File Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
statement 23 54 42.5
branch 2 16 12.5
condition 0 12 0.0
subroutine 7 12 58.3
pod 3 5 60.0
total 35 99 35.3

line stmt bran cond sub pod time code
2             ############################################################################
3             # Connection object
4             # derived from Net::Inspect::L7::HTTP
5             # just pipes all input into conn->in(...)
6             ############################################################################
8 1     1   7 use strict;
  1         2  
  1         32  
9 1     1   5 use warnings;
  1         2  
  1         37  
11             package App::HTTP_Proxy_IMP::Conn;
12 1     1   6 use base 'Net::Inspect::L7::HTTP';
  1         2  
  1         666  
13 1     1   11190 use App::HTTP_Proxy_IMP::Debug;
  1         3  
  1         93  
14 1     1   7 use Scalar::Util 'weaken';
  1         1  
  1         56  
15             use fields (
16             # all connections
17 1         8 'pcapdir', # dir for writing pcaps
18             'mitm', # IO::Socket::SSL::Intercept object for SSL interception
19             'capath', # path to file|direcory with CA certificates
20             'imp_factory', # App::HTTP_Proxy_IMP::IMP factory
21             # per connection
22             'spool', # any data which cannot be processed yet?
23             'pcapw', # Net::PcapWriter object
24             'intunnel', # true if connections is inside intercepted SSL tunnel
25             'relay', # weak reference to managing relay
26 1     1   6 );
  1         2  
28             sub new {
29 2     2 1 11 my ($class,$upper_flow,%args) = @_;
30 2         13 my $self = $class->SUPER::new($upper_flow);
31 2 50       399 %$self = ( %$self, %args ) if %args;
32 2 50       9 if ( ref($class)) { # from factory
33 0   0     0 $self->{pcapdir} ||= $class->{pcapdir};
34 0   0     0 $self->{imp_factory} ||= $class->{imp_factory};
35 0   0     0 $self->{mitm} ||= $class->{mitm};
36 0   0     0 $self->{capath} ||= $class->{capath};
37             }
38 2         7 return $self;
39             }
41             sub DESTROY {
42 0 0   0     my $self = shift or return;
43 0           $self->xdebug("connection done");
44 0           $self->SUPER::DESTROY();
45             }
47             sub clone {
48 0     0 0   my $self = shift;
49             return $self->new_connection(
50             $self->{meta},
51             $self->{relay}
52 0           );
53             }
55             sub new_connection {
56 0     0 1   my ($self,$meta,$relay) = @_;
57 0           my $obj = $self->SUPER::new_connection($meta);
59 0 0         if ( my $pcapdir = $self->{pcapdir} ) {
60 0 0         open( my $fh,'>', sprintf("%s/%d.%d.pcap",$pcapdir,$$,$obj->{connid}))
61             or die "cannot open pcap file: $!";
62 0           $fh->autoflush;
63 0           my $w = Net::PcapWriter->new($fh);
64             my $c = $w->tcp_conn(
65             $meta->{daddr}, $meta->{dport},
66             $meta->{saddr}, $meta->{sport}
67 0           );
68 0           $obj->{pcapw} = [$c,$w],
69             }
71 0           weaken( $obj->{relay} = $relay );
72 0           return $obj;
73             }
75             sub in {
76 0     0 1   my $self = shift;
77 0 0         return $self->SUPER::in(@_) if ! $self->{pcapw};
78 0           my ($dir,$data,$eof,$time) = @_;
79 0 0         if ( defined ( my $bytes = eval { $self->SUPER::in(@_) } )) {
80 0           $self->{pcapw}[0]->write($dir,substr($data,0,$bytes));
81 0           return $bytes;
82             } else {
83             # save final data
84 0           $self->{pcapw}[0]->write($dir,$data);
85 0 0         die $@ if $@;
86 0           return;
87             }
88             }
91             sub id {
92 0     0 0   my $self = shift;
93 0           return "$$.$self->{connid}";
94             }
97             1;