File Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
statement 60 97 61.8
branch 25 90 27.7
condition n/a
subroutine n/a
pod n/a
total 85 187 45.4

line stmt bran cond sub pod time code


5             #ifndef SCHMORP_PERL_H_ #define SCHMORP_PERL_H_ /* WARNING * This header file is a shared resource between many modules. * perl header files MUST already be included. */ #include <signal.h> #include <errno.h> #if defined(WIN32 ) || defined(_MINIX) # define SCHMORP_H_PREFER_SELECT 1 #endif #if !SCHMORP_H_PREFER_SELECT # include <poll.h> #endif /* useful stuff, used by schmorp mostly */ #include "patchlevel.h" #define PERL_VERSION_ATLEAST(a,b,c) \ (PERL_REVISION > (a) \ || (PERL_REVISION == (a) \ && (PERL_VERSION > (b) \ || (PERL_VERSION == (b) && PERL_SUBVERSION >= (c))))) #ifndef PERL_MAGIC_ext # define PERL_MAGIC_ext '~' #endif #if !PERL_VERSION_ATLEAST (5,6,0) # ifndef PL_ppaddr # define PL_ppaddr ppaddr # endif # ifndef call_sv # define call_sv perl_call_sv # endif # ifndef get_sv # define get_sv perl_get_sv # endif # ifndef get_cv # define get_cv perl_get_cv # endif # ifndef IS_PADGV # define IS_PADGV(v) 0 # endif # ifndef IS_PADCONST # define IS_PADCONST(v) 0 # endif #endif /* use NV for 32 bit perls as it allows larger offsets */ #if IVSIZE >= 8 typedef IV VAL64; # define SvVAL64(sv) SvIV (sv) # define newSVval64(i64) newSViv (i64) #else typedef NV VAL64; # define SvVAL64(sv) SvNV (sv) # define newSVval64(i64) newSVnv (i64) #endif /* typemap for the above */ /* VAL64 T_VAL64 INPUT T_VAL64 $var = ($type)SvVAL64 ($arg); OUTPUT T_VAL64 $arg = newSVval64 ($var); */ /* 5.11 */ #ifndef CxHASARGS # define CxHASARGS(cx) (cx)->blk_sub.hasargs #endif /* 5.10.0 */ #ifndef SvREFCNT_inc_NN # define SvREFCNT_inc_NN(sv) SvREFCNT_inc (sv) #endif /* 5.8.8 */ #ifndef GV_NOTQUAL # define GV_NOTQUAL 0 #endif #ifndef newSV # define newSV(l) NEWSV(0,l) #endif #ifndef CvISXSUB_on # define CvISXSUB_on(cv) (void)cv #endif #ifndef CvISXSUB # define CvISXSUB(cv) (CvXSUB (cv) ? TRUE : FALSE) #endif #ifndef Newx # define Newx(ptr,nitems,type) New (0,ptr,nitems,type) #endif /* 5.8.7 */ #ifndef SvRV_set # define SvRV_set(s,v) SvRV(s) = (v) #endif static int s_signum (SV *sig) { #ifndef SIG_SIZE /* kudos to Slaven Rezic for the idea */ static char sig_size [] = { SIG_NUM }; # define SIG_SIZE (sizeof (sig_size) + 1) #endif dTHX; int signum; SvGETMAGIC (sig); for (signum = 1; signum < SIG_SIZE; ++signum) if (strEQ (SvPV_nolen (sig), PL_sig_name [signum])) return signum; signum = SvIV (sig); if (signum > 0 && signum < SIG_SIZE) return signum; return -1; } static int s_signum_croak (SV *sig) { int signum = s_signum (sig); if (signum < 0) { dTHX; croak ("%s: invalid signal name or number", SvPV_nolen (sig)); } return signum; } static int s_fileno (SV *fh, int wr) { dTHX; SvGETMAGIC (fh); if (SvROK (fh)) { fh = SvRV (fh); SvGETMAGIC (fh); } if (SvTYPE (fh) == SVt_PVGV) return PerlIO_fileno (wr ? IoOFP (sv_2io (fh)) : IoIFP (sv_2io (fh))); if (SvOK (fh) && (SvIV (fh) >= 0) && (SvIV (fh) < 0x7fffffffL)) return SvIV (fh); return -1; } static int s_fileno_croak (SV *fh, int wr) { int fd = s_fileno (fh, wr); if (fd < 0) { dTHX; croak ("%s: illegal fh argument, either not an OS file or read/write mode mismatch", SvPV_nolen (fh)); } return fd; } static SV * s_get_cv (SV *cb_sv) { dTHX; HV *st; GV *gvp; return (SV *)sv_2cv (cb_sv, &st, &gvp, 0); } static SV * s_get_cv_croak (SV *cb_sv) { SV *cv = s_get_cv (cb_sv); if (!cv) { dTHX; croak ("%s: callback must be a CODE reference or another callable object", SvPV_nolen (cb_sv)); } return cv; } /*****************************************************************************/ /* gensub: simple closure generation utility */ #define S_GENSUB_ARG CvXSUBANY (cv).any_ptr /* create a closure from XS, returns a code reference */ /* the arg can be accessed via GENSUB_ARG from the callback */ /* the callback must use dXSARGS/XSRETURN */ static SV * s_gensub (pTHX_ void (*xsub)(pTHX_ CV *), void *arg) { CV *cv = (CV *)newSV (0); sv_upgrade ((SV *)cv, SVt_PVCV); CvANON_on (cv); CvISXSUB_on (cv); CvXSUB (cv) = xsub; S_GENSUB_ARG = arg; return newRV_noinc ((SV *)cv); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* portable pipe/socketpair */ #if defined(USE_SOCKETS_AS_HANDLES) || PERL_VERSION_ATLEAST(5,18,0) # define S_TO_HANDLE(x) ((HANDLE)win32_get_osfhandle (x)) #else # define S_TO_HANDLE(x) ((HANDLE)x) #endif #ifdef _WIN32 /* taken almost verbatim from libev's ev_win32.c */ /* oh, the humanity! */ static int s_pipe (int filedes [2]) { dTHX; struct sockaddr_in addr = { 0 }; int addr_size = sizeof (addr); struct sockaddr_in adr2; int adr2_size = sizeof (adr2); SOCKET listener; SOCKET sock [2] = { -1, -1 }; if ((listener = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == INVALID_SOCKET) return -1; addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl (INADDR_LOOPBACK); addr.sin_port = 0; if (bind (listener, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, addr_size)) goto fail; if (getsockname (listener, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, &addr_size)) goto fail; if (listen (listener, 1)) goto fail; if ((sock [0] = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == INVALID_SOCKET) goto fail; if (connect (sock [0], (struct sockaddr *)&addr, addr_size)) goto fail; if ((sock [1] = accept (listener, 0, 0)) < 0) goto fail; /* windows vista returns fantasy port numbers for getpeername. * example for two interconnected tcp sockets: * * (Socket::unpack_sockaddr_in getsockname $sock0)[0] == 53364 * (Socket::unpack_sockaddr_in getpeername $sock0)[0] == 53363 * (Socket::unpack_sockaddr_in getsockname $sock1)[0] == 53363 * (Socket::unpack_sockaddr_in getpeername $sock1)[0] == 53365 * * wow! tridirectional sockets! * * this way of checking ports seems to work: */ if (getpeername (sock [0], (struct sockaddr *)&addr, &addr_size)) goto fail; if (getsockname (sock [1], (struct sockaddr *)&adr2, &adr2_size)) goto fail; errno = WSAEINVAL; if (addr_size != adr2_size || addr.sin_addr.s_addr != adr2.sin_addr.s_addr /* just to be sure, I mean, it's windows */ || addr.sin_port != adr2.sin_port) goto fail; closesocket (listener); #if defined(USE_SOCKETS_AS_HANDLES) || PERL_VERSION_ATLEAST(5,18,0) /* when select isn't winsocket, we also expect socket, connect, accept etc. * to work on fds */ filedes [0] = sock [0]; filedes [1] = sock [1]; #else filedes [0] = _open_osfhandle (sock [0], 0); filedes [1] = _open_osfhandle (sock [1], 0); #endif return 0; fail: closesocket (listener); if (sock [0] != INVALID_SOCKET) closesocket (sock [0]); if (sock [1] != INVALID_SOCKET) closesocket (sock [1]); return -1; } #define s_socketpair(domain,type,protocol,filedes) s_pipe (filedes) static int s_fd_blocking (int fd, int blocking) { u_long nonblocking = !blocking; return ioctlsocket ((SOCKET)S_TO_HANDLE (fd), FIONBIO, &nonblocking); } #define s_fd_prepare(fd) s_fd_blocking (fd, 0) #else #define s_socketpair(domain,type,protocol,filedes) socketpair (domain, type, protocol, filedes) #define s_pipe(filedes) pipe (filedes) static int s_fd_blocking (int fd, int blocking) { return fcntl (fd, F_SETFL, blocking ? 