File Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
statement 35 35 100.0
branch 10 10 100.0
condition n/a
subroutine 10 10 100.0
pod n/a
total 55 55 100.0

line stmt bran cond sub pod time code
1             package DBIx::ParseError::MySQL;
3 1     1   193585 use utf8;
  1         14  
  1         12  
4 1     1   30 use strict;
  1         2  
  1         18  
5 1     1   5 use warnings;
  1         2  
  1         23  
7 1     1   540 use Moo;
  1         10940  
  1         4  
9 1     1   1473 use Scalar::Util qw( blessed );
  1         2  
  1         49  
10 1     1   572 use Types::Standard qw( Str Bool Object );
  1         75282  
  1         9  
12             # ABSTRACT: Error parser for MySQL
13 1     1   1485 use version;
  1         1888  
  1         13  
14             our $VERSION = 'v1.0.3'; # VERSION
16             #pod =head1 SYNOPSIS
17             #pod
18             #pod use DBIx::ParseError::MySQL;
19             #pod
20             #pod eval {
21             #pod my $result = $dbh->do('SELECT 1');
22             #pod };
23             #pod if ($@) {
24             #pod if (DBIx::ParseError::MySQL->new($@)->is_transient) { $dbh->reconnect }
25             #pod else { die; }
26             #pod }
27             #pod
28             #pod =head1 DESCRIPTION
29             #pod
30             #pod This module is a database error categorizer, specifically for MySQL. This module is also
31             #pod compatible with Galera's WSREP errors.
32             #pod
33             #pod =head1 ATTRIBUTES
34             #pod
35             #pod =head2 orig_error
36             #pod
37             #pod Returns the original, untouched error object or string.
38             #pod
39             #pod =cut
41             has orig_error => (
42             is => 'ro',
43             isa => Str|Object,
44             required => 1,
45             );
47             #pod =head2 error_string
48             #pod
49             #pod Returns the stringified version of the error.
50             #pod
51             #pod =cut
53             has error_string => (
54             is => 'lazy',
55             isa => Str,
56             init_arg => undef,
57             );
59             sub _build_error_string {
60 24     24   218 my $self = shift;
62             # All of the exception objects should support this, too.
63 24         412 return $self->orig_error."";
64             }
66             #pod =head2 error_type
67             #pod
68             #pod Returns a string that describes the type of error. These can be one of the following:
69             #pod
70             #pod lock Lock errors, like a lock wait timeout or deadlock
71             #pod connection Connection/packet failures, disconnections
72             #pod shutdown Errors that happen when a server is shutting down
73             #pod duplicate_value Duplicate entry errors
74             #pod unknown Any other error
75             #pod
76             #pod =cut
78             has error_type => (
79             is => 'lazy',
80             isa => Str,
81             init_arg => undef,
82             );
84             sub _build_error_type {
85 24     24   1842 my $self = shift;
87 24         383 my $error = $self->error_string;
89             # We have to capture just the first error, not other errors that may be buried in the
90             # stack trace.
91 24         691 $error =~ s/ at [^\n]+ line \d+\.?(?s:\n.*)?//;
93             # Disable /x flag to allow for whitespace within string, but turn it on for newlines
94             # and comments.
95             #
96             # These error messages are purposely long and case-sensitive, because we're looking
97             # for these errors -anywhere- in the string. Best to get as exact of a match as
98             # possible.
100             # Locks
101 24 100       308 return 'lock' if $error =~ m<
102             (?-x:Deadlock found when trying to get (?:user-level |locking service )?lock; try )(?:
103             (?-x:restarting transaction)|
104             (?-x:rolling back transaction/releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition)|
105             (?-x:releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition)
106             )|
107             (?-x:Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction)|
108             (?-x:Service lock wait timeout exceeded)|
109             (?-x:WSREP detected deadlock/conflict and aborted the transaction.\s+Try restarting the transaction)
110             >x;
112             # Various connection/packet problems
113 18 100       274 return 'connection' if $error =~ m<
114             # Connection dropped/interrupted
115             (?-x:MySQL server has gone away)|
116             (?-x:Lost connection to MySQL server)|
117             (?-x:Query execution was interrupted)|
119             # Initial connection failure
120             (?-x:Bad handshake)|
121             (?-x:Too many connections)|
122             (?-x:Host '\S+' is blocked because of many connection errors)|
123             (?-x:Can't get hostname for your address)|
124             (?-x:Can't connect to (?:local )?MySQL server)|
126             # Packet corruption
127             (?-x:Got a read error from the connection pipe)|
128             (?-x:Got (?:an error|timeout) (?:reading|writing) communication packets)|
129             (?-x:Malformed communication packet)|
131             # XXX: This _might be_ a connection failure, but the DBD::mysql error message
132             # does not expose the direct failure cause. See DBD::mysql/dbdimp.c#L2551.
133             (?-x:Turning (?:off|on) AutoCommit failed)
134             >x;
136             # Failover/shutdown of node/server
137 7 100       79 return 'shutdown' if $error =~ m<
138             (?-x:WSREP has not yet prepared node for application use)|
139             (?-x:Server shutdown in progress)|
140             (?-x:Normal shutdown)|
141             (?-x:Shutdown complete)
142             >x;
144             # Duplicate entry error
145 5 100       52 return 'duplicate_value' if $error =~ m<
146             # Any value can be in the first piece here...
147             (?-x:Duplicate entry '.+?' for key '\S+')
148             >xs; # include \n in .+
150 3         52 return 'unknown';
151             }
154             #pod =head2 is_transient
155             #pod
156             #pod Returns a true value if the error is the type that is likely transient. For example,
157             #pod errors that recommend retrying transactions or connection failures. This check can be
158             #pod used to figure out if it's worth retrying a transaction.
159             #pod
160             #pod This is merely a check for the following L:
161             #pod C<< lock connection shutdown >>.
162             #pod
163             #pod =cut
165             has is_transient => (
166             is => 'lazy',
167             isa => Bool,
168             init_arg => undef,
169             );
171             sub _build_is_transient {
172 24     24   19843 my $self = shift;
174 24         385 my $type = $self->error_type;
176 24 100       483 return 1 if $type =~ /^(lock|connection|shutdown)$/;
177 5         78 return 0;
178             }
180             #pod =head1 CONSTRUCTORS
181             #pod
182             #pod =head2 new
183             #pod
184             #pod my $parsed_error = DBIx::ParseError::MySQL->new($@);
185             #pod
186             #pod Returns a C object. Since the error is the only parameter, it
187             #pod can be passed by itself.
188             #pod
189             #pod =for Pod::Coverage BUILDARGS
190             #pod
191             #pod =cut
193             around BUILDARGS => sub {
194             my ($orig, $class, @args) = @_;
196             if (@args == 1 && defined $args[0] && (!ref $args[0] || blessed $args[0])) {
197             my $error = shift @args;
198             push @args, ( orig_error => $error );
199             }
201             return $class->$orig(@args);
202             };
204             #pod =head1 SEE ALSO
205             #pod
206             #pod L - A similar parser, but specifically tailored to L.
207             #pod
208             #pod =cut
210             1;
212             __END__