File Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
statement 99 99 100.0
branch 35 40 87.5
condition 8 10 80.0
subroutine 6 6 100.0
pod 1 1 100.0
total 149 156 95.5

line stmt bran cond sub pod time code
1             package Algorithm::History::Levels;
3             our $DATE = '2017-06-14'; # DATE
4             our $VERSION = '0.001'; # VERSION
6 1     1   48750 use 5.010001;
  1         4  
7 1     1   5 use strict;
  1         2  
  1         22  
8 1     1   4 use warnings;
  1         3  
  1         24  
10 1     1   4 use Exporter qw(import);
  1         2  
  1         757  
11             our @EXPORT_OK = qw(group_histories_into_levels);
13             our %SPEC;
15             sub _pick_history {
16 81     81   144 my ($histories, $min_time, $max_time) = @_;
17 81         112 for my $i (0..$#{$histories}) {
  81         155  
18             #say "D:$histories->[$i][1] between $min_time & $max_time?";
19 265 100 100     927 if ($histories->[$i][1] >= $min_time &&
20             $histories->[$i][1] <= $max_time) {
21 54         122 return splice(@$histories, $i, 1);
22             }
23             }
24 27         46 undef;
25             }
27             $SPEC{group_histories_into_levels} = {
28             v => 1.1,
29             summary => 'Group histories into levels',
30             description => <<'_',
32             This routine can group a single, linear histories into levels. This is be better
33             explained by an example. Suppose you produce daily database backups. Your backup
34             files are named:
36             mydb.2017-06-13.sql.gz
37             mydb.2017-06-12.sql.gz
38             mydb.2017-06-11.sql.gz
39             mydb.2017-06-10.sql.gz
40             mydb.2017-06-09.sql.gz
41             ...
43             After a while, your backups grow into tens and then hundreds of dump files. You
44             typically want to keep certain number of backups only, for example: 7 daily
45             backups, 4 weekly backups, 6 monthly backups (so you practically have 6 months
46             of history but do not need to store 6*30 = 180 dumps, only 7 + 4 + 6 = 17). This
47             is the routine you can use to select which files to keep and which to discard.
49             You provide the list of histories either in the form of Unix timestamps:
51             [1497286800, 1497200400, 1497114000, ...]
53             or in the form of `[name, timestamp]` pairs, e.g.:
55             [
56             ['mydb.2017-06-13.sql.gz', 1497286800],
57             ['mydb.2017-06-12.sql.gz', 1497200400],
58             ['mydb.2017-06-11.sql.gz', 1497114000],
59             ...
60             ]
62             Duplicates of timestamps are allowed, but duplicates of names are not allowed.
63             If list of timestamps are given, the name is assumed to be the timestamp itself
64             and there must not be duplicates.
66             Then, you specify the levels with a list of `[period, num-in-this-level]` pairs.
67             For example, 7 daily + 4 weekly + 6 monthly can be specified using:
69             [
70             [86400, 7],
71             [7*86400, 4],
72             [30*86400, 6],
73             ]
75             Subsequent level must have greater period than its previous.
77             This routine will return a hash. The `levels` key will contain the history
78             names, grouped into levels. The `discard` key will contain list of history names
79             to discard:
81             {
82             levels => [
84             # histories for the first level
85             ['mydb.2017-06-13.sql.gz',
86             'mydb.2017-06-12.sql.gz',
87             'mydb.2017-06-11.sql.gz',
88             'mydb.2017-06-10.sql.gz',
89             'mydb.2017-06-09.sql.gz',
90             'mydb.2017-06-08.sql.gz',
91             'mydb.2017-06-07.sql.gz'],
93             # histories for the second level
94             ['mydb.2017-06-06.sql.gz',
95             'mydb.2017-05-30.sql.gz',
96             'mydb.2017-05-23.sql.gz',
97             'mydb.2017-05-16.sql.gz'],
99             # histories for the third level
100             ['mydb.2017-06-05.sql.gz',
101             'mydb.2017-05-06.sql.gz',
102             'mydb.2017-04-06.sql.gz',
103             ...],
105             discard => [
106             'mydb.2017-06-04.sql.gz',
107             'mydb.2017-06-03.sql.gz',
108             ...
