           push @{$results->{'results'}},{address => $address, name => $test_name, value => $test_value, max_limit => $max_test_limit, min_limit => $min_test_limit, unit => $unit};
3359 0           $index += 8;
3360             } while(($index+8) < $number_of_result_bytes);
3361             }
3363 0 0         if ($self->{'debug_level'} > 2)
3364             {
3365 0           print "Command 06 - results:\n";
3366 0           print Dumper($self->{'results'});
3367             }
3368             }
3371             #*****************************************************************
3373             =head2 OpenPort
3375             Try to find an ELM module on a COM port.
3376             If $port_details contains the name of a port, start with that one and
3377             work upwards.
3379             To override the default serial port settings (38400, no parity, 8 data
3380             bits, 1 stop bit, no handshaking), you can pass values in $port_details
3381             in the following format:
3383             port_name:baud_rate:parity:data_bits:stop_bits:handshake
3385             e.g.
3387             $port_details = "/dev/ttyUSB0:115200:none:8:1:none";
3389             The port name may be left out:
3391             $port_details = "115200:none:8:1:none";
3393             It is also ok to just define the port name and/or baud rate and use
3394             default values for parity, data bits, stop bits and handshake:
3396             $port_details = "/dev/ttyUSB0:115200";
3397             or
3398             $port_details = "115200";
3401             This function is called by 'new'.
3403             $obd->OpenPort($port_details);
3404             =cut
3406             sub OpenPort
3407             {
3408 0     0 1   my ($self, $port_details) = @_;
3409 0           my $quiet = 0;
3410 0           my $port = -1;
3411 0           my $port_count = 0;
3412 0           my $port_name = undef;
3413 0           my $baud_rate = 38400;
3414 0           my $parity = "none";
3415 0           my $data_bits = 8;
3416 0           my $stop_bits = 1;
3417 0           my $handshake = "none";
3419 0 0 0       if (defined($port_details) && $port_details ne "")
3420             {
3421 0           my @parameters= split(":", $port_details);
3423 0 0         if ($parameters[0] ne "")
3424             {
3425 0           my $parameter = $parameters[0];
3426 0           $parameter =~ s/[0-9]//g; # Strip everything that is numeric
3427 0 0         if ($parameter ne "") # If a valid serial port name has been passed
3428             {
3429 0           $port_name = shift @parameters;
3430             }
3431             }
3432 0 0         if (scalar(@parameters) > 0)
3433             {
3434 0           $baud_rate = shift @parameters;
3435 0 0         if (scalar(@parameters) > 0)
3436             {
3437 0           $parity = shift @parameters;
3438 0 0         if (scalar(@parameters) > 0)
3439             {
3440 0           $data_bits = shift @parameters;
3441 0 0         if (scalar(@parameters) > 0)
3442             {
3443 0           $stop_bits = shift @parameters;
3444 0 0         if (scalar(@parameters) > 0)
3445             {
3446 0           $handshake = shift @parameters;
3447             }
3448             }
3449             }
3450             }
3451             }
3452             }
3454 0 0 0       if (!defined($port_name) || $port_name eq "")
3455             {
3456 0 0         if ($^O eq "MSWin32")
3457             {
3458 0           $port_name = "COM1";
3459             }
3460             else
3461             {
3462 0           $port_name = "/dev/ttyUSB0";
3463             }
3464             }
3466 0           my $port_number = $port_name;
3467 0           $port_number =~ s/[^0-9]//g; # Strip everything that isn't numeric
3469 0           my $port_text = $port_name;
3470 0           $port_text =~ s/[0-9]//g; # Strip everything that is numeric
3472             do
3473 0   0       {
3474 0           $port_name = $port_text.$port_number;
3476 0 0         if ($^O eq "MSWin32")
3477             {
3478 0           $port = Win32::SerialPort->new ($port_name);
3479             }
3480             else
3481             {
3482 0           $port = Device::SerialPort->new($port_name, $quiet);
3483             }
3485 0 0         if (defined($port))
3486             {
3487 0           $port->user_msg(1); # misc. warnings
3488 0           $port->error_msg(1); # hardware and data errors
3490 0           $port->baudrate($baud_rate);
3491 0           $port->parity($parity);
3492 0 0         if ($parity eq "none")
3493             {