0 : O_NONBLOCK); } static int s_fd_prepare (int fd) { return s_fd_blocking (fd, 0) || fcntl (fd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); } #endif #if HAVE_EVENTFD # include <sys/eventfd.h> #else # if __linux && (__GLIBC__ > 2 || (__GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ >= 7)) # define SCHMORP_H_HAVE_EVENTFD 1 /* our minimum requirement is glibc 2.7 which has the stub, but not the header */ # include <stdint.h> # ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { # endif int eventfd (unsigned int initval, int flags); # ifdef __cplusplus } # endif # else # define eventfd(initval,flags) -1 # endif #endif typedef struct { int fd[2]; /* read, write fd, might be equal */ int len; /* write length (1 pipe/socket, 8 eventfd) */ } s_epipe; static int s_epipe_new (s_epipe *epp) { s_epipe ep; ep.fd [0] = ep.fd [1] = eventfd (0, 0); if (ep.fd [0] >= 0) { s_fd_prepare (ep.fd [0]); ep.len = 8; } else { if (s_pipe (ep.fd)) return -1; if (s_fd_prepare (ep.fd [0]) || s_fd_prepare (ep.fd [1])) { dTHX; close (ep.fd [0]); close (ep.fd [1]); return -1; } ep.len = 1; } *epp = ep; return 0; } static void s_epipe_destroy (s_epipe *epp) { dTHX; close (epp->fd [0]); if (epp->fd [1] != epp->fd [0]) close (epp->fd [1]); epp->len = 0; } static void s_epipe_signal (s_epipe *epp) { #ifdef _WIN32 /* perl overrides send with a function that crashes in other threads. * unfortunately, it overrides it with an argument-less macro, so * there is no way to force usage of the real send function. * incompetent windows programmers - is this redundant? */ DWORD dummy; WriteFile (S_TO_HANDLE (epp->fd [1]), (LPCVOID)&dummy, 1, &dummy, 0); #else static uint64_t counter = 1; /* some modules accept fd's from outside, support eventfd here */ if (write (epp->fd [1], &counter, epp->len) < 0 && errno == EINVAL && epp->len != 8) write (epp->fd [1], &counter, (epp->len = 8)); #endif } static void s_epipe_drain (s_epipe *epp) { dTHX; char buf [9]; #ifdef _WIN32 recv (epp->fd [0], buf, sizeof (buf), 0); #else read (epp->fd [0], buf, sizeof (buf)); #endif } /* like new, but dups over old */ static int s_epipe_renew (s_epipe *epp) { dTHX; s_epipe epn; if (epp->fd [1] != epp->fd [0]) close (epp->fd [1]); if (s_epipe_new (&epn)) return -1; if (epp->len) { if (dup2 (epn.fd [0], epp->fd [0]) < 0) croak ("unable to dup over old event pipe"); /* should not croak */ close (epn.fd [0]); if (epn.fd [0] == epn.fd [1]) epn.fd [1] = epp->fd [0]; epn.fd [0] = epp->fd [0]; } *epp = epn; return 0; } #define s_epipe_fd(epp) ((epp)->fd [0]) static int s_epipe_wait (s_epipe *epp) { dTHX; #if SCHMORP_H_PREFER_SELECT fd_set rfd; int fd = s_epipe_fd (epp); FD_ZERO (&rfd); FD_SET (fd, &rfd); return PerlSock_select (fd + 1, &rfd, 0, 0, 0); #else /* poll is preferable on posix systems */ struct pollfd pfd; pfd.fd = s_epipe_fd (epp); = POLLIN; return poll (&pfd, 1, -1); #endif } #endif