109             ],
110             }
112             _
113             args => {
114             histories => {
115             schema => ['array*', {
116             of=>['any*', {
117             of=>[
118             'int*',
119             ['array*', elems=>['str*', 'float*']],
120             ],
121             }],
122             }],
123             req => 1,
124             },
125             levels => {
126             schema => ['array*', {
127             of => ['array*', elems => ['float*', 'posint*']],
128             min_len => 1,
129             }],
130             req => 1,
131             },
132             now => {
133             schema => 'int*',
134             },
135             discard_old_histories => {
136             schema => ['bool*'],
137             default => 0,
138             },
139             discard_young_histories => {
140             schema => ['bool*'],
141             default => 0,
142             },
143             },
144             result_naked => 1,
145             };
146             sub group_histories_into_levels {
147 13     13 1 7317 require Array::Sample::Partition;
149 13         269 my %args = @_;
151 13   33     69 my $now = $args{now} // time();
153 13 100       47 my $histories0 = $args{histories} or die "Please specify histories";
154 12         20 my @histories;
155             {
156 12         21 my %seen;
  12         17  
157 12         31 for my $h (@$histories0) {
158 103         154 my ($name, $time);
159 103 100       210 if (ref $h eq 'ARRAY') {
160 84         152 ($name, $time) = @$h;
161             } else {
162 19         35 $name = $h;
163 19         27 $time = $h;
164             }
165 103 100       278 $seen{$name}++ and die "Duplicate history name '$name'";
166 101         236 push @histories, [$name, $time];
167             }
168             }
170 10 100       35 my $levels = $args{levels} or die "Please specify levels";
171 9 100       32 @$levels > 0 or die "Please specify at least one level";
172 8         13 my $i = 0;
173 8         15 my $min_period;
174 8         15 for my $l (@$levels) {
175 20 50       46 ref($l) eq 'ARRAY' or die "Level #$i: not an array";
176 20 100       52 @$l == 2 or die "Level #$i: not a 2-element array";
177 19 50       41 $l->[0] > 0 or die "Level #$i: period must be a positive number";
178 19 50       40 $l->[1] >= 1 or die "Level #$i: number of items must be at least 1";
179 19 100       44 if (defined $min_period) {
180 12 100       37 $l->[0] > $min_period or die "Level #$i: period must be larger than previous ($min_period)";
181             }
182 18         27 $min_period = $l->[0];
183 18         32 $i++;
184             }
186             # first, we sort the histories by timestamp (newer first)
187 6         28 @histories = sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] } @histories;
  207         296  
189             my $res = {
190 6         14 levels => [ map {[]} @$levels],
  17         43  
191             discard => [],
192             };
194             LEVEL:
195 6         14 for my $l (0..$#{$levels}) {
  6         16  
196 17         27 my ($period, $num_per_level) = @{ $levels->[$l] };
  17         38  
198             # first, fill the level with histories that fit the time frame for each
199             # level's slot
200 17         38 for my $slot (0..$num_per_level-1) {
201 81         135 my $min_time = $now-($slot+1)*$period;
202 81         113 my $max_time = $now-($slot )*$period;
203 81 100       166 if ($l > 0) {
204 39         60 my ($lower_period, $lower_num_per_level) = @{ $levels->[$l-1] };
  39         66  
205 39         59 $min_time -= $lower_num_per_level*$lower_period;
206 39         55 $max_time -= $lower_num_per_level*$lower_period;
207             }
208 81         159 my $h = _pick_history(\@histories, $min_time, $max_time);
209 81 100       178 push @{ $res->{levels}[$l] }, $h if $h;
  54         120  
210             }
212             # if the level is not fully filled yet, fill it with young or old
213             # histories
214 17         25 my $num_filled = @{ $res->{levels}[$l] };
  17         32  
215             #say "D:level=$l, num_filled=$num_filled";
216 17 100       54 unless ($num_filled >= $num_per_level) {
217 11         25 my @filler = @histories;
218 11 100 100     43 if ($args{discard_young_histories} // 0) {
219 4         6 my $time = $now-$num_per_level*$period;
220 4 50       12 if ($l > 0) {
221             my ($lower_period, $lower_num_per_level) =
222 4         7 @{ $levels->[$l-1] };
  4         7  
223 4         9 $time -= $lower_num_per_level*$lower_period;
224             }
225 4         7 @filler = grep { $_->[1] <= $time }
  30         55  
226             @filler;
227             }
228 11 100 100     37 if ($args{discard_old_histories} // 0) {
229 4         8 my $time = $now-$num_per_level*$period;
230 4 50       10 if ($l > 0) {
231             my ($lower_period, $lower_num_per_level) =
232 4         5 @{ $levels->[$l-1] };
  4         9  
233 4         7 $time -= $lower_num_per_level*$lower_period;
234             }
235 4         7 @filler = grep { $_->[1] >= $time }
  16         30  
236             @filler;
237             }
238 11         39 my @sample = Array::Sample::Partition::sample_partition(
239             \@filler, $num_per_level - $num_filled);
240             $res->{levels}[$l] = [
241 31         56 sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] }
242 11         190 (@{ $res->{levels}[$l] }, @sample),
  11         29  
243             ];
244 11         30 for my $i (reverse 0..$#histories) {
245 73         126 for my $j (0..$#sample) {
246 88 100       226 if ($histories[$i] eq $sample[$j]) {
247 17         26 splice @histories, $i, 1;
248 17         33 last;
249             }
250             }
251             }
252             }
254             # only return names
255 17         32 $res->{levels}[$l] = [ map {$_->[0]} @{ $res->{levels}[$l] } ];
  71         196  
  17         37  
256             }
258 6         15 push @{ $res->{discard} }, $_->[0] for @histories;
  26         55  
260 6         55 END:
261             $res;
262             }
264             1;
265             # ABSTRACT: Group histories into levels
267             __END__