3494 0           $port->parity_enable(0);
3495             }
3496             else
3497             {
3498 0           $port->parity_enable(1); # for any parity except "none"
3499             }
3500 0           $port->databits($data_bits);
3501 0           $port->stopbits($stop_bits);
3502 0           $port->handshake($handshake);
3504 0           $port->write_settings;
3506 0           $self->{'port'} = $port;
3507 0           $self->Command("AT Z"); # Reset Device
3508 0           foreach (@{$self->{'response'}})
3509             {
3510 0 0         if (substr($_, 0, 5) eq "ELM32") # Allow 328 & 329 as well
3511             {
3512 0           $self->{'ELM_type'} = substr($_, 0, 6);
3513             }
3514             }
3515 0 0 0       if ($self->{'ELM_type'} eq "NONE" && $self->{'debug_level'} > 0)
3516             {
3517 0           print "Can't find an ELM module on $port_name\n";
3518             }
3519             }
3520             else
3521             {
3522 0 0         if ($self->{'debug_level'} > 0)
3523             {
3524 0           print "Can't open $port_name: $!\n";
3525             }
3526 0           $self->{'port'} = -1;
3527             }
3529 0           $port_number++;
3530 0           $port_count++;
3531             } until(($self->{'port'} != -1 && $self->{'ELM_type'} ne "NONE") || $port_count > $max_ports_to_search);
3533 0 0         if ($self->{'ELM_type'} eq "NONE")
3534             {
3535 0           $self->{'port'} = -1;
3536 0           die "Couldn't find an ELM module!\n";
3537             }
3538             }
3541             #*****************************************************************
3543             =head2 ConfigureDevice
3545             Set up the ELM module to return data in the required form.
3547             This function is called by 'new' and should not be called again.
3549             $obd->ConfigureDevice();
3550             =cut
3552             sub ConfigureDevice
3553             {
3554 0     0 1   my ($self) = @_;
3556 0 0         if ($self->{'debug_level'} > 0) { print "ConfigureDevice\n"; }
3558 0 0         if ($self->PortOK)
3559             {
3560 0           $self->Command("AT E0"); # Turn echo off
3562 0           $self->Command("AT L0"); # Turn linefeeds off
3564 0           $self->Command("AT SP 0"); # Set Protocol to auto
3566 0           $self->Command("AT DPN"); # Display Protocol number
3568 0           $self->Command("AT DP"); # Display Protocol
3570 0           $self->Command("AT H1"); # Turn headers on
3572 0           $self->Command("01 00"); # Prepare to talk and get available PID's
3573             }
3574             }
3577             #*****************************************************************
3579             =head2 FindAvailableCommands
3581             Query the ECU to find out which commands are supported and
3582             annotate the value entries in the 'get' structure with the
3583             'available' flag set to 0 (not supported) or 1 (supported).
3585             This function is called by 'new' and should not be called again.
3587             $obd->FindAvailableCommands();
3588             =cut
3590             sub FindAvailableCommands
3591             {
3592 0     0 1   my ($self) = @_;
3594 0           my @commands = ( "01 PIDs supported (01-20)",
3595             "02 PIDs supported (01-20)",
3596             "09 PIDs supported (01-20)"
3597             );
3599 0 0         if ($self->{'debug_level'} > 0) { print "FindAvailableCommands:\n"; }
3601 0 0         if ($self->{'bus_type'} eq "CAN")
3602             {
3603 0           push @commands, "06 MIDs supported (01-20)"; # Command only supported by CAN systems
3604             }
3605             else
3606             {
3607 0           push @commands, "05 TIDs supported (01-20)"; # Command only supported by non-CAN systems
3608             # push @commands, "06 TIDs supported (01-20)"; # Command only supported by non-CAN systems
3609             }
3611 0           foreach my $next_command (@commands)
3612             {
3613             do
3614 0           {
3615 0           $next_command = $self->ProcessAvailableCommands($next_command);
3616             } while (defined($next_command));
3617             }
3618             }
3621             #+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
3623             =head2 ProcessAvailableCommands
3625             Query the ECU to find out which commands are supported and
3626             annotate the value entries in the 'get' structure with the
3627             'available' flag set to 0 (not supported) or 1 (supported).
3629             This function is called by 'FindAvailableCommands' and should not be
3630             called by any other functions.
3632             $obd->ProcessAvailableCommands($command);
3633             =cut
3635             sub ProcessAvailableCommands
3636             {
3637 0     0 1   my ($self, $command) = @_;
3639 0           my $next_command = undef;
3641 0 0         if ($self->{'debug_level'} > 0) { print "~ProcessAvailableCommands: $command\n"; }
3643 0           $self->{'get'}->{$command}->{'available'} = 1; # Flag the command as available
3645 0           my $response = $self->Read($command);
3647 0 0         if ($self->{'debug_level'} > 1) { print "$command\n"; }
3649 0 0         if ($response->{'status'} eq "ok")
3650             {
3651 0           foreach my $result (@{$response->{'results'}})
3652             {
3653 0           $self->{'get'}->{$result->{'name'}}->{'available'} = $result->{'value'};
3654 0 0         if ($self->{'debug_level'} > 1) { print "$result->{'address'} - $result->{'name'}: $result->{'value'} $result->{'unit'}\n"; }
3655 0 0         if ($self->{'debug_level'} > 4)
3656             {
3657 0           print Dumper($result);
3658             }
3660             # print Dumper($self->{'get'}->{'Location of oxygen sensors 13'});
3661             # print Dumper($self->{'get'}->{'Location of oxygen sensors'});
3663 0 0 0       if (substr($result->{'name'}, 4, 15) eq "IDs supported (" && $result->{'value'} == 1)
    0 0        
3664             {
3665 0           $next_command = $result->{'name'};
3666             }
3667             elsif ( $result->{'value'} == 1 &&
3668             ((substr($result->{'name'}, -2, 2) eq "13" && $self->{'get'}->{'Location of oxygen sensors 13'}->{'available'} == 1)
3669             || (substr($result->{'name'}, -2, 2) eq "1D" && $self->{'get'}->{'Location of oxygen sensors 1D'}->{'available'} == 1))
3670             )
3671             {
3672 0           my $new_name = substr($result->{'name'}, 0, length($result->{'name'})-3);
3674 0 0         if ($self->{'debug_level'} > 2)
3675             {
3676 0           print "Old name: >$result->{'name'}<\n";
3677 0           print "New name: >$new_name<\n";
3678             }
3680 0 0 0       if ($result->{'name'} eq "Location of oxygen sensors 13" || $result->{'name'} eq "Location of oxygen sensors 1D")
3681             {
3682 0           $self->{'get'}->{$new_name} = $self->{'get'}->{$result->{'name'}};
3683             }
3684             else
3685             {
3686 0           $self->{'get'}->{$new_name} = delete($self->{'get'}->{$result->{'name'}});
3687             }
3688 0 0         if ($self->{'debug_level'} > 3)
3689             {
3690 0           print Dumper($self->{'get'}->{$new_name});
3691             }
3692             }
3693             }
3694             }
3695             else
3696             {
3697             # Flag command as unavailable
3698 0           $self->{'get'}->{$command}->{'available'} = 0;
3699             }
3701 0           return $next_command;
3702             }
3705             #*****************************************************************
3708             =head2 Replay
3710             Process a file containing debugging output and replay the commands
3711             through the module.
3713             This function is called by 'new' and should not be called by other functions.
3715             $obd->Replay($replay_filename);
3716             =cut
3718             sub Replay
3719             {
3720 0     0 1   my ($self, $replay_filename) = @_;
3721 0           $self->{'replay_file'} = 1;
3723 0           my $status = "ok";
3724 0           my $replay_command="";
3726             # Open the file containing the command and response data
3727 0           open (REPLAYFILE, $replay_filename);
3729 0           my $get_command = 0;
3730 0           my $seek_response = 1;
3731 0           my $read_response = 2;
3732 0           my $get_result = 4;
3734 0           my $replay_state = $get_command;
3736 0           while ()
3737             {
3738             # Iterate through issuing commands and parsing responses
3739 0           $_ =~ s/\r?\n//g; # Strip all carriage returns
3741 0 0         if ($replay_state == $get_command)
3742             {
3743 0 0         if (substr($_, 0, 1) eq "~")
3744             {
3745 0           $_ = substr($_, 1);
3746 0           my @linepart = split(":", $_);
3747 0           foreach my $part (@linepart)
3748             {
3749 0           $part =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; # Strip unwanted whitespace
3750             }
3752 0           $replay_command = '$self->'.$linepart[0]."(\"";
3753 0           my $number_of_parameters = scalar(@linepart);
3754 0           for (my $index=1; $index<$number_of_parameters; $index++)
3755             {
3756 0           $replay_command .= $linepart[$index];
3757 0 0         if ($index < ($number_of_parameters-1))
3758             {
3759 0           $replay_command .= ",";
3760             }
3761             }
3762 0           $replay_command .= "\");";
3763 0           $replay_state = $seek_response;
3764             }
3765             }
3766             elsif ($replay_state == $seek_response)
3767             {
3768 0 0         if ($_ eq "Response")
3769             {
3770 0           $replay_state = $read_response;
3771             }
3772             }
3773             elsif ($replay_state == $read_response)
3774             {
3775 0 0         if ($_ eq "End of response")
3776             {
3777             # Execute the command we just got the response to...
3778 0           $status = "ok";
3779 0           $status = eval($replay_command);
3780 0 0         if ($self->{'debug_level'} > 1)
3781             {
3782 0           print "Status: ";
3783 0           print Dumper($status);
3784 0           print "\n";
3785             }
3786 0           $replay_state = $get_command;
3787             }
3788             else
3789             {
3790 0 0         if (length($_) > 0)
3791             {
3792 0           push @{$self->{'replay_response'}}, $_;
3793             }
3794             }
3795             }
3796             }
3797 0           close (REPLAYFILE);
3798             }
3801             #*****************************************************************
3803             =head1 AUTHOR
3805             Alister Perrott, C<< >>
3807             =head1 BUGS
3809             Please report any bugs or feature requests to C, or through
3810             the web interface at L.
3811             I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
3813             Please also include a debug trace showing the error so that I can replay your vehicle data and see exactly what you're seeing. This can be done by setting $debug_level in the constructor to 1 and piping the output to a file.
3814             e.g. perl>trace.txt
3817             =head1 SUPPORT
3819             You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
3821             perldoc Device::ELM327
3824             You can also look for information at:
3826             =over 5
3828             =item * RT: CPAN's request tracker
3830             L
3832             =item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
3834             L
3836             =item * CPAN Ratings
3838             L
3840             =item * Search CPAN
3842             L
3844             =item * My ELM327 page
3846             L
3848             =back
3851             =head1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
3853             Many thanks to:
3854             The authors of Win32::SerialPort and Device::SerialPort.
3855             Kedar Warriner and Thomas Kaiser for their suggestions.
3856             George R Ahearn for sending sample SAE J1979 debug information.
3857             Larry Wall and all the other people who have worked on Perl.
3858             ELM Electronics for creating the ELM327 module.
3859             Everyone involved with CPAN.
3861             =head1 LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT
3863             Copyright 2012 Alister Perrott.
3865             This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
3866             under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
3867             by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
3869             See for more information.
3872             =cut
3874             #********************************************************************
3875             1; # End of Device::ELM327 - Return success to require/use statement
3876             #********************************************************************